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Secondary Education Teaching Fields

Agricultural education

For agricultural education requirements, see the section on secondary education programs outside the College of Education.

Art education (EDART)

Students preparing for K-12 certification must complete ART 425 Art for Elementary Schools and student teaching on both the elementary and secondary levels.

ART 1002D Design3
ART 190Drawing I3
ART 195Survey of Art History I3
ART 196Survey of Art History II3
ART 2003D Design3
ART 210Drawing II3
ART 220Water Media I3
ART 245Introduction to Oil Painting3
ART 265Ceramics I3
ART 270Metalsmithing and Jewelry3
ART 295Photography in Art3
ART 376Studio Art Exploration3
ART 425Art for Elementary Schools3
ART 545Twentieth Century Art History I3
ART 690Techniques in Teaching Art2
Three additional art studio hours that build on prior course experience in that area3
Additional requirements: Student teaching in both elementary and secondary schools. Participate in a portfolio review by three art faculty. A grade of C or higher in all art content classes.

Business education (EDBUS)

ACCTG 231Accounting for Business Operations3
ACCTG 241Accounting for Investing and Financing3
FINAN 450Principles of Finance3
MANGT 390Business Law I3
MANGT 420Management Concepts3
MANGT 440Entrepreneurship3
MKTG 400Marketing3
MKTG 450Consumer Behavior3
MKTG 542Professional Selling and Sales Management3
SPCH 311Business and Professional Speaking
EDSEC 315Technology in the Business Classroom3
EDSEC 415Administrative Support Services and Technology1
EDSEC 471Office Systems and Procedures 3
EDCI 718Learning Technologies3
EDSEC 620Principles and Philosophy of Career and Technical Education3
EDSEC 621Program Planning in Career and Technical Education/Business3
EDSEC737Practicum in Business and Office Occupations1
Supporting courses
FSHS 105Introduction to Personal and Family Finance3
FSHS 400Family and Consumer Economics3
ECON 110Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON 120Principles of Microeconomics3
CIS 111Fundamentals of Computer Programming3

English (EDENG)

Three of the following four survey courses:
ENGL 361British Survey I3
ENGL 362British Survey II3
ENGL 381American Survey I3
ENGL 382American Survey II3
ENGLWorld literature course3
ENGL 310Introduction to Literature Studies3
ENGL 350Introduction to Shakespeare3
ENGL 400Advanced Expository Writing for
Prospective Teachers3
ENGL 435Linguistics for Teachers3
ENGL 545Literature for Adolescents3
ENGL elective 320 or above3
ENGLLiterature electives at 600 level
and above6
ENGLComposition elective3

English/journalism (EDENJ)

One of the following:
ENGL 361British Survey I3
ENGL 362British Survey II3
One of the following:
ENGL 381American Survey I3
ENGL 382American Survey II3
ENGLWorld literature course3
ENGL 310Introduction to Literary Studies3
ENGL 350Introduction to Shakespeare3
ENGL 400Advanced Experience Writing for Prospective Teachers3
ENGL 435Linguistics for Teachers3
ENGL 545Literature for Adolescents3
MC 110Mass Communication in Society3
MC 200News and Feature Writing3
MC 211Writing for the Electronic Media3
MC 241Editing and Design3
MC 276Concepts of Electronic Media Productions3
MC 331Digital Photography for Mass Media3
MC 466Law of Mass Communications3
MC 605Supervision of School Publications3

Family and consumer sciences education

For family and consumer sciences education requirements, see the section on secondary education programs outside the College of Education.

Journalism (EDJOR)

MC 110Mass Communication in Society3
MC 200News and Feature Writing3
MC 211Writing for the Electronic Media3
MC 241Editing and Design3
MC 276Concepts of Electronic Media Productions3
MC 331Digital Photography for Mass Media3
MC 466Law of Mass Communications3
MC 605Supervision of School Publications3
Electives (Recommended courses) (6 hours):
MC 120Principles of Advertising3
MC 303Advanced News and Feature Writing3
MC 341Advanced Editing and Design3
MC 411Yearbook Editing and Management2
MC 456Advertising Techniques3
MC 710History of Journalism3
MC 720Ethics of Mass Communications3
General education elective3

Mathematics (EDMTH)

MATH 220Analytic Geometry and Calculus I4
MATH 221Analytic Geometry and Calculus II4
MATH 222Analytic Geometry and Calculus III4
MATH 240Elementary Differential Equations4
MATH 312Finite Application of Mathematics3
MATH 511Introduction to Algebraic Systems3
MATH 570History of Math3
MATH 572Foundations of Geometry3
Approved mathematics courses numbered 400-799 (6 hours) (Recommended courses): MATH 510Discrete Math3
MATH 520Foundations of Analysis3
MATH 551Applied Matrix Theory3
MATH 591Topics of Secondary School Teaching3
Supporting courses required:
STAT 320Elements of Statistics3
STAT 510Introductory Probability and
Statistics I3
CIS 111Fundamentals of Computer Programming3
It is recommended that a course in physics be included as part of general education.

Modern languages (EDMLA)

Modern language majors must demonstrate proficiency in speaking and understanding the foreign language during the semester preceding methods (EDEL720/502 and EDSEC 500/520) by scoring at least an “advanced” on the Department of Modern Languages oral proficiency interview. The interview is conducted by members of the modern language department faculty by arrangement with each individual. Students should contact the modern language education advisor for additional information.
FREN 211French III5
FREN 213French IV4
FREN 215Elementary French Conversation2
FREN 509French Phonetics1
FREN 513French Composition and Grammar3
FREN 514French Civilization3
FREN 520Introduction to French Literature I3
FREN 521Introduction to French Literature II3
FREN 719Advanced Spoken and Written French3
FRENFrench electives at 500 and above3
EDEL 502Foreign Language Elementary School Practicum1-3
EDEL720Foreign Language Methods for Elementary Schools (offered spring only)3
GRMN 221German III4
GRMN 223German IV3
GRMN 224German Conversation IVA2
GRMN 521Introduction to German Literature I3
GRMN 522Introduction to German Literature II3
GRMN 530German Civilization3
GRMN 731Advanced Spoken and Written German3
GRMNGerman electives at 500 and above9
EDEL 502Foreign Language Elementary School Practicum1-3
EDEL720Foreign Language Methods for Elementary Schools (offered spring only)3
SPAN 261Spanish III5
SPAN263Spanish IV4
SPAN 410Spanish Composition and Grammar3
SPAN 420Advanced Spanish Conversation3
SPAN563Introduction to the Literature of
Spanish America3
SPAN 565Spanish Civilization3
SPAN 566Hispanic-American Civilization3
SPAN 567Introduction to the Literature of Spain3
SPAN570Structure of the Spanish Language3
SPANSpanish electives at 500 and above3
EDEL 502Foreign Language Elementary School Practicum1-3
EDEL720Foreign Language Methods for Elementary Schools (offered spring only)3

Natural sciences

Biological science (EDBSC)
BIOL 198Principles of Biology4
BIOL 201Organismic Biology5
BIOL 330Public Health Biology3
BIOL 455General Microbiology4
BIOL 303Ecology of Environmental Problems3
BIOL 529Fundamentals of Ecology3
ASI 500Genetics3
BIOL 450Modern Genetics4
BIOL 541Cell Biology3
Approved electives at the 300 level or higher from the Department of Biology or related life sciences (e.g., entomology, horticulture, plant pathology, etc.)6-7
Chemistry courses required:
CHM 210Chemistry I4
CHM 230Chemistry II4
CHM 350General Organic Chemistry3
CHM 351General Organic Chemistry Lab2
Other required courses:
GEOL 103Geology Laboratory1
GEOL 512Earth Science3
PHYS 115Descriptive Physics5
PHYS 191Descriptive Astronomy3
MATH 100College Algebra3
MATH 150Plane Trigonometry3
STAT 320Elements of Statistics3
EDSEC 614Lab Techniques in Teaching Science3
Chemistry (EDCHM)
CHM 210Chemistry I4
CHM 230Chemistry II4
CHM 350General Organic Chemistry3
CHM 351General Organic Chemistry Laboratory2
CHM 371Chemical Analysis4
CHM 500General Physical Chemistry3
Supporting courses required:
BIOCH 521General Biochemistry3
BIOCH 522General Biochemistry Lab2
BIOL 198Principles of Biology4
GEOL 100Earth in Action3
GEOL 103Geology Lab1
MATH 220Analytic Geometry and Calculus I4
MATH 221Analytic Geometry and Calculus II4
PHYS 113General Physics I4
PHYS 114General Physics II4
PHYS 191Descriptive Astronomy3
STAT 320Elementary Statistics3
EDSEC 614Laboratory Techniques in Teaching
It is highly recommended that additional courses be selected to fulfill requirements for an additional teaching area in biology or physics. The course selection should be made in consultation with the science education advisor.
Earth and space science (EDESC)
GEOL 100Earth in Action3
GEOL 102Earth Through Time3
GEOL 103Geology Laboratory1
GEOL 105Oceanography3
GEOL 510Geology of Planets3
GEOL 540Ice Age and Environmental Change3
GEOL 502Mineralogy3
GEOL 520Geomorphology3
GEOL 630Stratigraphy—Sedimentation3
Supporting courses required:
BIOL 198Principles of Biology4
BIOL 303Ecology of Environmental Problems3
CHM 210Chemistry I4
CHM 230Chemistry II4
GEOG 221Environmental Geography I4
GEOG 321Environmental Geography II4
GEOL535Fundamentals of Climatology3
MATH 100College Algebra3
MATH 150Plane Trigonometry3
PHYS 113General Physics I4
PHYS 114General Physics II4
PHYS 191Descriptive Astronomy3
STAT 320Elementary Statistics3
EDSEC 614Laboratory Techniques in Teaching
It is highly recommended that additional courses be selected to fulfill requirements for an additional teaching area in biology, physics, or chemistry. The course selection should be made in consultation with the science education advisor.
Physics (EDPHY)
PHYS 122Physics Today I1
PHYS 123Physics Today II1
PHYS 191Descriptive Astronomy3
PHYS 223Physics I: Mechanics and
PHYS 224Physics II: Electromagnetism and Sound5
PHYS 325Physics III: Relativity and Quantum Physics4
PHYS 506Advanced Physics Laboratory3
PHYS 522Mechanics I4
PHYS 532Electromagnetic Fields4
Supporting courses required:
BIOL 198Principles of Biology4
CHM 210Chemistry I4
CHM 230Chemistry II4
GEOL 103Geology Laboratory1
GEOL 100Earth in Action3
GEOL 512Earth Science3
MATH 220Analytic Geometry and Calculus I4
MATH 221Analytic Geometry and Calculus II4
MATH 222Analytic Geometry and Calculus III4
MATH 240Elementary Differential Equations4
EDSEC 614Laboratory Techniques in Teaching
It is highly recommended that additional courses be selected to fulfill requirements for an additional teaching area in chemistry or mathematics. The course selection should be made in consultation with the science education advisor.

Social sciences

Social studies (EDSST)
Core courses required:
HIST 111World History I3
HIST 112World History II3
HIST 251History of U.S. to 18773
HIST 252History of U.S. to 18773
HIST 558History of Kansas3
POLSC 110Introduction to Political Science3
POLSC 325U.S. Politics3
POLSC 344Comparative Politics3
GEOG 100World Regional Geography3
GEOG 200Human Geography3
GEOG220Environmental Geography I4
ECON 110Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON 120Principles of Microeconomics3
SOCIO 211Introduction to Sociology3
ANTH 204Cultural Anthropology3
EDSEC786Social Studies Colloquium3
(Must be taken concurrently with Block II)
History courses
(Must be 500-level courses)
U.S. history (at least 3 cr.)3
Non-U.S. history (at least 3 cr.)3
Upper-level social studies
(Must include 9 cr.:, one listed course from three of the following departments)
Political science: 301, 321, 333, 543, 603, 605, 611, 612, or 667
Geography: 310, 440, 620, or 640
Economics: 510, 520, 523, 530, 536, or 681
Sociology: 360, 440, 511, 541, 545, or 570
Anthropology: 260, 503, 505, 508, 515, 524, or 630

Speech (EDSPH)

All speech education majors are required to complete
36 hours of speech and theatre courses in addition to SPCH 105 or 106, Public Speaking IA or I.
SPCH 321Public Speaking II3
SPCH 325Argumentation and Debate3
SPCH 330Rhetoric in Western Thought3
SPCH 426Coaching and Directing Speech
SPCH 322Interpersonal Communication3
SPCH 326Small Group Discussion3
THTRE 261Fundamentals of Acting3
THTRE 263Oral Interpretation of Literature3
THTRE 270Introduction to Theatre3
THTRE 368Fundamentals of Technical Production3
THTRE 370Dramatic Structure3
THTRE500 level or above in theatre3
THTRE 565Principles of Directing3
MC235Mass Communications in Society3
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