DED 020. Honors Program. (0) I, II. All students accepted into the College of Education honors program must enroll each semester. Pr.: Sophomore or higher standing, 3.5 cumulative grade point average, acceptance into the honors program.
DED 075. Orientation to Teacher Education at KSU. (0) I, II. This course provides a general orientation to the university, the College of Education, and the teacher education program. Examines the unit's conceptual framework, program requirements including the student portfolio, advising and enrollment procedures, and policies and resources. K-State's honor code is introduced. Strategies for successful students will be highlighted. Recommended for the first semester in the College of Education. Take prior to or conc. with EDCEP 315.
DED 051. Study Skills Laboratory. (1-3) I, II. Helps the student to learn effective study methods, analyze difficulties in reading and studying, and prepare for and improve performance in examinations.
DED 100. Pre-Professional Laboratory Experiences. (1) I, II. Supervised experiences in education designed to facilitate orientation and investigation of teaching through the teacher aide program. Maximum credit of 3 hours. No more than 1 credit per semester.
DED 105. Introduction to Women's Studies. (3) I, II. A systematic introduction to women's studies as an academic discipline, drawing research from humanities, social science, education, human ecology, and management to analyze images of women, status of women, sex differences, gender roles and stereotypes, patterns of success, women and relationships, current controversial issues affecting women, and feminism as a social and historical movement. An academic perspective on issues of equality and justice for women, emphasizing scholarship on how women perceive their own lives.
DED 160. Introduction to American Ethnic Studies. (3) I. This course introduces students to the major concepts related to ethnicity and to some of the major American ethnic groups.
DED 315. Introduction to Gerontology. (3) II. A multidisciplinary introduction to the field of aging. Examines social, psychological, developmental, organizational, and economic aspects of aging. Theoretical, methodological, and applied issues of aging will be related to contemporary American society. Same as DAS315; also offered through the Colleges of Agriculture, Architecture and Design, and Human Ecology.
DED 318. Instructional Media and Technology. (2) I, II. Experiences in the selection, production, use, and evaluation of instructional materials. Applications of technology in education, including microcomputer use, but not programming. Operation and simple maintenance of equipment.
DED 320. Honors Seminar. (1) I, II. Selected topics in education. May be taken more than once for credit.
DED 405. Senior Seminar in Women's Studies. (3) I. An intercollegiate, interdisciplinary course organized topically with students presenting papers which draw upon previous and concurrent academic experience and which approach a given topic with a consistent focus on the role of women. Provides supervised independent study and subsequent discussion, allowing students to integrate and order their perceptions about the unique roles, problems, and contributions of women. Pr.: DED 105 Introduction to Women's Studies and 15 hours of women's studies courses.
DED 415. Senior Seminar in Gerontology. (3) I. Integration of course work in gerontology with an in-depth project in a special interest area. Pr.: Completion of 15 hours of course work in gerontology second major. Same as DAS315; also offered through the Colleges of Agriculture, Architecture, Planning, and Design, and Human Ecology.
DED 420. Honors Research. (1-3) I, II. Individual research projects under the supervision of a professor in the College of Education. For students in honors program only. Pr.: A minimum of 2 hours credit in DED 320 or 1 hour credit in DED 320 and 1 hour selected from GENAG310, DAS399, GNHE 399.
DED 499. Senior Seminar in American Ethnic Studies. (3) Guided research in American ethnic studies. Students prepare a research paper on a relevant subject of their choice. Each student is responsible for arranging to work with a member of the American ethnic studies faculty. Pr.: DED 160 Introduction to American Ethnic Studies.
DED 500. Topics in Women's Studies. (Var.) I, II, S. Exploration of an interdisciplinary topic in women's studies. Cross-listed with the Dean of Human Ecology and the Dean of Arts and Sciences.
DED 505. Independent Study in Women's Studies. (1-3) I, I. Independent, interdisciplinary, supervised studies in an area of women's studies which does not fall within the boundaries of a traditional department. May be repeated once for credit with change of topic. Pr.: Junior standing, consent of instructor(s), and approval of women's studies faculty.
DED 506. Contemporary Feminist Frameworks. (3) I. Surveys major contemporary U.S. theories of gender and their development, including impact of feminist movement on the development of theory, interactions of race and gender, women's culture, and men's roles. Compares approaches of social sciences and humanities. Pr.: Six semester hours women's studies.
DED 560. Topics in American Ethnic Studies. (1-4) I or II. Selected topics of special interest in American ethnic studies. Repeatable with change of topic. Pr.: DED 160 Introduction to American Ethnic Studies. Cross-listed with the Dean of Human Ecology and the Dean of Arts and Sciences.
EDCI 700. Introduction to Bilingual/ESL Education. (3) I, S. This course focuses on the history and foundations of bilingual education, as well as an in-depth examination of contemporary programming models and trends in bilingual education. The dynamics of bilingualism at the individual, system, and societal level will also be an emphasis of study. Pr.: Junior standing.
EDCI 701. Administration and Supervision of Career and Technical Education. (2-3) II, S. On sufficient demand. Emphasis on the duties and responsibilities of administrative and supervisory personnel responsible for the promotion, development, and coordination of comprehensive vocational-technical education programs at the local level. Pr.: Teaching experience.
EDCI 704. Extension Organization and Programs. (3) I, S. Development and objectives of Cooperative Extension and other university adult education programs; with emphasis on programs and procedures. Pr.: Senior standing.
EDCI 705. Organization Problems in Teaching Agricultural Mechanics. (Var.) On sufficient demand. Analysis of the agricultural mechanics course of study; needs and interests of students; learning difficulties; skills and technical knowledge required; correlation with agriculture; application of laws of learning to the teaching process; determination of objectives. Pr.: EDSEC 586.
EDCI 706. Principles of Teaching Adults in Extension. (3) II, S. Methods and principles of adult teaching, with emphasis on Cooperative Extension Service; application to various adult education programs. Pr.: Senior standing.
EDCI 713. Occupational Analysis. (2-3) I, II, S. An introduction to various techniques used in analyzing occupations and jobs. Emphasis on developing and organizing related instructional materials and content. Pr. or conc.: EDSEC 620.
EDCI 714. Reading and the Bilingual Child. (3) II, S. The course will focus on appropriate instructional literacy and reading skill development among second language learners. A particular emphasis will be the development of literacy skill among students whose dominant language is other than English. Pr.: Junior standing/target language proficiency.
EDCI 715. Reading in the Content Areas. (3) On sufficient demand. Information concerning the reading process and techniques for helping students develop reading and study skills needed in the content areas. Course is designed for classroom middle level and secondary teachers. Pr.: Senior standing.
EDCI 717. Corrective Reading Instruction. (1-3) On sufficient demand. Supervised tutoring of children with reading difficulties. Not open to students with credit in EDEL847. Pr.: EDEL 585, EDSEC 586, or EDSEC 582.
EDCI 718. Learning Technologies. (3) I, II, S. An examination of the roles that computers, teachers, and learners may take in any learning setting; ways of integrating technology into a curriculum; and issues involved in using technology in K-12 settings. Course is offered on the web. Pr.: Junior standing.
EDCI 720. ESL/Dual Language Methods. (3) I, S. An exploration of contemporary approaches, methods, and strategies for the appropriate instruction of second language learners. Also provided is a foundational perspective on ESL/dual language approaches, including the communicative, cognitive, and grammatical. Pr.: Junior standing.
EDCI 721. Study Skills Instruction. (3) On sufficient demand. Approaches and methods are presented for teaching study skills in academic and workplace settings. Approaches include personal, contextual, organizational, and performance study skills. Includes study skills information for parent education and school improvement planning. Pr.: Teaching experience.
EDCI 723. Computer Applications in Subject Areas. (1-3) On sufficient demand. Theory and practice of using computer software to enhance teaching and learning in specific subject areas. Subjects covered will vary. May be repeated for credit in different subject areas. Pr.: Junior standing.
EDCI 730. Education of the Disadvantaged. (3) On sufficient demand. Consideration of the life-space of the disadvantaged learner and its relationship to curriculum, organization, and interpersonal relationships in schools. The development of realistic, relevant goals for the teacher of the disadvantaged. Pr.: Junior standing.
EDCI 731. ESL/Dual Language Linguistics. (3) I. Explores the theoretical underpinnings of language acquisition and linguistics that educators need to understand, in order to better plan appropriately adapted curriculum and instruction for second language learners. The course encompasses problematic aspects of English language learning, the ways in which languages may differ, and certain universal aspects of language. Pr.: Junior standing.
EDCI 732-737. Practica in Education. (1-6) On sufficient demand. Related occupational or professional experiences in approved industry, school, Cooperative Extension Service, or similar agency setting under faculty supervision. Pr.: Consent of instructor.EDCI 732. Practicum in Career and Technical Education.
EDCI 733. Curriculum Materials for Ethnic Diversity. (3) On sufficient demand. An examination and analysis of recent materials and practices of schools serving multiethnic student bodies, particularly minorities from disadvantaged backgrounds. Materials include any items used by the school in implementing the curriculum. Pr.: Junior standing.
EDCI 734. Practicum in Agriculture-Related Occupations.
EDCI 735. Curriculum Materials for Nonsexist Teaching. (3) II, S. Analysis of recent materials from perspective of concern with their potential for sex-role stereotyping. Examination of teaching resource materials for curriculum intended to facilitate nonsexist teaching. Pr.: Senior standing.
EDCI 736. Practicum in Extension Education.
EDCI 737. Practicum in Business and Office Occupations.
EDCI 739. Coordination of Cooperative Career and Technical Education. (2-3) I, II, S. Emphasis on the legal aspects and other minimum requirements essential to conducting cooperative vocational education programs at the secondary and postsecondary levels. Pr. or conc.: EDSEC 620.
EDCI 740. Curriculum Materials for Dual Language Learners. (3) I. An examination analysis of materials and practices of schools serving dual language learners. Materials include any items used by the school to implement the curriculum. Pr.: Junior standing.
EDCI 742. ESL/Dual Language Assessment. (3) II, S. An in-depth examination of key issues/challenges in the appropriate language assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse students. Among focal topics in theory, research, and practice discussed will be pre- and post-instructional assessment, authentic and alternative assessment, language testing, and placement for programming in ESL/dual language classrooms. Pr.: Junior standing.
EDCI 745. ESL/Dual Language Elementary Practicum. (3) I, II. The practicum is a portfolio-based experience providing the student with application experiences in ESL/dual language methods, assessment, and multicultural competence as well as the opportunity to demonstrate understanding of second language acquisition. Students will be required to spend 60 hours in a school setting where they can practice and implement ESL/BE lessons/methodology. Pr.: EDCI 720, 731, 742, and 733 or 740.
EDCI 746. ESL/Dual Language Secondary Practicum. (3) I, II. The practicum is a portfolio-based experience providing the student with application experiences in ESL/dual language methods, assessment, and multicultural competence as well as the opportunity to demonstrate understanding of second language acquisition. Students will be required to spend 60 hours in a school setting where they can practice and implement ESL/BE lessons/methodology. Pr.: EDCI 720, 731, 742, and 733 or 740.
EDCI 749. Environmental Education. (1-3) On sufficient demand. The selection, adaptation, and development of environmental education K-12 curriculum materials; procedures for an integrated curricular implementation; the selection of appropriate instructional strategies. Pr.: A course in environmental studies.
EDCI 750. Contemporary Issues in Instructional Technology. (3) S. Contemporary curriculum and educational technology theories, methods, and models are examined and connections are developed for instruction and professional development. Specific methodological and technological skills are combined and applied to enhance student learning. Internet access and e-mail are required.
EDCI 755. Multicultural Issues in Teaching. (3) I. Examines the socio-cultural forces that influence the American educational system. Considers curriculum and instruction implications of human differences, and analyzes ways to promote equitable, quality education. Pr.: Senior standing.
EDCI 756. Tradebooks Across the Curriculum. (3) II, S. This course examines the use of children's literature in the K-8 literacy classroom. It focuses on recently published books in several literary genres. Pr.: EDEL 585, EDSEC 586, or EDSEC 582.
EDCI 758. Reading/Writing Connections. (3) S. This course examines teaching language arts in an integrated manner, exploring the relationships between reading and writing from a developmental perspective. Teaching methods for a holistic environment are highlighted. Pr.: EDEL 585, EDSEC 586, or EDSEC 582.
EDCI 760. Teachers as Researchers. (3) I. This course introduces the theoretical and practical dimensions of classroom-based action research about curriculum and instruction topics, and students conduct an action research project. Pr.: Classroom access required.
EDCI 763. Instructional Design. (3) I, alternate S. Implications of the major theories and models of instructional design to the development of instructional programs. Pr.: Junior standing.
EDCI 764. Foundations of Distance Education. (3) On sufficient demand. Examination of current issues, theories, research, and methods for designing and teaching online courses. Pr.: EDCI 718 or permission of instructor.
EDCI 768. Enhancing Instruction Through Technology. (3) I, S. Ways to use technology in instruction are examined as a means to enhance teacher presentations and student interpretations, teacher and student access to information, and professional communication. Pr.: EDCI585, EDSEC 586, or EDSEC 582.
EDCI 770. Methods for Second Language Acquisition/ Learning. (3) On sufficient demand. Study of the development of second language instruction, both historical and current. Syntax, morphology, discourse analysis, and global proficiency evaluation are foci for analysis of methods and for the development of a personal method of teaching. Twenty-four credits in one second language at 200 level and above or equivalent is recommended. Pr.: EDSEC 500 and 520.
EDCI 775. Readings in Curriculum and Instruction. (1-3) I, II, S. Readings in research and application in specialized areas in education. May be taken more than once. Pr.: Junior standing.
EDCI 776. Teaching in Middle Schools. (3) On sufficient demand. Several instructional approaches consistent with the characteristics of the emerging adolescent student (grades 5-9) will be examined in relation to current research. Direct development of alternative curricular programs, appropriate use of interdisciplinary activities and nontraditional materials will be emphasized. Pr.: EDCEP 315, middle-level field experience, elementary or secondary content methods course.
EDCI 779. Primary School Education. (3) On sufficient demand. A course for those interested in the kindergarten and primary school child. Emphasis will be placed on curriculum development, pertinent research, and innovative practices in early education. Pr.: FSHS 110.
EDCI 780. Kindergarten Education. (3) On sufficient demand. A specialized study of the kindergarten in the American school: methods and materials for working with the kindergarten child, including communication and explanation skills and readiness for reading. Pr.: FSHS 110, EDEL 310, and junior standing.
EDCI 786. Topics in Curriculum and Instruction. (1-3) I, II, S. Examination of current topic in area of specialization of faculty. Varied topics offered each semester so course may be repeated. Pr.: Junior standing.
EDCI 795. Problems in Curriculum and Instruction. (Var.) I, II, S. Independent study of a specific problem in curriculum or instruction. Pr.: Junior standing.