Stephen Benton, Chair
Professors Stephen Benton, Bradley, M. Holen, K. Hughey, Newhouse, and Newton; Associate Professors Sherry Benton, Carroll, J. Hughey, and M. Lynch; Assistant Professors C. Jones, Leslie-Toogood, Moran, and Nutt. Courtesy appointments: Emery, Karim, J. Lynch, Maes, Marcoux, Pallett, J. Robertson, Sinnett, and Werring; Emeriti: Cashin, Danskin, Dettmer, Hanna, Kaiser, Neely, and Steffen.
The Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology contributes to the undergraduate teacher preparation program through its offerings in educational psychology and interpersonal relations in schools.
EDCEP 101. Healthy and Safe College Life I. (1) I, II, S. Addresses pertinent health topics that impact college students and explores the effect of lifestyle choices on academic achievement. Topics include sexual health education, mental health education, and injury prevention education. Not intended to replace HN 352 Personal Wellness when required in a curriculum.
EDCEP 102. Healthy and Safe College Life II. (1) I, II, S. Addresses pertinent health topics that impact college students and explores the effect of lifestyle choices on academic achievement. Topics include nutrition and fitness education, alcohol/drug/tobacco education, and illness prevention education. Not intended to replace HN 352 Personal Wellness when required in a curriculum.
EDCEP 111. The University Experience. (1-3) I, II. Introduction to the university experience through participation in weekly small group meetings and informational lectures. Study of such topics as academic skills, including communication and critical thinking, academic and career planning and goal setting, and social issues that challenge many college students. Pr.: New students or instructor consent.
EDCEP 120. Academic and Career Decisions. (1) I, II. Addresses general principles of academic and career choice through lectures, class discussions, and individual research. Topics include decision-making models and principles; exploration of interests, abilities, and values through assessments; and academic and career investigation using interactive software, library materials, Internet resources, and experimental learning opportunities.
EDCEP 202. Career and Life Planning. (2) I, II. Applies theory and research concerning assessment of interests and career choice-making to individuals' planning and decision-making. Focuses on increasing understanding of the complexities of the world of work and on skills of integrating such understanding with each person's experience, characteristics, motives, and values in the career exploration process. Reviews resume writing, interviewing skills, and job search techniques.
EDCEP 211. Leadership Training Seminar. (2) I, II. General principles of leadership as applied to small groups. Study of the role of the leader, group processes and interaction, defining group goals, and techniques of observation. Workshop and supervision in small group leadership. Pr.: Sophomore standing and consent of instructor.
EDCEP 311. Interaction and Guidance for the Paraprofessional. (3) I, II. Application of a systematic approach to interaction skills in a paraprofessional helping relationship. Includes background knowledge of listening skills and practice in emitting skills which influence interaction quality. Pr.: Junior standing or sophomore standing and consent of instructor.
EDCEP 315. Educational Psychology. (3) I, II, S. The application of psychological principles to the teaching-learning process with special emphasis on principles of learning, motivation, information processing, individual differences, and assessment. Pr.: Admission to teacher education, and HDFS110. Secondary education students must take this course conc. with EDSP 323 and EDSEC 376.
EDCEP 502. Independent Study in Education. (1-3) I, II, S. Selected topics in professional education. Maximum of three hours applicable toward degree requirements. Pr.: Consent of department chair.
EDCEP 525. Interpersonal Relations in the Schools. 1) I, II. A didactic and experiential course designed to develop an understanding of human relations skills in the schools. Provides knowledge and skills necessary to work effectively with students, parents, and school personnel. Particular emphasis is on the basis for interpersonal relations in education, communication skills, the facilitative relationship, working with students in groups, and conducting meetings with parents and school personnel. Pr.: EDSEC 376, EDSP 323, EDCEP 315. Conc. enrollment required for EDSEC 455, 477, 500, and 520.
EDCEP 711. Middle School Classroom Guidance. (3) On sufficient demand. Techniques of integrating guidance principles for pre- and early teens into a middle school concept; investigation of classroom dynamics for middle school teachers as members of the guidance team; involvement of teachers in model guidance programs. Pr.: EDCEP 315.
EDCEP 715. Principles of Assessment. (3) I, II, S. Principles of development, administration, evaluation, and constructive instructional use of paper-pencil, product, and performance assessments. Focus on norm- and criterion-referenced uses of teacher-made and published measures as an integral part of effective decision making in education. Pr.: EDCEP 315.
EDCEP 721. Mental Health in Schools. (3) S. Examines mental health and risk factors in the context of schools and student learning. Topics include: characteristics and behaviors of at-risk students; and prevention, intervention, and referral strategies to facilitate and promote mental health and a positive learning environment. Pr.: PSYCH 280 or FSHS 110.
EDCEP 725. The Teacher and Child Abuse. (3) On sufficient demand. An exploration of child abuse and neglect with specific references to legal and moral responsibilities of teaching. Suggestions for detection, reporting, and responsive instruction for suspected cases of child abuse and neglect. Pr.: PSYCH 110 and junior standing.
EDCEP 737. Alcohol/Drug Abuse Education. (3) Alternating summers. Emphasis on the development of effective drug abuse education programs with attention given to the role delineation for schools and teachers. Materials and procedures for developing values and attitudes in an educational setting. Pr.: Junior standing.
EDCEP 752. College Student Athletes. (3) S. Study of college student athletes. Topics include the role of intercollegiate athletics, pressures and challenges on student athletes, student development theory, life skills programming, National Collegiate Athletic Association policy, diversity, and gender issues.
EDCEP 761. Intercollegiate Athletics and the College Student Athlete. (3) II. Examines policies and procedures of the NCAA, roles and responsibilities within a department of intercollegiate athletics. Topics include marketing, fundraising, external relations, sports information, coaching, and academic support, among others.
EDCEP 775. Readings in Education. (1-3) I, II, S. Readings in research and application in specialized areas in education. May be taken more than once. Pr.: FSHS 110. Consent of department chair.
EDCEP 786. Topics in Education. (1-3) I, II, S. Examination of current topic in specialization of faculty. Varied topics offered each semester so course may be repeated. Pr.: FSHS 110. Consent of department chair.
EDCEP 795. Problems in Education. Credit arranged. I, II, S. Selected students are permitted to secure specialized training appropriate to the needs of the individual. The student's project may involve intensive library investigation in a special field or the collection and analysis of data pertinent to a given problem. All work is done independently under the direction of a faculty member. As many conferences are held as necessary to assure successful completion of a project. Pr.: Background of courses necessary for the problem undertaken, consent of instructor, and consent of department chair.