Course | Title | K-State 8 |
AGRON120 | Crop Science | |
AGRON205 | Soils | |
AGRON205 | Soils | |
AGRON251 | Range Management | |
AGRON335 | Environmental Quality | |
AGRON640 | Cropping Systems | |
AGRON645 | Soil Microbiology | |
AGRON646 | Soil Microbiology Laboratory | |
ANTH383 | Plagues: the Co-Evolutionary History of Humans and Pathogens | |
ASI218 | Fundamentals of Nutrition | |
ASI361 | Meat Animal Processing | |
ASI400 | Farm Animal Reproduction | |
ASI500 | Genetics | |
ATM511 | Agricultural Building Systems | |
AVT242 | Aviation Meteorology | |
AVT340 | Human Factors in Aviation | |
AVT386 | Aerodynamics | |
BIOCH110 | Biochemistry and Society | |
BIOCH111 | Biochemistry and Society Laboratory | |
BIOCH499 | Honors Project | |
BIOCH521 | General Biochemistry | |
BIOCH599 | Research Training in Biochemistry | |
BIOL101 | Concepts of Biology | |
BIOL101 | Concepts of Biology | |
BIOL198 | Principles of Biology | |
BIOL263 | Ecology of Environmental Problems | |
BIOL330 | Public Health Biology | |
BIOL410 | Biology of the Cancer Cell | |
BIOL529 | Ecology | |
CHM110 | General Chemistry | |
CHM111 | Gen Chem Lab | |
CHM211 | Chemistry I Recitation | |
CHM231 | Chemistry II Recitation | |
CHM499 | Prb/Undgd Chemistry - Top/Vary By Student | |
CHM566 | Instru Meth Analysis | |
CHM601 | Safe Chemical Laboratory Practices | |
CHM611 | Inorganic Chemistry I | |
CHM652 | Organic Chemistry III | |
CSD361 | Hearing Science | |
CSD515 | Laboratory in Acoustic Phonetics | |
DAS499 | Physical Sciences Senior Report | |
DAS582 | Natural Resources/Environmental Sciences Project | |
EDEL412 | Teaching Science: K-6 | |
EDEL412 | Teaching Science: K-6 | |
EDSEC542 | Science Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools | |
EDSEC614 | Laboratory Techniques in Teaching Science | |
ENTOM101 | Insects and People | |
ENTOM302 | Art and Insects | |
FDSCI202 | Introduction to Food Science | |
FDSCI305 | Fundamentals of Food Processing | |
FDSCI600 | Food Microbiology | |
FDSCI690 | Principles of HACCP and Preventive Controls for Human Food | |
FNDH132 | Basic Nutrition | |
FNDH132 | Basic Nutrition | |
FNDH220 | Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries | |
FNDH252 | Personal Wellness | |
FNDH252 | Personal Wellness | |
FNDH355 | Rehabilitation and Exercise Modification Techniques I | |
FNDH400 | Human Nutrition | |
FNDH400 | Human Nutrition | |
FNDH450 | Nutritional Assessment | |
FNDH450 | Nutritional Assessment | |
FNDH510 | Life Span Nutrition | |
FNDH551 | Evaluation of Athletic Injuries of the Extremities | |
FNDH620 | Nutrient Metabolism | |
FNDH632 | Clinical Nutrition II - Clinical Nutrition | |
FNDH635 | Sports Nutrition | |
FNDH635 | Sports Nutrition | |
GEOG121 | Introductory Physical Geography: Earth Systems Science | |
GEOG121 | Introductory Physical Geography: Earth Systems Science | |
GEOG122 | Introduction to Physical Geography: Earth Systems Science Laboratory | |
GEOG340 | Natural Resources | |
GEOG440 | Spatial Analysis of Surface Water Hydrology | |
GEOG440 | Spatial Analysis of Surface Water Hydrology | |
GEOL100 | Earth in Action | |
GEOL100 | Earth in Action | |
GEOL100 | Earth in Action | |
GEOL103 | Geology Laboratory | |
GEOL103 | Geology Laboratory | |
GEOL103 | Geology Laboratory | |
GEOL105 | Oceanography | |
GEOL115 | Environmental Geol | |
GEOL125 | Natural Disasters | |
GEOL125 | Natural Disasters | |
GEOL200 | Earth Through Time | |
GEOL305 | Sustainable Earth Resources | |
GRSC210 | CAD Flow Sheets for Grain Processes | |
GRSC602 | Cereal Science | |
HM205 | Food Safety/Protection | |
HORT300 | Plants and Society | |
KIN320 | Motor Learning and Development | |
KIN335 | Physiology of Exercise | |
KIN336 | Physiology of Exercise Lab | |
KIN603 | Cardiovascular Physiology | |
KIN607 | Muscle Physiology | |
KIN609 | Environmental Physiology | |
MET211 | Statics | |
MET336 | Dynamics of Machines | |
PHYS102 | Current Tops/Phys World - Top/Physics for Policy Makers | |
PHYS102 | Current Tops/Phys World - Top/Phys of Outdoor Sports | |
PHYS460 | Top/Undergrad Physic - Top/Introduction to Physics | |
PHYS497 | Senior Research in Physics | |
PHYS498 | Honors Tutorial in Physics | |
PHYS499 | Honors Project | |
PHYS664 | Thermostat | |
PLPTH495 | Res/Plant Pathology - Top/Vary by Student | |
PLPTH812 | Introduction to Integrative Genome Analysis | |
PMC275 | Introduction to Natural Resource Management | |
PPIL263 | Multi Engine Flight Lab | |
PPIL325 | Advanced Aircraft Systems | |
PSYCH202 | Drugs and Behavior | |
PSYCH370 | Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience | |
PSYCH470 | Principles of Neuroscience | |
PSYCH475 | Principles of Learning | |
PSYCH480 | Fundamentals of Perception and Sensation | |
WOEM620 | Human-Wildlife Conflicts | |