Course | Title | K-State 8 |
ADC325 | Professional, Ethical, and Legal Issues in Counseling | |
AERO311 | Officer Leadership Studies 3B | |
AGCOM550 | Internship in Agricultural Communications | |
AGEC315 | Contemporary Issues in Global Food and Agricultural Systems | |
AGEC516 | Agricultural Law and Economics | |
AGEC520 | Market Fundamentals and Futures/Options Trading | |
AGEC535 | Agricultural Sales | |
AGRON375 | Nutrient Cycling and Fertilizer Management | |
AGRON602 | Agronomy Capstone Experience | |
ASI560 | Course-Based Research - Top/Meats | |
ASI560 | Course-Based Research - Top/Sheep/Goat | |
ASI560 | Course-Based Undergraduate Research in Animal Sciences & Industry | |
ASI595 | Cont Issues Asi/Ag | |
AVM102 | Aviation Regulations, Compliance and Operations | |
AVT240 | Introduction to Air Traffic Control | |
AVT361 | Airport Environmental Studies | |
AVT420 | Aviation Accident Investigation | |
AVT445 | Aviation Law | |
BUS251 | Financial Accounting | |
BUS315 | Supervisory Management | |
BUS390 | Foundations of Business Law | |
CHE571 | Chemical Engineering Systems Design II | |
CIS415 | Ethics and Conduct for Computing Professionals | |
CMST485 | Computer Systems Senior Capstone Project | |
CNRES300 | Introduction to Conflict Resolution | |
CNRES300 | Introduction to Conflict Resolution | |
CNRES531 | Core Conflict Resolution | |
CNRES533 | Prevention & Intervention of Violence | |
CNRES535 | Divorce & Child Custody Mediation | |
CNS542 | Ethics & Professional Standards | |
COMM311 | Business and Professional Speaking | |
COMM465 | Communication and Conflict | |
COT480 | Professional Conduct, Ethics, and Analysis | |
CRIM550 | Cybercrime, Security, and Society | |
CRIM569 | Field Experience in Criminology | |
CRIM599 | Senior Thesis in Criminology | |
DEN325 | Engineering Professionalism and Decision Making | |
ECE590 | Senior Design Experience I | |
ECED210 | Introduction to Early Childhood Education | |
ECED420 | Interaction Techniques With Young Children | |
ECED450 | Environments in Early Childhood | |
ECED543 | Reflective Practice: Infants and Toddlers | |
ECED544 | Reflective Practice: Preschoolers And Kindergartners | |
ECED553 | Early Childhood Practicum I: Infants and Toddlers | |
ECED554 | Early Childhood Practicum II: Preschoolers | |
ECED555 | Early Childhood Practicum III: Kindergartners | |
ECED566 | Emergent Literacy | |
ECED598 | Student Teaching in Early Childhood, Unified | |
ECON580 | Senior Seminar in Economics | |
EDCI200 | Teaching as a Career | |
EDCI200 | Teaching as a Career | |
EDCI315 | Educational Psychology | |
EDCI320 | Core Teaching Skills | |
EDCI320 | Core Teaching Skills | |
EDCI405 | Middle-Level Education | |
EDEL585 | Tch Intern Elem School - Top/Tch Part Elm Sch Tch | |
EDEL585 | Tch Intern Elem School - Top/Tch Part Ele Sch Art | |
EDEL585 | Tch Intern Elem School - Top/Tch Part El For Lang | |
EDEL585 | Tch Intern Elem School - Top/Tch Part Elem Sch Fl | |
EDEL585 | Tch Intern Elem School - Top/Tchg Part Elem PE/Health | |
EDEL585 | Tch Intern Elem School - Top/Tch Part Elm Sch Tch | |
EDSEC536 | Language Arts Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools | |
EDSEC538 | Mathematics Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools | |
EDSEC542 | Science Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools | |
EDSEC544 | Social Studies Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools | |
EDSEC586 | Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Art | |
EDSEC586 | Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Speech | |
EDSEC586 | Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Journal | |
EDSEC586 | Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Science | |
EDSEC586 | Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Math | |
EDSEC586 | Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Soc Sci | |
EDSEC586 | Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Eng | |
EDSEC586 | Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Mod La | |
EDSEC586 | Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Bus | |
EDSEC586 | Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Agri Ed | |
EDSEC586 | Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Fcse | |
EDSEC586 | Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tchg Part Sec PE/Health | |
EDSP224 | Exceptional Child in the Regular Classroom | |
ENGL500 | Writing Center Theory/Practice | |
ENTRP520 | Social Entrepreneurship | |
ETB481 | UAS Senior Design II | |
FDSCI695 | Quality Assurance of Food Products | |
FNDH115 | Introduction to Health and Nutrition Professions | |
FNDH515 | Counseling Strategies in Dietetic Practice | |
FNDH560 | Management In Dietetics | |
FNDH631 | Clinical Nutrition l | |
GEOG360 | Sustainability Concepts & Issues | |
GEOG460 | Human Dimensions of Global Change | |
GERON575 | Introduction to Diversity in the Aging Experience | |
GERON610 | Seminar in Long Term Care Administration | |
GWSS105 | Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies | |
GWSS560 | Intersections of Violence and Resistance | |
HDFS580 | Human Development Family Science Internship | |
HM275 | Hospitality Work Experience I | |
HM275 | Hospitality Work Experience I | |
HM375 | Hospitality Work Experience II | |
HM375 | Hospitality Work Experience II | |
HM421 | Hospitality Service Sys | |
HM421 | Hospitality Service Sys | |
HM423 | Facility Management | |
HM475 | Internship in Hospitality Management | |
HM475 | Internship in Hospitality Management | |
IDFS350 | Our Sustainable World | |
IHS310 | Foundations of Integrative Human Sciences | |
KIN592 | Sport and Exercise Personality | |
KIN592 | Sport and Exercise Personality | |
KIN610 | Program Planning and Evaluation | |
LAR298 | Ethics and Environmental Dilemmas | |
LEAD450 | Capstone in Leadership | |
MANGT230 | Business Law I | |
MANGT535 | Employment Law | |
MANGT596 | Business Ethics and Corporate Citizenship | |
MANGT596 | Business Ethics and Corporate Citizenship | |
MC466 | Media Law & Ethics | |
ME574 | Int Des Prj I | |
MET464 | Senior Design Project II | |
MSCI100 | Introduction to Military Science and ROTC | |
MSCI206 | Leaders Training Course | |
MSCI351 | Military Leadership Studies and Practical Applications | |
MSCI501 | Advanced Transition to Lieutenant I | |
MSCI502 | Advanced Transition to Lieutenant II | |
PFP595 | Capstone in Personal Financial Planning | |
PHILO100 | Introduction to Philosophical Problems | |
PHILO115 | Introduction to Philosophy of Religion | |
PHILO125 | Introduction to Philosophy of Science | |
PHILO130 | Introduction to Moral Philosophy | |
PHILO135 | Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy | |
PHILO305 | Introduction to Decision Theory | |
PHILO330 | Moral Philosophy | |
PHILO352 | Philosophy of Horror | |
PHILO365 | Medical Ethics | |
PHILO380 | Philosophy and Race | |
PHILO386 | Philosophy of Computer Science and Software Engineering | |
PHILO535 | Philosophy of Law | |
PLAN670 | Planning in POP Culture | |
POLSC155 | Introduction To Political Thought | |
POLSC250 | Environmental Political Thought: The Future of Food, Air, Water, and Soil | |
PPIL111 | Private Pilot | |
PPIL112 | Professional Instrument Pilot | |
PPIL210 | Aviation Safety | |
PPIL211 | Professional Commercial Pilot | |
PSYCH350 | Experimental Methods in Psychology | |
PSYCH351 | Experimental Methods Laboratory | |
PSYCH556 | Multicultural Psychology | |
PSYCH587 | Psychology Internship | |
SOCIO260 | Social Problems | |
SOCIO599 | Senior Thesis in Sociology | |
SOCWK200 | Basic Skills for Working with People | |
THTRE171 | Fundamentals of Acting | |
THTRE271 | Intermediate Acting | |
UAS270 | Introduction to UAS | |
WOEM570 | Internship for Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management | |
WOEM595 | Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management Senior Seminar | |
WOEM620 | Human-Wildlife Conflicts | |