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Horticulture and Natural Resources

If no dates are listed directly under a course, then the course meets Tuesday, January 21, 2025 through Friday, May 9, 2025.

General Education
FOR741Prb/Forestry - Top/Vary By Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AIND128791-3AppointmentbooksAhlers, Adam ANone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
HORT210Concepts of Floral Design
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
01BLAB12479M12:30 - 2:20 p.m.TH 2022booksSheshukova, Irina PetrovnaNone
  • This section is closed.
02BLAB12480M2:30 - 4:20 p.m.TH 2022booksSheshukova, Irina PetrovnaNone
  • This section is closed.
03BLAB17140  T12:30 - 2:20 p.m.TH 2022booksSheshukova, Irina PetrovnaNone
  • This section is closed.
AREC124783  T  U10:30 - 11:20 a.m.TH 2414booksSheshukova, Irina Petrovna
  • This section is closed.
BREC171393  T  U11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.TH 2414booksSheshukova, Irina Petrovna
  • This section is closed.
HORT275Horticultural Design I
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
01SSTD16680M12:30 - 2:20 p.m.TH 2023booksDomenghini, CodyNone
AREC166793M  W9:30 - 10:20 a.m.TH 2752booksDomenghini, Cody
HORT282Foundations of Horticultural Pest Management
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC156021      U11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.TH 1023booksBraun, Ross CharlesNone
HORT350Plant Propagation
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
01BLAB11789M2:30 - 4:20 p.m.TH 2414booksSprague, StuartNone
  • This section is closed.
02BLAB11921    W12:30 - 2:20 p.m.TH 2414booksSprague, StuartNone
ALEC117903M  W8:30 - 9:20 a.m.TH 2414booksSprague, StuartNone
HORT390Horticulture Topics - Top/Vary By Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AIND116381-18AppointmentbooksWilliams, Kimberly ANone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
HORT390Horticulture Topics - Top/NCLC Team
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
BIND159741M11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.TH 2752booksDomenghini, CodyNone
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 23, 2025.
HORT390Horticulture Topics - Top/Vary By Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
CIND160491-18AppointmentbooksDomenghini, CodyNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
DIND160720-18AppointmentbooksBraun, Ross CharlesNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EIND166140-18AppointmentbooksCowan, Jeremy SNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
FIND166150-18AppointmentbooksSprague, StuartNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
HORT390Horticulture Topics - Top/Intro Therapeutic Hort
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZBIND172902DistancebooksDomenghini, Cynthia MichelleNone
  • HORT 390, Section ZB: Class meets first 8 week session 1/21/25 to 3/14/25.
HORT390Horticulture Topics - Top/Therapeutic Hort -Youth
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZCIND172912DistancebooksDomenghini, Cynthia MichelleNone
  • HORT 390, Section ZC: Class meets 2nd 8 week session 3/24/25 to 5/16/25
HORT490Hort Internship - Top/Vary By Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AFLD109873AppointmentbooksWilliams, Kimberly ANone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
BFLD119173AppointmentbooksDomenghini, CodyNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
CFLD116413AppointmentbooksSprague, StuartNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
DFLD116423AppointmentbooksCowan, Jeremy SNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
FFLD116433AppointmentbooksBraun, Ross CharlesNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
HORT495Ugrd Res in Horticulture - Top/Vary Title by Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ARSH127540-3AppointmentbooksPark, SunghunNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
BRSH128080-3AppointmentbooksCowan, Jeremy SNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
CRSH129030-3AppointmentbooksSprague, StuartNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
DRSH130190-3AppointmentbooksWilliams, Kimberly ANone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ERSH131020-3AppointmentbooksBoyer, Cheryl RNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
GRSH148230-3AppointmentbooksBraun, Ross CharlesNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
HRSH155430-3AppointmentbooksDomenghini, CodyNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
HORT499The Horticultural Professional
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AREC109880CNCAppointmentbooksWilliams, Kimberly ANone
HORT508Business of Sustainable Landscape Management
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
03BLAB17231  T12:30 - 2:20 p.m.TH 2752booksDomenghini, CodyNone
  • Section meets from February 17 through May 9, 2025.
CLEC172302  T11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.TH 2752booksDomenghini, CodyNone
  • Section meets from February 17 through May 9, 2025.
ZALEC166812booksDomenghini, CodyNone
  • Course is 100% Asynchronus Online. Not available to on campus students, section reserved for online certificate or online degree seeking students.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
HORT510Horticultural Design II
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ASTD155593M  W2:30 - 5:20 p.m.TH 2023booksDomenghini, Cody
HORT515Basic Turfgrass Culture
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
01BLAB10983  T2:30 - 4:20 p.m.TH 2414booksBraun, Ross CharlesNone
AREC109843  T  U8:30 - 9:20 a.m.TH 2414booksBraun, Ross Charles
HORT520Fruit Production
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
01BLAB16684  T12:30 - 2:20 p.m.TH 2414booksCowan, Jeremy SNone
  • This section is closed.
ALEC166833OPT  T  U9:30 - 10:20 a.m.TH 2414booksCowan, Jeremy S
HORT600Herbaceous Plant Production
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
01BLAB11640      U2:30 - 5:20 p.m.TH 2414booksWilliams, Kimberly ANone
ALEC116393M12:30 - 2:20 p.m.TH 2414booksWilliams, Kimberly ANone
HORT625Floral Crops Production and Handling
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
01BLAB17114    W1:30 - 3:20 p.m.TH 2413booksWilliams, Kimberly ANone
ALEC171132    W12:30 - 1:20 p.m.TH 2413booksWilliams, Kimberly A
HORT640Horticultural Problems - Top/Biol Control of Pests
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZAIND150003IDEAbooksWilliams, Kimberly ANone
  • HORT 640, SectioN ZA: This course is taught by UNL and is reserved for graduate students admitted to the online IDEA Advanced Horticulture Graduate Certificate program. All other students, please contact ideacc@ksu.edu for permission to enroll.
  • Section meets from January 21 through May 10, 2025.
HORT706Advanced Culture of Golf and Sports Turf
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC155583M  W  F8:30 - 9:20 a.m.TH 2413booksKeeley, SteveNone
HORT710Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
01BLAB11791      U11:30 a.m. - 2:20 p.m.TH 2413booksPark, SunghunNone
ALEC117733  T  U8:30 - 9:20 a.m.TH 2413booksPark, SunghunNone
HORT760Business Management for Horticultural Enterprises
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC149953IDEAbooksWilliams, Kimberly ANone
  • HORT 760, Section ZA: This course is taught by UNL and is reserved for graduate students admitted to the online IDEA Advanced Horticulture Graduate Certificate program. All other students, please contact ideacc@ksu.edu for permission to enroll.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 25, 2025.
HORT792Urban Food Production Practicum
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
APRC141881AppointmentbooksCowan, Jeremy SNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
HORT880Topics in Horticulture
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AIND109890-18AppointmentbooksPark, SunghunNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
HORT898Master's Report
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ARSH109901-2CNCAppointmentbooksPark, SunghunNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
HORT899Masters Research
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ARSH109911-18CNCAppointmentbooksBraun, Ross CharlesNone
BRSH155601-18CNCAppointmentbooksCowan, Jeremy SNone
CRSH155611-18CNCAppointmentbooksDomenghini, CodyNone
DRSH155621-18CNCAppointmentbooksPark, SunghunNone
FRSH155641-18CNCAppointmentbooksSprague, StuartNone
GRSH155651-18CNCAppointmentbooksWilliams, Kimberly ANone
HRSH155661-18CNCAppointmentbooksBoyer, Cheryl RNone
JRSH155681-18CNCAppointmentbooksAhlers, Adam ANone
KRSH155691-18CNCAppointmentbooksGerken, Joe ENone
LRSH155701-18CNCAppointmentbooksRicketts, DrewNone
ORSH155731-18CNCAppointmentbooksJackson, SarahNone
PRSH155751-18CNCAppointmentbooksPeterson, Brian AshleyNone
HORT910Advances in Plant Cell Culture
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC161822    W3:30 - 5:20 p.m.TH 1027booksPark, SunghunNone
HORT951Graduate Seminar
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ASEM109921  T3:30 - 4:20 p.m.TH 1027booksAhlers, Adam ANone
HORT999Research in Horticulture,Phd
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ARSH109931-18CNCAppointmentbooksBraun, Ross CharlesNone
BRSH155771-18CNCAppointmentbooksCowan, Jeremy SNone
CRSH155781-18CNCAppointmentbooksDomenghini, CodyNone
DRSH155791-18CNCAppointmentbooksPark, SunghunNone
FRSH155811-18CNCAppointmentbooksSprague, StuartNone
GRSH155821-18CNCAppointmentbooksWilliams, Kimberly ANone
HRSH155831-18CNCAppointmentbooksBoyer, Cheryl RNone
JRSH155851-18CNCAppointmentbooksAhlers, Adam ANone
KRSH155861-18CNCAppointmentbooksGerken, Joe ENone
LRSH155871-18CNCAppointmentbooksRicketts, DrewNone
ORSH155901-18CNCAppointmentbooksJackson, SarahNone
PRSH155911-18CNCAppointmentbooksPeterson, Brian AshleyNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
PMC120Outdoor Recreation Certification
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AACT124970CNCAppointmentbooksPeterson, Brian AshleyNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
BACT155940CNCAppointmentbooksJackson, SarahNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
CACT164840CNCAppointmentbooksLiang, YunNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
PMC350Parks and Outdoor Recreation Practicum
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AFLD128521-2AppointmentbooksPeterson, Brian AshleyNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
BFLD155951-2AppointmentbooksJackson, SarahNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
CFLD164851-2AppointmentbooksLiang, YunNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
PMC441Top/Park Mgmt & Cons - Top/Chainsaw Certification
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
CIND172891AppointmentbooksJackson, SarahNone
  • PMC 441, Section C: Active Red Card Certification required to enroll. Three day in-person evaluation session required, specific dates TBD. Instructor Permission Required.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
PMC489Outdoor Recreation Program and Event Development
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC115263M  W  F10:30 - 11:20 a.m.TH 1023booksJackson, Sarah
PMC492Intern/Parks & Rec - Top/Vary By Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AINT132406AppointmentbooksPeterson, Brian AshleyNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
BINT155963-6AppointmentbooksJackson, SarahNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
CINT164873-6AppointmentbooksLiang, YunNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
PMC495PMC Undergrad Res - Top/Vary by Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AIND155970-3AppointmentbooksPeterson, Brian AshleyNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
BIND130210-3AppointmentbooksJackson, SarahNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
CIND164880-3AppointmentbooksLiang, YunNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
PMC620Park Planning & Design
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC138863  T  U11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.TH 1027booksPeterson, Brian AshleyNone
PMC635Methods of Environmental Interpretation
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AREC131193  T  U9:30 - 10:45 a.m.TH 2752booksJackson, Sarah
PMC690Parks and Recreation Administration
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC115274  T  U2:30 - 4:20 p.m.TH 2752booksLiang, YunNone
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Archery
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZAAACT134251  T8:35 - 9:45 p.m.WS 117booksKorte, Tom WNone
ZACACT134241  T7:30 - 8:30 p.m.WS 117booksKorte, Tom WNone
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Beginning Bowling
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZAEACT133631M10:30 - 11:20 a.m.UN SB006booksSrackangast, Christopher WNone
ZAFACT133641  T10:30 - 11:20 a.m.UN SB006booksSrackangast, Christopher WNone
ZAGACT133651  T2:30 - 3:20 p.m.UN SB006booksSrackangast, Christopher WNone
ZAHACT133661    W2:30 - 3:20 p.m.UN SB006booksSrackangast, Christopher WNone
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Intermediate Bowling
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZAJACT137581M2:30 - 3:20 p.m.UN SB006booksSrackangast, Christopher WNone
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Co-Ed Boxing 1
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZANACT138711M  W9:00 - 10:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZAOACT133671  T  U1:00 - 2:00 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZAPACT133681M  W5:30 - 6:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZAQACT134121M  W9:00 - 10:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
ZASACT134231M  W5:30 - 6:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
ZATACT134221  T  U6:30 - 7:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZAUACT134211  T  U9:00 - 10:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
ZAVACT134051  T  U6:30 - 7:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Co-Ed Boxing 2
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZAXACT134061M  W6:30 - 7:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZAYACT134071  T  U8:00 - 9:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
ZAZACT134081  T  U5:30 - 6:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZBACT134091  T  U5:30 - 6:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
ZBAACT142181M  W8:00 - 9:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Co-Ed Boxing 3
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZBBACT134101M  W6:30 - 7:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZBCACT142191  T  U5:30 - 6:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Co-Ed Boxing 4
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZBEACT134031M  W6:30 - 7:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZBFACT134041  T  U5:30 - 6:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZBGACT142281M  W8:00 - 9:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/First Aid CPR/AED
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZBIACT133991Sa Su12:00 - 7:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHuber, Jake
Johnston, Allie Brianne
  • This section is closed.
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: UFM Community Learning Center 1221 Thurston, Conference Room Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 25 through January 26, 2025.
ZBJACT134001Sa Su12:00 - 7:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHuber, Jake
Johnston, Allie Brianne
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: UFM Community Learning Center 1221 Thurston, Conference Room Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 29 through March 30, 2025.
ZBMACT134011Sa Su12:00 - 7:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHuber, Jake
Johnston, Allie Brianne
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: UFM Community Learning Center 1221 Thurston, Conference Room Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from February 22 through February 23, 2025.
ZBNACT134021Sa Su12:00 - 7:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHuber, Jake
Johnston, Allie Brianne
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: UFM Community Learning Center 1221 Thurston, Conference Room Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from April 26 through April 27, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Beginning Tennis
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZBPACT149971  T1:00 - 2:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHoover, DaveNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: Body First Wellness & Recreation Center 3615 Claflin Rd Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from February 11 through April 29, 2025.
ZBQACT149981M1:00 - 2:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHoover, DaveNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: Body First Wellness & Recreation Center 3615 Claflin Rd Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from February 10 through April 28, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Golf
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZBRACT133981  T2:00 - 4:00 p.m.ManhattanbooksMyers, Chad KenNone
  • This section is closed.
  • Primary Location: Stagg Hill Golf Club Golf Course 4441 Stagg Hill Rd Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Scuba Diving
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
   Meets January 27, 2025:M6:00 - 8:30 p.m.Junction CityFreeborn, William
   Meets February 3 - February 24, 2025:M7:00 - 8:30 p.m.DistanceStaff
   Meets March 9, 2025:Su9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.Junction CityStaff
  • RRES 200, Section ZCA: There is a non-refundable materials fee of $50.00 for withdrawing from the class after the first day. Location: Junction City Family YMCA, 1703 McFarland Rd, Junction City, KS 66441
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 27 through March 9, 2025.
   Meets March 24, 2025:M6:00 - 8:30 p.m.Junction CityFreeborn, William
   Meets March 31 - April 21, 2025:M7:00 - 8:30 p.m.DistanceStaff
   Meets May 4, 2025:Su9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.Junction CityStaff
  • RRES 200, Section ZCB: There is a non-refundable materials fee of $50.00 for withdrawing from the class after the first day. Location: Junction City Family YMCA, 1703 McFarland Rd, Junction City, KS 66441
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 4, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Women's Self Defense
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZCEACT134201Su1:00 - 4:00 p.m.WS 117booksJohansen, Pamela KayNone
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Golf
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZCIACT137331    W2:00 - 4:00 p.m.ManhattanbooksMyers, Chad KenNone
  • This section is closed.
  • Primary Location: Stagg Hill Golf Club Golf Course 4441 Stagg Hill Rd Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Co-Ed Boxing 3
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZCOACT142271  T  U8:00 - 9:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Co-Ed Boxing 2
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZCSACT142201  T  U8:00 - 9:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZCUACT142211M  W8:00 - 9:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Women's Boxing 3
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZCWACT142221M  W6:00 - 7:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Co-Ed Boxing 3
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZCYACT142231  T  U8:00 - 9:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Women's Boxing 1
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZCZACT142241M  W6:00 - 7:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Co-Ed Boxing 3
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZDAACT142251M  W8:00 - 9:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
ZDBACT142261M  W6:30 - 7:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
ZDCACT142291  T  U5:30 - 6:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Co-Ed Boxing 4
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZDFACT142301  T  U8:00 - 9:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZDHACT142311M  W8:00 - 9:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
ZDIACT142321M  W6:30 - 7:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
ZDKACT142331  T  U8:00 - 9:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
ZDLACT142341  T  U5:30 - 6:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/First Aid CPR/AED
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZDQACT152231Sa Su12:00 - 7:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHuber, Jake
Johnston, Allie Brianne
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: UFM Community Learning Center 1221 Thurston, Conference Room Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from April 12 through April 13, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Women's Boxing 2
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZDUACT150511  T  U4:30 - 5:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZDXACT150521  T  U4:30 - 5:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Women's Boxing 3
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZDYACT150531  T  U4:30 - 5:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZDZACT150541  T  U4:30 - 5:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Women's Boxing 4
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZECACT153761  T  U4:30 - 5:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZEFACT153771  T  U4:30 - 5:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Women's Boxing 2
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZEHACT154501M  W6:00 - 7:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Co-Ed Boxing 2
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZEIACT154511M  W6:30 - 7:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Co-Ed Boxing 3
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZEJACT154521M  W8:00 - 9:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Women's Boxing 4
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZEKACT154531M  W6:00 - 7:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Women's Boxing 3
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZELACT154541M  W6:00 - 7:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Women's Boxing 2
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZEMACT154551M  W6:00 - 7:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Co-Ed Boxing 1
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZEPACT159081  T  U9:00 - 10:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZEQACT159091  T  U1:00 - 2:00 p.m.ManhattanbooksMarquez, Pedro IvanNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Women's Boxing 1
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZERACT160421  T  U4:30 - 5:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
ZESACT160441  T  U4:30 - 5:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Women's Boxing 4
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZETACT165911M  W6:00 - 7:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 21 through March 14, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Meditation & Movement
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZEUACT165921M4:30 - 5:30 p.m.DistancebooksStonestreet, JhoeNone
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Comp Fit Circuit Train
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZEVACT165931      U7:15 - 8:15 p.m.ManhattanbooksFord, Erin Lena
Vettel, Tim
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/First Aid CPR/AED
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZEWACT165941Sa Su12:00 - 7:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksHuber, Jake
Johnston, Allie Brianne
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: UFM Community Learning Center 1221 Thurston, Conference Room Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 1 through March 2, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Women's Boxing 1
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZEXACT165951M  W6:00 - 7:00 a.m.ManhattanbooksHinnergardt, CaitlinNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: KO Boxing 2048 Tuttle Creek Blvd (basement under Shelter Insurance) Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from March 24 through May 16, 2025.
RRES200Top/Recreatn Resourc - Top/Tae Kwon Do I
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZEYIND173881  T  U5:30 - 6:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksMoore, David PaulNone
  • Global Campus: Primary Location: Sun Yi's Academy 1125 Laramie St Manhattan, KS
  • For a complete course description visit https://global.k-state.edu/courses. Contact UFM credit coordinators for additional information: Samantha Lovitt, sam246@ksu.edu or Erin Ford, eford23@ksu.edu. Office phone: 785-539-8763.
  • Section meets from January 28 through May 6, 2025.
UFS798Urban Food Systems Field Experience
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AFLD149831DistancebooksCowan, Jeremy SNone
WOEM205Sporting Clays Range Development and Operations
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZAACT139711AppointmentbooksRicketts, DrewNone
  • Section meets from March 1 through May 9, 2025.
WOEM206Trap and Skeet Range Development and Operations
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZAACT139741AppointmentbooksRicketts, DrewNone
  • Section meets from March 1 through May 9, 2025.
WOEM495Ugrd Research in WOEM - Top/Vary Title by Section
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ARSH129020-3AppointmentbooksAhlers, Adam ANone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
BRSH155980-3AppointmentbooksGerken, Joe ENone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
CRSH155990-3AppointmentbooksRicketts, DrewNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
WOEM555Big Game Management
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
01BLAB12007    W2:30 - 4:20 p.m.TH 1023booksThomas, Logan FordNone
ALEC120063  T  U8:30 - 9:20 a.m.TH 1027booksThomas, Logan Ford
WOEM560Upland Game Bird Management
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
01BLAB17224M2:30 - 4:20 p.m.TH 1023booksThomas, Logan FordNone
ALEC172233M  W1:30 - 2:20 p.m.TH 1023booksThomas, Logan Ford
WOEM561Waterfowl and Wetlands Management
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
01BLAB16562  T12:30 - 2:20 p.m.TH 1023booksAhlers, Adam ANone
ALEC165613M  W10:30 - 11:20 a.m.TH 1027booksAhlers, Adam A
WOEM570Internship for Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AFLD119276-10AppointmentbooksAhlers, Adam A
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
BFLD128866-10AppointmentbooksRicketts, Drew
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
CFLD142006-10AppointmentbooksGerken, Joe E
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
WOEM590Prb/WOEM - Top/Vary Title by Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AIND124171-6AppointmentbooksAhlers, Adam ANone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
BIND130201-6AppointmentbooksRicketts, DrewNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
CIND138931-6AppointmentbooksGerken, Joe ENone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
WOEM595Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management Senior Seminar
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AREC119281  T7:05 - 8:20 p.m.TH 1027booksAhlers, Adam A
BREC128491AppointmentbooksAhlers, Adam A
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
WOEM620Human-Wildlife Conflicts
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC171983  T  U9:30 - 10:45 a.m.TH 1023booksRicketts, Drew
ZALEC139703DistancebooksRicketts, Drew
  • WOEM 620, Section ZA: This course is not available to students majoring in BWLOEM-BS.
General Education