Course | Title | K-State 8 |
ACCTG231 | Introduction to Managerial Accounting | |
ACCTG241 | Introduction to Financial Accounting | |
ACCTG331 | Intermediate Accounting and Analytics I | |
ACCTG342 | Taxation I | |
ACCTG413 | Accounting Information Systems | |
ACCTG432 | Cost Accounting | |
ACCTG433 | Intermediate Accounting and Analytics II | |
ACCTG442 | Auditing I | |
ACCTG641 | Intermediate Accounting and Analytics III | |
ACCTG642 | Accounting Research and Communication | |
AGEC115 | Decision Tools for Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness | |
AGEC121 | Honors Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness | |
AGEC202 | Small Business Operations | |
AGEC308 | Farm and Ranch Management | |
AGEC318 | Food and Agribusiness Management | |
AGEC420 | Commodity Futures | |
AGEC470 | Cooperative Management | |
AGEC500 | Production Economics | |
AGEC501 | Data Analysis and Optimization | |
AGEC505 | Agricultural Market Structures | |
AGEC513 | Agricultural Finance | |
AGEC515 | Food and Agribusiness Marketing | |
AGEC520 | Market Fundamentals and Futures/Options Trading | |
AGEC525 | Natural Resource and Environmental Economics | |
AGEC598 | Farm Management Strategy | |
AGEC599 | Food and Agribusiness Management Strategy | |
AGEC623 | International Agricultural Trade | |
AGRON202 | Introduction to Precision Ag Software | |
AGRON251 | Range Management | |
AGRON405 | Internship in Agronomy | |
ASI370 | Principles of Meat Evaluation | |
ASI510 | Animal Breeding Principles | |
ATM511 | Agricultural Building Systems | |
ATM536 | Agricultural Technology Management Capstone Project | |
AVT240 | Introduction to Air Traffic Control | |
AVT386 | Aerodynamics | |
AVT450 | Aviation Safety Management | |
AVT451 | System Safety | |
BIOCH110 | Biochemistry and Society | |
BIOCH111 | Biochemistry and Society Laboratory | |
BIOCH499 | Honors Project | |
BIOCH521 | General Biochemistry | |
BIOCH599 | Research Training in Biochemistry | |
BIOL198 | Principles of Biology | |
BIOL529 | Ecology | |
BUS251 | Financial Accounting | |
BUS252 | Managerial Accounting | |
BUS366 | Management with Information Technology | |
BUS421 | Applied Operations Management | |
BUS450 | Integrated Finance | |
BUS520 | Integrated Technology Management Capstone | |
CC120 | Web Page Dev | |
CC120 | Web Page Dev | |
CC210 | Fundamental Computer Programming Concepts | |
CC210 | Fundamental Computer Programming Concepts | |
CHE560 | Separational Process Design | |
CHM110 | General Chemistry | |
CHM111 | Gen Chem Lab | |
CHM211 | Chemistry I Recitation | |
CHM231 | Chemistry II Recitation | |
CHM497 | Research In Undergraduate Chemistry | |
CHM566 | Instru Meth Analysis | |
CHM599 | Senior Thesis Research | |
CHM611 | Inorganic Chemistry I | |
CHM652 | Organic Chemistry III | |
CHM657 | Inorganic Techniques | |
CIS527 | Enterprise Systems Administration | |
CIS527 | Enterprise Systems Administration | |
CIS560 | Database System Concepts | |
CIS560 | Database System Concepts | |
CMST108 | Pc Desktop Software | |
CMST135 | Web Fundamentals | |
CMST146 | Digital Photography | |
CMST302 | Applications in C Programming For Engineering Technology | |
CMST302 | Applications in C Programming For Engineering Technology | |
COT405 | Methods of Problem Solving for Integrated Professional Studies | |
CRIM364 | Criminological Perspectives | |
CSD560 | Clinical Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders | |
CYBR103 | Computing Principles | |
CYBR180 | Introduction to Database Systems | |
CYBR335 | Programming II | |
CYBR460 | Software Engineering for Intelligent Cyber Systems | |
ECET430 | Signals and Systems | |
ECON510 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | |
ECON520 | Intermediate Microeconomics | |
ECON521 | Intermediate Microeconomic Theory | |
ECON530 | Money and Banking | |
ECON605 | Economic Applications of Game Theory and Strategic Behavior | |
ECON630 | Introduction to Econometrics | |
ECON686 | Economics Forecasting | |
EDEL463 | Teaching Mathematics: K-6 | |
EDSEC538 | Mathematics Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools | |
EDSEC614 | Laboratory Techniques in Teaching Science | |
ENGL302 | Technical Writing | |
ENTRP340 | Business Innovation and the Entrepreneurial Mindset | |
ENVD201 | Environmental Design Studio I | |
ETB482 | Senior Design Project I | |
FINAN450 | Principles of Finance | |
FINAN451 | Introduction to Integrated Investment Management | |
FINAN460 | Insurance | |
FINAN510 | Financial Institutions and Markets | |
FINAN520 | Investments | |
FINAN561 | Finance for Entrepreneurs | |
FINAN575 | Intermediate Finance | |
FINAN653 | Security and Portfolio Analysis | |
FINAN654 | Derivative Securities and Markets | |
FINAN655 | Advanced Portfolio Management | |
FINAN661 | Professional Financial Planning | |
FINAN675 | Cases in Finance | |
FNDH132 | Basic Nutrition | |
FNDH132 | Basic Nutrition | |
FNDH220 | Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries | |
FNDH400 | Human Nutrition | |
FNDH400 | Human Nutrition | |
FNDH426 | Financial Management in Dietetics | |
FNDH515 | Counseling Strategies in Dietetic Practice | |
FNDH551 | Evaluation of Athletic Injuries of the Extremities | |
FNDH632 | Clinical Nutrition II - Clinical Nutrition | |
FNDH635 | Sports Nutrition | |
FNDH635 | Sports Nutrition | |
GEOG121 | Introductory Physical Geography: Earth Systems Science | |
GEOG121 | Introductory Physical Geography: Earth Systems Science | |
GEOG440 | Spatial Analysis of Surface Water Hydrology | |
GEOG440 | Spatial Analysis of Surface Water Hydrology | |
GRSC210 | CAD Flow Sheets for Grain Processes | |
GRSC556 | Pneumatic Conveying of Dry Solids | |
GRSC602 | Cereal Science | |
HDFS375 | Introduction to Research Methods in Human Development and Family Science | |
HM303 | Operational Research in the Hospitality Industry | |
HM422 | Cost Controls In Hospitality Operations | |
HM423 | Facility Management | |
HM464 | Revenue Management | |
HM464 | Revenue Management | |
IMSE560 | Operations Research I | |
INDD606 | INDD Design Studio V | |
KIN335 | Physiology of Exercise | |
KIN336 | Physiology of Exercise Lab | |
KIN603 | Cardiovascular Physiology | |
KIN607 | Muscle Physiology | |
KIN609 | Environmental Physiology | |
LEAD425 | Global Food Systems Leadership in Action | |
MANGT366 | Information Systems and Business Analytics | |
MANGT421 | Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management | |
MANGT521 | Managerial Decision Analytics | |
MANGT523 | Human Resources Analytics | |
MANGT541 | Management of Quality | |
MANGT553 | Business Project Management | |
MANGT561 | Transportation and Warehouse Management | |
MANGT595 | Strategic Management | |
MANGT660 | Supply Chain Planning and Control | |
MANGT662 | Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Design | |
MATH100 | College Algebra | |
MATH100 | College Algebra | |
MATH100 | College Algebra | |
MATH150 | Plane Trigonometry | |
MATH160 | Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics | |
MATH205 | Gen Calc & Linr Alg | |
MATH220 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus I | |
MATH312 | Finite Applic Math | |
MATH350 | Mathematical Scholars Calculus lll | |
MATH350 | Mathematical Scholars Calculus lll | |
MATH500 | Math Theory/Interest | |
MATH510 | Discrete Mathematics | |
MC316 | Interactive Journalism Design | |
MET111 | Technical Graphics | |
MET211 | Statics | |
MET336 | Dynamics of Machines | |
MET365 | Machine Design Technology II | |
MIS366 | Introduction to Business Analytics and Information Systems | |
MIS422 | Business Database and SQL | |
MIS422 | Business Database and SQL | |
MIS555 | Cloud Computing with Business Programming Applications | |
MIS566 | Systems Analysis and Design | |
MIS566 | Systems Analysis and Design | |
MIS665 | Business Analytics and Data Mining | |
MIS670 | Social Media Analytics and Web Mining | |
MKTG560 | Data Narr & Visual | |
MKTG580 | Marketing Analy Fund | |
MLAS200 | Introduction to Automata and Cybernetic Systems Theory | |
MLAS400 | Supervised learning in Autonomous Systems | |
MLAS500 | Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous Systems | |
PFP105 | Introduction to Personal Financial Planning | |
PFP305 | Adv Personal Fin Plan | |
PFP305 | Adv Personal Fin Plan | |
PFP595 | Capstone in Personal Financial Planning | |
PFP595 | Capstone in Personal Financial Planning | |
PHILO110 | Introduction to Formal Logic | |
PHILO320 | Symbolic Logic I | |
PHYS102 | Current Tops/Phys World - Top/Physics for Policy Makers | |
PHYS102 | Current Tops/Phys World - Top/Phys of Outdoor Sports | |
PHYS122 | Physics Today l | |
PHYS400 | Indep Study/Physics - Top/Vary By Student | |
PHYS460 | Top/Undergrad Physic - Top/Introduction to Physics | |
PHYS497 | Senior Research in Physics | |
PHYS498 | Honors Tutorial in Physics | |
PHYS499 | Honors Project | |
PHYS664 | Thermostat | |
PLPTH495 | Res/Plant Pathology - Top/Vary by Student | |
PLPTH812 | Introduction to Integrative Genome Analysis | |
POLSC400 | Political Inquiry And Analysis | |
POLSC499 | Honors Project | |
PPIL111 | Private Pilot | |
PPIL112 | Professional Instrument Pilot | |
PPIL211 | Professional Commercial Pilot | |
PPIL325 | Advanced Aircraft Systems | |
PSYCH110 | General Psychology | |
PSYCH110 | General Psychology | |
PSYCH110 | General Psychology | |
PSYCH280 | Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence | |
PSYCH350 | Experimental Methods in Psychology | |
PSYCH425 | Judgement & Decision Making | |
PSYCH430 | Forensic Psychology | |
PSYCH460 | Cognitive Psychology | |
PSYCH475 | Principles of Learning | |
PSYCH480 | Fundamentals of Perception and Sensation | |
PSYCH505 | Introduction to Psychopathology | |
PSYCH515 | Introduction to Psychology Applied to Work | |
PSYCH545 | Consumer Psychology | |
PSYCH620 | Psychology of Personality | |
SALES565 | Customer Rel Mgmt | |
SOCIO423 | Methods of Social Research l | |
SOCWK530 | Social Work Research Methods and Analysis II | |
SOCWK530 | Social Work Research Methods and Analysis II | |
SOCWK530 | Social Work Research Methods and Analysis II | |
STAT100 | Statistical Literacy in the Age of Information | |
STAT225 | Introduction to Statistics | |
STAT240 | Biometrics I | |
STAT510 | Introductory Probability and Statistics l | |