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General Education

CourseTitleK-State 8
ACCTG231Introduction to Managerial Accounting
ACCTG241Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACCTG331Intermediate Accounting and Analytics I
ACCTG342Taxation I
ACCTG413Accounting Information Systems
ACCTG432Cost Accounting
ACCTG433Intermediate Accounting and Analytics II
ACCTG442Auditing I
ACCTG641Intermediate Accounting and Analytics III
ACCTG642Accounting Research and Communication
AGEC115Decision Tools for Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
AGEC121Honors Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
AGEC202Small Business Operations
AGEC308Farm and Ranch Management
AGEC318Food and Agribusiness Management
AGEC420Commodity Futures
AGEC470Cooperative Management
AGEC500Production Economics
AGEC501Data Analysis and Optimization
AGEC505Agricultural Market Structures
AGEC513Agricultural Finance
AGEC515Food and Agribusiness Marketing
AGEC520Market Fundamentals and Futures/Options Trading
AGEC525Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
AGEC598Farm Management Strategy
AGEC599Food and Agribusiness Management Strategy
AGEC623International Agricultural Trade
AGRON202Introduction to Precision Ag Software
AGRON251Range Management
AGRON405Internship in Agronomy
ASI370Principles of Meat Evaluation
ASI510Animal Breeding Principles
ATM511Agricultural Building Systems
ATM536Agricultural Technology Management Capstone Project
AVT240Introduction to Air Traffic Control
AVT450Aviation Safety Management
AVT451System Safety
BIOCH110Biochemistry and Society
BIOCH111Biochemistry and Society Laboratory
BIOCH499Honors Project
BIOCH521General Biochemistry
BIOCH599Research Training in Biochemistry
BIOL198Principles of Biology
BUS251Financial Accounting
BUS252Managerial Accounting
BUS366Management with Information Technology
BUS421Applied Operations Management
BUS450Integrated Finance
BUS520Integrated Technology Management Capstone
CC120Web Page Dev
CC120Web Page Dev
CC210Fundamental Computer Programming Concepts
CC210Fundamental Computer Programming Concepts
CHE560Separational Process Design
CHM110General Chemistry
CHM111Gen Chem Lab
CHM211Chemistry I Recitation
CHM231Chemistry II Recitation
CHM497Research In Undergraduate Chemistry
CHM566Instru Meth Analysis
CHM599Senior Thesis Research
CHM611Inorganic Chemistry I
CHM652Organic Chemistry III
CHM657Inorganic Techniques
CIS527Enterprise Systems Administration
CIS527Enterprise Systems Administration
CIS560Database System Concepts
CIS560Database System Concepts
CMST108Pc Desktop Software
CMST135Web Fundamentals
CMST146Digital Photography
CMST302Applications in C Programming For Engineering Technology
CMST302Applications in C Programming For Engineering Technology
COT405Methods of Problem Solving for Integrated Professional Studies
CRIM364Criminological Perspectives
CSD560Clinical Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders
CYBR103Computing Principles
CYBR180Introduction to Database Systems
CYBR335Programming II
CYBR460Software Engineering for Intelligent Cyber Systems
ECET430Signals and Systems
ECON510Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON520Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON521Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECON530Money and Banking
ECON605Economic Applications of Game Theory and Strategic Behavior
ECON630Introduction to Econometrics
ECON686Economics Forecasting
EDEL463Teaching Mathematics: K-6
EDSEC538Mathematics Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools
EDSEC614Laboratory Techniques in Teaching Science
ENGL302Technical Writing
ENTRP340Business Innovation and the Entrepreneurial Mindset
ENVD201Environmental Design Studio I
ETB482Senior Design Project I
FINAN450Principles of Finance
FINAN451Introduction to Integrated Investment Management
FINAN510Financial Institutions and Markets
FINAN561Finance for Entrepreneurs
FINAN575Intermediate Finance
FINAN653Security and Portfolio Analysis
FINAN654Derivative Securities and Markets
FINAN655Advanced Portfolio Management
FINAN661Professional Financial Planning
FINAN675Cases in Finance
FNDH132Basic Nutrition
FNDH132Basic Nutrition
FNDH220Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
FNDH400Human Nutrition
FNDH400Human Nutrition
FNDH426Financial Management in Dietetics
FNDH515Counseling Strategies in Dietetic Practice
FNDH551Evaluation of Athletic Injuries of the Extremities
FNDH632Clinical Nutrition II - Clinical Nutrition
FNDH635Sports Nutrition
FNDH635Sports Nutrition
GEOG121Introductory Physical Geography: Earth Systems Science
GEOG121Introductory Physical Geography: Earth Systems Science
GEOG440Spatial Analysis of Surface Water Hydrology
GEOG440Spatial Analysis of Surface Water Hydrology
GRSC210CAD Flow Sheets for Grain Processes
GRSC556Pneumatic Conveying of Dry Solids
GRSC602Cereal Science
HDFS375Introduction to Research Methods in Human Development and Family Science
HM303Operational Research in the Hospitality Industry
HM422Cost Controls In Hospitality Operations
HM423Facility Management
HM464Revenue Management
HM464Revenue Management
IMSE560Operations Research I
INDD606INDD Design Studio V
KIN335Physiology of Exercise
KIN336Physiology of Exercise Lab
KIN603Cardiovascular Physiology
KIN607Muscle Physiology
KIN609Environmental Physiology
LEAD425Global Food Systems Leadership in Action
MANGT366Information Systems and Business Analytics
MANGT421Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management
MANGT521Managerial Decision Analytics
MANGT523Human Resources Analytics
MANGT541Management of Quality
MANGT553Business Project Management
MANGT561Transportation and Warehouse Management
MANGT595Strategic Management
MANGT660Supply Chain Planning and Control
MANGT662Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Design
MATH100College Algebra
MATH100College Algebra
MATH100College Algebra
MATH150Plane Trigonometry
MATH160Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics
MATH205Gen Calc & Linr Alg
MATH220Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
MATH312Finite Applic Math
MATH350Mathematical Scholars Calculus lll
MATH350Mathematical Scholars Calculus lll
MATH500Math Theory/Interest
MATH510Discrete Mathematics
MC316Interactive Journalism Design
MET111Technical Graphics
MET336Dynamics of Machines
MET365Machine Design Technology II
MIS366Introduction to Business Analytics and Information Systems
MIS422Business Database and SQL
MIS422Business Database and SQL
MIS555Cloud Computing with Business Programming Applications
MIS566Systems Analysis and Design
MIS566Systems Analysis and Design
MIS665Business Analytics and Data Mining
MIS670Social Media Analytics and Web Mining
MKTG560Data Narr & Visual
MKTG580Marketing Analy Fund
MLAS200Introduction to Automata and Cybernetic Systems Theory
MLAS400Supervised learning in Autonomous Systems
MLAS500Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous Systems
PFP105Introduction to Personal Financial Planning
PFP305Adv Personal Fin Plan
PFP305Adv Personal Fin Plan
PFP595Capstone in Personal Financial Planning
PFP595Capstone in Personal Financial Planning
PHILO110Introduction to Formal Logic
PHILO320Symbolic Logic I
PHYS102Current Tops/Phys World - Top/Physics for Policy Makers
PHYS102Current Tops/Phys World - Top/Phys of Outdoor Sports
PHYS122Physics Today l
PHYS400Indep Study/Physics - Top/Vary By Student
PHYS460Top/Undergrad Physic - Top/Introduction to Physics
PHYS497Senior Research in Physics
PHYS498Honors Tutorial in Physics
PHYS499Honors Project
PLPTH495Res/Plant Pathology - Top/Vary by Student
PLPTH812Introduction to Integrative Genome Analysis
POLSC400Political Inquiry And Analysis
POLSC499Honors Project
PPIL111Private Pilot
PPIL112Professional Instrument Pilot
PPIL211Professional Commercial Pilot
PPIL325Advanced Aircraft Systems
PSYCH110General Psychology
PSYCH110General Psychology
PSYCH110General Psychology
PSYCH280Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence
PSYCH350Experimental Methods in Psychology
PSYCH425Judgement & Decision Making
PSYCH430Forensic Psychology
PSYCH460Cognitive Psychology
PSYCH475Principles of Learning
PSYCH480Fundamentals of Perception and Sensation
PSYCH505Introduction to Psychopathology
PSYCH515Introduction to Psychology Applied to Work
PSYCH545Consumer Psychology
PSYCH620Psychology of Personality
SALES565Customer Rel Mgmt
SOCIO423Methods of Social Research l
SOCWK530Social Work Research Methods and Analysis II
SOCWK530Social Work Research Methods and Analysis II
SOCWK530Social Work Research Methods and Analysis II
STAT100Statistical Literacy in the Age of Information
STAT225Introduction to Statistics
STAT240Biometrics I
STAT510Introductory Probability and Statistics l