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General Education

CourseTitleK-State 8
AGCOM210Layout and Design Principles
ARAB101Arabic I
ARAB102Arabic II
ARAB301Arabic IV
ARCH252History of Contemporary Architecture
ART102Ceramics for Non-majors
ART103Jewelry Design and Processes for Non-majors
ART180AandD: Color, Light, and Perception Lab
ART196Survey of Western Art History II
ART200A and D: Visual Representation and Fabrication
ART303Visual Communication Design Techniques I
ART320Water Media
ART325Figure Drawing
ART330Digital Techniques in Visual Art
ART335Introduction to Printmaking Techniques
ART345Introduction to Oil Painting
ART365Introduction to the Ceramics Spectrum
ART370Introduction to Metals and Jewelry
ART395Introduction to Digital Photography
ART400Visual Communication Design III: Storytelling in Design
ART420Visual Communication Design IV: Design and Context
ART510Advanced Techniques in Jewelry and Metal Design
ART530Color Printmaking Workshop: Experimental Techniques and Vision
ART550Twentieth Century Art History II: Dada to Surrealism
ART563Intermediate Photography
ART565Wheel Thrown Ceramics Studio
ART570Painting Materials Application
ART580Visual Communication Design Capstone II: Project
ART590Design for Digital Media II
ART600Drawing Workshop
ART603Twentieth Century Art History IV: Conceptual Art to Contemporary Art
ART610Figure Drawing II
ART614Italian Renaissance Architecture: Patronage and Construction
ART621Advance Concepts in Digital Video
ART622Baroque Art History
ART667Ceramic Design Workshop
ART680Topics in Contemporary Metals and Jewelry
CHINE200Chinese II
CHINE301Chinese IV
CHINE502Chinese VI
CHINE599Special Studies in Chinese
CLSCS105Medical Terminology: Latin and Greek for Scientists
CLSCS549Special Studies in Classics
CMST146Digital Photography
CMST332Web Development Project
CNS110History of Building and Construction
COMM311Business and Professional Speaking
COMM323Nonverbal Communication
COMM330Rhetoric in Civic Life
COMM430Freedom of Speech
DANCE120Contemporary Dance I
DANCE165Ballet I
DANCE171Jazz Dance I
DANCE205Dance As an Art Form
DANCE225Rhythmic Notation for Dance
DANCE325Ballet II
DANCE381Tap ll
DANCE502Performance Production
DANCE505Methods and Materials of Teaching Dance
DIGME406Social Media
DIGME456Digital Media Senior Capstone Project
EDEL270Arts for Elementary Schools
EDEL411Science of Reading I
EDEL411Science of Reading I
EDEL450Art Methods for Elementary Schools
EDEL461Science of Reading II
EDSEC536Language Arts Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools
EDSEC582Teaching Internship in Music
ENGL220Fiction Into Film
ENGL224Television as Literature
ENGL251Introduction to Literature
ENGL251Introduction to Literature
ENGL253The Short Story
ENGL275Wild Lit
ENGL285Introduction to American Ethnic Literatures
ENGL287Great Books
ENGL302Technical Writing
ENGL310Introduction To Literary Studies
ENGL326Introduction to Digital Humanities
ENGL350Introduction to Shakespeare
ENGL355Literature For Children
ENGL361British Survey I
ENGL362British Survey II
ENGL381American Survey I
ENGL382American Survey II
ENGL384Multicultural Children's Literature
ENGL386African American Literatures
ENGL390Fable and Fantasy
ENGL392Literature and the Body
ENGL395Topics in English
ENGL420Topics in Film
ENGL455Exploring Creativity
ENGL463Introduction to Poetry Writing
ENGL465Introduction to Creative Nonfiction
ENGL545Literature For Adolescents
ENGL580Selected World Literature
ENGL610Readings in Renaissance Literature
ENGL635Readings In Twentieth and Twenty-First Century British Literature
ENGL663Adv Creative Writg - Top/Adv Creative Writ/Poetry
ENGL680Top/Amer Literature - Top/Religion & Amer Lit
ENGL698Capstone Seminar - Top/Perf Mid Ages
ENGL767Literary Editing and Publishing
ENTOM202Art and Insects
ENVD202Environmental Design Studio II
ENVD251History of the Designed Environment II
ENVD650Italian, Art, History and Culture
FREN101French I (Elementary French I)
FREN101French I (Elementary French I)
FREN102French II
FREN102French II
FREN201French III
FREN201French III
FREN301French IV
FREN512French/Francophone Cinema
FREN519Spec Studies French - Top/Intro French Linguistic
FREN520Introduction to French Literature (19th Century to the Present
GRMN101German I
GRMN101German I
GRMN102German II
GRMN102German II
GRMN201German III
GRMN201German III
GRMN301German IV
GRMN301German IV
GRMN530German Cultural Studies and History
HORT510Horticultural Design II
IAID407Design Workshop I
IAID431Visual Communication II
IARC320IARC Design Studio II
IARC440IARC Design Studio IV
IARC605Problems in IARC
IARC605Prb/IARC - Top/Transforming Housing
IARC606IARC Design Studio VI
ID360History of Interior Design II
INDD320INDD Design Studio II
JAPAN200Japanese II
JAPAN301Japanese IV
JAPAN502Japanese VI
JAPAN599Special Studies in Japanese
LAR211Unlocking Creativity
LAR500Site Planning and Design
LAR811Unlocking Creativity
LATIN102Latin II
LATIN302Intermed Latin-Poetry - Top/Virgil
MC301Photo & Video Storytelling
MLANG398Studies/Foreign Lang - Top/French for Archives 1
MLANG499Honors Project
MUSIC100Introduction to Music Theory
MUSIC103Voice Class I
MUSIC111Concert Choir
MUSIC113University Band
MUSIC114Cat Band
MUSIC116Concert Band
MUSIC117Wind Symphony
MUSIC121Collegiate Chorale
MUSIC130Symphony Orchestra
MUSIC140University Treble Chorus
MUSIC152Introduction to Film Music
MUSIC156Introduction to the Broadway Musical
MUSIC160Experiencing Live Music
MUSIC170History of Rock and Roll
MUSIC172History of Country Music
MUSIC173Music as Protest and Propaganda in the United States
MUSIC203Vocal Techniques l
MUSIC210Music Theory l
MUSIC211Piano Class I
MUSIC212Piano Class II
MUSIC220Top/In Music - Top/History of Hip Hop
MUSIC230Music Theory II
MUSIC231Aural Skills l
MUSIC241Italian Diction
MUSIC244West African Drumming and Percussion
MUSIC249Introduction to Music of the World
MUSIC250Introduction to Music
MUSIC280L-D Ensb - Top/Instrumental
MUSIC280L-D Ensb - Top/String
MUSIC280L-D Ensb - Top/Instrumental
MUSIC280L-D Ensb - Top/Studio Jazz Combo
MUSIC280L-D Ensb - Top/Latin Jazz Ens
MUSIC280L-D Ensb - Top/Percussion
MUSIC280L-D Ensb - Top/Instrumental
MUSIC280L-D Ensb - Top/In-A-Chord
MUSIC280L-D Ensb - Top/Instrumental
MUSIC280L-D Ensb - Top/String
MUSIC280L-D Ensb - Top/Pop/Rock Ensemble
MUSIC280L-D Ensb - Top/Wild Catz String Orch
MUSIC320Music Theory III
MUSIC321Aural Skills ll
MUSIC350Collaborative Piano-Studio
MUSIC351Collaborative Piano
MUSIC360Music Theory lV
MUSIC361Aural Skills lll
MUSIC400Concert Choir
MUSIC401Concert Band
MUSIC402Wind Ensemble
MUSIC403Collegiate Chorale
MUSIC404Symphony Orchestra
MUSIC409University Treble Chorus-Upper Division
MUSIC412University Band
MUSIC416Cat Band-Upper Division
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Euphonium
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Bassoon
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Clarinet
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Double Bass
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Flute
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/French Horn
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Harpsichord
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Jazz Guitar
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Oboe
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Organ
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Percussion
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Piano
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Saxophone
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Trombone
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Trumpet
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Tuba
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Viola
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Violin
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Violincello
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Voice
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Jazz Bass
MUSIC454Upper Div Sec Perf - Top/Voice
MUSIC456Choral Conducting
MUSIC458Music in the Schools, PK-6
MUSIC461Advanced Studies in Music Education
MUSIC466Music History I: Ancient Greece to Beethoven
MUSIC467Music History II: Beethoven to Present
MUSIC475Opera Workshop
MUSIC480Upper-Div Ensem Perf - Top/Instrumental
MUSIC480Upper-Div Ensem Perf - Top/String
MUSIC480Upper-Div Ensem Perf - Top/Instrumental
MUSIC480Upper-Div Ensem Perf - Top/Studio Jazz Combo
MUSIC480Upper-Div Ensem Perf - Top/Latin Jazz Ensemble
MUSIC480Upper-Div Ensem Perf - Top/Instrumental
MUSIC480Upper-Div Ensem Perf - Top/Percussion
MUSIC480Upper-Div Ensem Perf - Top/In-A-Chord
MUSIC480Upper-Div Ensem Perf - Top/Instrumental
MUSIC480Upper-Div Ensem Perf - Top/String
MUSIC490Collegium Musicum Early Music Ensemble
MUSIC697Jazz Theory II
MUSIC699Jazz Improvisation II
MUSIC703Graduate History Review
MUSIC722Arranging for Bands
MUSIC725Theories of Contemporary Music
MUSIC727Introduction to Historical Performance Practice
PHILO120Introduction to Philosophy of Art
PHILO352Philosophy of Horror
PMC635Methods of Environmental Interpretation
SPAN101Spanish I
SPAN102Spanish II
SPAN201Spanish III
SPAN301Spanish IV
SPAN301Spanish IV
SPAN410Spanish Communication through Pop Culture
SPAN550Hispanic Readings and Media
SPAN550Hispanic Readings and Media
SPAN560Cultures of the Spanish-speaking World: U.S. Latinx
THTRE171Fundamentals of Acting
THTRE211Run Crew
THTRE212Wardrobe Crew
THTRE265Fundamentals of Improvisation
THTRE268Techniques of Makeup
THTRE270Introduction to Theatre
THTRE271Intermediate Acting
THTRE280Script Analysis
THTRE366Fundamentals of Theatre Management
THTRE368Fundamentals of Technical Production
THTRE369Fundamentals of Theatrical Design
THTRE566Rehearsal Techniques
THTRE567Costume Design
THTRE579Lighting Design
THTRE664Creative Drama
THTRE665Drama Therapy With Special Populations