Special Education, Counseling and Student Affairs
If no dates are listed directly under a course, then the course meets
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 through Friday, May 5, 2023.
Jump to course: ----- EDCEP103 - Hlthful/Safe Col Lif EDCEP120 - Acad/Career Decision EDCEP160 - Develop and Integrity EDCEP202 - Career and Life Plan EDCEP311 - Guidance Paraprofess EDCEP315 - Educ Psychology EDCEP502 - Is/Counsel/Ed Psych - Top/Stress Management EDCEP525 - Intpers Relatn Schl EDCEP775 - Rdg/Couns/Ed Psych - Top/Vary By Student EDCEP795 - Prb/Couns/Ed Psych EDCEP815 - Using Test/Counselng EDCEP816 - Research Methods in Ed EDCEP818 - Prncpls Stu Aff Admn EDCEP819 - Survey Research EDCEP829 - Learning Principles EDCEP830 - Diversity in Higher Ed EDCEP831 - Current Iss/Higher Ed EDCEP835 - Found Acad Advising EDCEP838 - Student Develop Theory EDCEP839 - Assess Acad Advising EDCEP851 - Multicult/Acad Advis EDCEP854 - Coll Student Athletes EDCEP857 - Counseling Program Mgmt EDCEP858 - Group Processes EDCEP863 - Trends in Career Dev EDCEP864 - Current Iss Inter Athl EDCEP871 - Ldrsp, Advc, And Cnsult EDCEP877 - Practicum/Counseling EDCEP885 - Practicum in Higher Education EDCEP887 - Counseling Internship EDCEP917 - Experimental Design EDCEP927 - Higher Educ Admin EDCEP977 - Adv Couns Practices EDCEP991 - Intern/Counsl Ed Psy EDCEP999 - Doctoral Research EDSP323 - Excep Student Sec Sc EDSP324 - Except Child Reg Cr EDSP415 - Manual Comm I EDSP509 - Intro Autism Spect Dis EDSP709 - Autism Spec Disorder EDSP711 - Characterist of Except EDSP742 - Interventions/Ebd EDSP743 - Interv Acad Disablil EDSP777 - Soc Em Lrn& Bhv Mgnmt EDSP785 - Practicum I - Top/Pract Elem High Incid SPED EDSP795 - Prb/Special Educ - Top/EBD EDSP800 - Practicum II - Top/Pract Elem High Incid SPED EDSP853 - Coll Stu/Disabilities EDSP885 - Prc/Ind Low Inc Sp Ed - Top/Pract Sec Low Incid Sped EDSP991 - Intern/Special Educ EDSP999 - Phd Research
ZA REC 14462 3 Distance books Price, Aryn A
ZB REC 14463 3 Distance books Price, Aryn A
D LEC 15650 1 M W 1:30 - 2:20 p.m. C 209 books Gnagi, Taylor Jean
H LEC 15651 1 M W 9:30 - 10:20 a.m. C 208 books Gnagi, Taylor Jean
I LEC 15649 1 T U 11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. C 212 books Gnagi, Taylor Jean
A LEC 14311 1 T U 8:05 - 9:20 a.m. BH 109 books Roberts, Camilla Jones None
B LEC 14312 1 M W 3:30 - 4:20 p.m. BH 109 books Roberts, Camilla Jones None
ZA LEC 14466 1 Distance books Roberts, Camilla Jones None
ZA LEC 14521 2 OPT Distance books Walls, Kodee
A LEC 16828 0-3 M 4:30 - 5:20 p.m. books Weaver, Brent None
H LEC 16017 0-1 Appointment books Weaver, Brent None
A LEC 16829 3 U 9:30 - 11:20 a.m. BH 121 books Intriago Palacios, Éder A.
E LEC 15599 3 T 4:30 - 6:20 p.m. BH 121 books Intriago Palacios, Éder A.
ZA LEC 15606 3 Distance books Intriago Palacios, Éder A.
ZB IND 14547 3 Distance books Dinkel, Lorraine M None
ZC IND 14550 3 Distance books Walls, Kodee None
ZD IND 14551 1 Distance books Roberts, Camilla Jones None
C LEC 15600 1 W 1:30 - 3:20 p.m. BH 119 books Martinez, Tonnie
D LEC 15601 1 T 3:30 - 5:20 p.m. BH 343 books Martinez, Tonnie
A RDG 10677 1 Appointment books Craft, Christy Moran None
ZA RDG 14552 1-3 OPT Distance books Craft, Christy Moran None
B IND 16730 1-18 Appointment books Craft, Christy Moran None
A LEC 10679 3 W 4:30 - 6:55 p.m. BH 119 books Becnel, Alexander Thomas None
ZA LEC 14553 3 Distance books McGill, Craig Michael None
ZB LEC 14557 3 Distance books Yang, Yang None
A LEC 10680 3 T 11:30 a.m. - 1:55 p.m. BH 342 books Cook, Kevin M None
ZA LEC 16265 3 Distance books Benton, Stephen L None
ZA LEC 15700 3 Distance books Gerloff, Jill A None
A SEM 16747 3 W 4:30 - 6:55 p.m. BH 256 books Bolton, Debra Jane None
A LEC 13437 3 T 4:30 - 6:55 p.m. BH 225 books Roberts, Camilla Jones None
ZA REC 14554 3 Distance books Bridgen, Sean Thomas None
ZA LEC 14556 3 Distance books Wilcox, Dan W None
ZA LEC 14558 3 Distance books Troxel, Wendy G None
ZA REC 14559 3 Distance books Anderson, Melinda None
ZB REC 14560 3 Distance books Holmes, JohnElla Jeanine None
ZA LEC 14561 3 Distance books Rubin, Lisa M None
A LEC 10682 3 M 4:30 - 6:55 p.m. BH 225 books Kriley, Samantha Marie None
A LEC 16741 3 U 4:30 - 6:55 p.m. BH 217 books Dinkel, Lorraine M None
A LEC 10683 3 U 4:30 - 6:55 p.m. BH 122 books Keller, Kerri Day None
ZA LEC 14562 3 Distance books Carr, Darrin L None
ZA LEC 15162 3 Distance books Rubin, Lisa M None
ZA LEC 14569 3 Distance books Kriley, Samantha Marie None
A PRC 10684 3 M 7:05 - 9:30 p.m. BH 339 books Kriley, Samantha Marie None
A PRC 10685 3 W 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. BH 342 books Craft, Christy Moran None
A INT 10686 3 T 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. BH 342 books Lane, Jessica None
B INT 15693 3 T 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. BH 114 books Lane, Jessica None
ZA LEC 15149 3 Distance books Yang, Yang None
ZA LEC 16283 3 Distance books Rubin, Lisa M None
A LEC 13575 3 T 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. BH 343 books Dinkel, Lorraine M None
A INT 12086 3 T 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. BH 342 books Dinkel, Lorraine M None
A RSH 10688 1-18 CNC Appointment books Carroll, Doris None
B RSH 12413 1-18 CNC Appointment books Craft, Christy Moran None
C RSH 12330 1-18 CNC Appointment books Becnel, Alexander Thomas None
D RSH 13438 1-18 CNC Appointment books Troxel, Wendy G None
E RSH 10687 1-18 CNC Appointment books Rubin, Lisa M None
F RSH 10689 1-18 CNC Appointment books Yang, Yang None
H RSH 14288 1-18 CNC Appointment books Lane, Jessica None
I RSH 15694 1-18 CNC Appointment books McGill, Craig Michael None
A LEC 10747 2 T 9:30 - 11:20 a.m. BH 117 books Mitchell, Barbara Sue
B LEC 10748 2 U 12:30 - 2:20 p.m. BH 121 books Mitchell, Barbara Sue
A LEC 10749 3 M W 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. BH 343 books Meritt, Nicole
B LEC 10750 3 T U 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. BH 344 books Meritt, Nicole
A RDG 14789 3 T U 5:30 - 6:45 p.m. BB 3043 books Beharry, Natalie T None
A LEC 14689 3 M 4:30 - 6:55 p.m. BH 119 books Kaff, Marilyn S None
A LEC 14690 3 M 4:30 - 6:55 p.m. BH 119 books Kaff, Marilyn S None
ZA LEC 15150 3 Distance books Kaff, Marilyn S None
A LEC 10751 3 T 4:30 - 6:55 p.m. BH 339 books Teagarden, James M None
ZA LEC 14431 3 Distance books Mitchell, Barbara Sue None
A LEC 10752 3 U 4:30 - 6:55 p.m. BH 339 books Teagarden, James M None
ZA PRC 15712 3 Distance books Craft, Christy Moran None
ZB PRC 15167 3 Distance books Craft, Christy Moran None
B IND 10754 1-18 Appointment books Teagarden, James M None
C IND 12088 1-18 Appointment books Kaff, Marilyn S None
ZA PRC 14430 3 Distance books Teagarden, James M None
ZA LEC 14577 3 Distance books Kaff, Marilyn S None
ZB LEC 14422 3 Distance books Ewy, Casey Lynn None
ZA PRC 14421 3 Distance books Teagarden, James M None
A INT 10755 1-18 Appointment books Kaff, Marilyn S None
B INT 12784 1-18 Appointment books Teagarden, James M None
A RSH 10756 1-18 CNC Appointment books Kaff, Marilyn S None
B RSH 17014 1-18 CNC Appointment books Craft, Christy Moran None
C RSH 10757 1-18 CNC Appointment books Teagarden, James M None
For more information, visit the Special Education, Counseling and Student Affairs home page .