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Engineering Technology

John DeLeĆ³n, Department Head.

Professors Delker, Hassan, and Kinsler; Associate Professors Dandu, Khan, Harding, Leite, Morse, and Spaulding; Assistant Professors Bower, Genereux, Mertz, Plett, Rietcheck, and Simmonds; Instructor Westerman.


Engineering technology (ETA) Associate of technology

The associate of technology degree program in engineering technology emphasizes the application of scientific and engineering principles. The five degree options allow students to specialize in construction engineering technology, mechanical engineering technology, electronic and computer engineering technology, computer systems technology, and web development technology. Each program option gives students a strong foundation in mathematics, communications, and computer applications, plus option-specific technical courses and electives to prepare graduates for many diverse occupations in business and industry. The significant amount of laboratory work assures that students will be immediately productive upon graduation.

Construction engineering technology option (ETA-CN)

64 hours required for graduation

The construction engineering technology curriculum focuses on both general building construction and heavy highway construction. The option emphasizes the application of technology and engineering principles in the construction industry. This knowledge is based on a foundation of mathematics, physical science, communications, and personnel relations.

The construction engineering technology curriculum provides a hands-on learning environment emphasizing labs and field work that utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and software. Facilities include well-equipped computer laboratories for computer-aided design and drafting (CAD), estimating, and project planning. Modern electronic surveying equipment gives students experience in site layout for construction projects. Other construction laboratory facilities are devoted to soil, aggregate, and concrete testing, electrical and mechanical systems equipment, and materials strength testing equipment.

Graduates of the construction engineering technology option perform a variety of job functions, including materials testing, site surveying, cost estimating, project coordination, and many other management functions on both building and highway construction projects.

The associate degree program in construction engineering technology is accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050; Baltimore, Md., 21202-4012. 410-347-7700.


Fall semester

CET 120Material Sampling and Testing2
MET 111Technical Graphics3
MATH 100College Algebra3
MATH 151Applied Plane Trigonometry2
ENGL 100Expository Writing I3
University general education elective3
ETA 020Engineering Technology Seminar

Spring semester

CET 130Plane Surveying4
CET 320Construction Materials2
MATH 220Analytical Geometry and Calculus I4
PHYS 113General Physics I4
SPCH 105Public Speaking IA2
ETA 020Engineering Technology Seminar

Fall semester

CET 241Construction Methods and Estimating2
CET 410Managerial and Engineering Economics3
CET 211Statics3
CET 350Site Construction3
CET 210Introduction to Construction Computer Applications3
University general education elective3

Spring semester

CET 340Mechanical and Electrical Systems3
MET 245Material Strength and Testing3
CET 351Construction Techniques and Detailing3
SPAN 110Conversational Spanish3
ENGL 302Technical Writing3
Computer systems technology option (ETA-CP)

66 hours required for graduation

The computer systems technology curriculum places strong emphasis on the areas of programming, networking, computer hardware, and commercial software. The curriculum's technical elective block provides the opportunity to select courses in a wide range of computer technology topics. The curriculum emphasizes program design skills to develop fundamental problem solving in multiple computer programming languages. Practical computer applications are developed using structured design and programming methodologies. Networking and related classes emphasize application and implementation of current technology. Class assignments and a significant amount of laboratory work prepare students for real-life projects.


Fall semester

CMST 102Introduction to Computer Technology3
CMST 103Introduction to Program Design3
MATH 100College Algebra3
ENGL 100Expository Writing I3
BUS 251Financial Accounting3
ETA 020Engineering Technology Seminar

Spring semester

Level 1 programming language elective3
CMST 130Introduction to PC Administration3
CMST 180Introduction to Database Systems3
CMST 135Web Page Development I3
SPCH 105Public Speaking IA2
BUS 252Managerial Accounting3
ETA 020Engineering Technology Seminar

Fall semester

Level 2 programming language elective3
Computer systems technology elective3
Level 1 programming language elective3
CMST 250Networking I3
ENGL 302Technical Writing3
Humanities/social science/business elective3

Spring semester

Computer systems technology elective3
Computer systems technology elective3
CMST 334Computer Technology Project Development3
Humanities/social science elective3
Science elective/lab4

Level 1 programming language elective

Choose from:
CMST 210Visual Basic I3
CMST 245C++ Programming I3
CMST 247Java Programming I3
Other classes as approved by the CMST program coordinator.

Level 2 programming language elective

Choose from:
CMST 310Visual Basic II3
CMST 341C++ Programming II3
CMST 347Java Programming II3
Other classes as approved by the CMST program coordinator.

Computer systems technology elective

Choose from:
CMST 210Visual Basic I3
CMST 245C++ Programming I3
CMST 247Java Programming I3
CMST 300Assembly Language Programming3
CMST 310Visual Basic II3
CMST 315Networking II3
CMST 341C++ Programming II3
CMST 347Java Programming II3
CMST 350Unix Administration3
CMST 362Introduction to Business Programming3
CMST 363Advanced Business Programming3
CMST 370Applied Data Structures3
CMST 445Network Security3
ECET 350Microprocessor Fundamentals4
Other classes as approved by the CMST program coordinator.
Electronic and computer engineering technology option (ETA-EC)

67 hours required for graduation

The electronic and computer engineering technology curriculum emphasizes the theory and application of electronic circuits, instrumentation, and systems. Numerous laboratory experiences reinforce the concepts taught in the classroom. Course work in this curriculum includes a strong foundation in basic circuit theory, semiconductor applications, digital systems, microprocessor programming and interfacing, plus essential concepts in mathematics, science, and interpersonal communications.

Electronic and computer engineering technicians work in all areas of the electronics industry, including industrial control electronics, communications, and digital systems. These individuals work closely with electronic engineering technologists, electrical engineers, computer scientists, and other professionals in the design, development, marketing, and maintenance of electronic products and systems.

The associate degree program in electronic and computer engineering technology is accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050; Baltimore, Md., 21202-4012. 410-347-7700.


Fall semester

ECET 100Basic Electronics4
MATH 100College Algebra3
MATH 151Applied Plane Trigonometry2
ENGL 100Expository Writing I3
SPCH 105Public Speaking IA2
ETA 020Engineering Technology Seminar

Spring semester

ECET 101Direct Current Circuits3
ECET 110Semiconductor Electronics4
MATH 220Analytic Geometry and Calculus I4
PHYS 113General Physics I4
CMST 101Applied Basic Programming2
ETA 020Engineering Technology Seminar

Fall semester

ECET 201Alternating Current Circuits4
ECET 210Linear Circuit Applications4
ECET 240Electronic Manufacturing3
ECET 250Digital Logic4
ENGL 302Technical Writing3

Spring semester

CMST 250Computer Networking I3
ECET 330Industrial Controls4
ECET 350Microprocessor Fundamentals4
CHM 110General Chemistry3
CHM 111General Chemistry Laboratory1
Humanities/social science elective3
Mechanical engineering technology option (ETA-MT)

67 hours required for graduation

The mechanical engineering technology program prepares graduates for applied mechanical and manufacturing engineering-related careers with a hands-on, practical approach. The program emphasizes understanding how engineering principles are applied in practice, rather than purely the mathematical methods used.

The mechanical engineering technology program is built upon a strong foundation of science, mathematics, and applied technical courses designed to meet the diverse needs of the industrial workforce. Mechanical engineering technology concepts are used in all types of industry and are directly applied to product design and manufacturing. Courses in technical graphics with CAD, manufacturing processes, materials, material strength and testing, computer numerical control, automated manufacturing systems, machine design, quality control, and economics provide the student with a broad range of expertise for a career in mechanical engineering technology.

Graduates of the mechanical engineering technology program work within engineering teams in applied design, project management, product development, testing, manufacturing, plant operations, maintenance, or technical sales. Associate degree graduates accept jobs as engineering technicians, engineering aides, plant operation and maintenance staff, layout staff, production assistants, and technical sales staff.

The associate degree program in mechanical engineering technology is accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050; Baltimore, Md., 21202-4012. 410-347-7700.


Fall semester

MET 111Technical Graphics3
MET 121Manufacturing Methods3
MATH 100College Algebra3
MATH 151Applied Plane Trigonometry2
CMST 101Applied Basic Programming2
ENGL 100Expository Writing I3
ETA 020Engineering Technology Seminar

Spring semester

MET 117Mechanical Detailing3
MET 125Computer-Numerical Controlled Machine Processes2
CHM 110General Chemistry3
CHM 111General Chemistry Lab1
PHYS 113General Physics I4
SPCH 105Public Speaking IA2
Humanities/social science elective3
ETA 020Engineering Technology Seminar

Fall semester

MET 231Physical Materials and Metallurgy3
MET 252Fluid Power Technology3
CET 211Statics3
ECET 100Basic Electronics4
MATH 220Analytic Geometry and Calculus I4

Spring semester

MET 230Automated Manufacturing Systems I3
MET 245Material Strength and Testing3
MET 246Dynamics of Machines3
MET 264Machine Design Technology I4
ENGL 302Technical Writing3
Web development technology option (ETA-WD)

66 hours required for graduation

The web development technology program builds a foundation in computer science and applies these concepts to the world of e-commerce and website development. All students take introductory classes in operating systems and program design. The program also includes courses in programming and network administration.

Students interested in programming-oriented careers will find the curriculum challenging and rewarding. Students obtain experience with client-side programming, server-side programming, video and audio streaming, as well as database integration and other ways to make the web an effective tool for business.

Students also learn project management and the use of timetables and other organizational techniques. Software tools including Flash, DreamWeaver, and Javascript are utilized, but the main curriculum emphasis is on programming solutions to actual problems.


Fall semester

MATH 100College Algebra3
CMST 135Web Page Development I3
CMST 102Introduction to Computer Technology3
CMST 103Introduction to Program Design3
CMST 137Fundamentals of Web Design3
ETA 020Engineering Technology Seminar

Spring semester

CMST 210Visual Basic I3
CMST 247Java Programming I3
CMST 180Introduction to Database Systems3
CMST 130Introduction to PC Administration3
CMST 155Web Page Development II3
ENGL 100Expository Writing I3
BUS 110Introduction to Business3
ETA 020Engineering Technology Seminar

Fall semester

CMST 310Visual Basic II3
CMST 347Java Programming II3
CMST 335Web Development Programming I3
CMST 250Networking I3
CMST 247Java Programming I3
CMST 210Visual Basic I3
SPCH 105Public Speaking IA2
Humanities/social science/business elective3

Spring semester

CMST 332Web Development Project3
ENGL 302Technical Writing3
ECON 110Principles of Macroeconomics3
Humanities/social science elective3
Science elective/lab4

Engineering technology (ETB) Bachelor of science

The bachelor of science degree program in engineering technology extends beyond the scope of the associate degree program to include additional emphasis on the theory, development, and application in the areas of electronics, computers, and mechanical systems. The three degree options in the program allow students to specialize in computer systems technology, electronic and computer engineering technology, and mechanical engineering technology. Each program option adds depth to students' understanding of mathematics, science, and communications. Students also develop their abilities to work as team members in industry-related design projects. Graduates work in many business and industrial settings. Career opportunities include product design and development, industrial automation, manufacturing systems, technical sales, and project management.

Computer systems technology option (ETB-CP)

124 hours required for graduation (66 hours associate degree + 58 additional hours)

Students may continue their studies in computer systems technology beyond the associate degree level to obtain the bachelor of science degree. The baccalaureate degree typically requires two years of study beyond the associate degree.

Course work in the junior and senior years of the bachelor's degree program provides additional depth of understanding of programming languages and applications, database systems, computer networking, and operating systems. Individual and group project assignments allow students to develop their technical expertise, as well as their appreciation for the ethical and responsible application of computer technology. Additional mathematics, science, and elective courses provide a strong background with which graduates are prepared for many diverse occupations in business and industry.


Fall semester

CMST 335Web Development Programming I3
CMST 370Applied Data Structures3
ENGL 200Expository Writing II3
MATH 151Applied Plane Trigonometry2
Business elective3

Spring semester

CMST 420Advanced Database Systems3
Advanced computer technology elective*3
MATH 220Analytic Geometry and Calculus I4
Humanities/social science/business elective** .3
PHILO 105Introduction to Critical Thinking3

Fall semester

Advanced computer technology elective*3
CMST 460Systems Analysis and Design3
STAT 320Elements of Statistics3
PHILO 390Business Ethics3
Humanities/social science elective**3

Spring semester

CMST 462Computer Technology Senior Project3
Advanced computer technology elective*3
Science elective with lab4
Business elective**3
*For advanced computer technology electives choose one of the following tracks:

Programming track

Choose any three:
CMST 300Assembly Language Programming3
CMST 362Introduction to Business Programming3
CMST 363Advanced Business Programming3
CMST 410Operating Systems3
CMST 412Software Architecture and Design3

Networking track

Choose any three:
CMST 315Networking II3
CMST 344Internetworking3
CMST 350Unix Administration3
CMST 445Network Security3
CMST 410Operating Systems3
**Marked electives must be upper-division courses, 300 and above.
Electronic and computer engineering technology option (ETB-EC)

128 hours required for graduation (67 hours associate degree + 61 additional hours)

Students may continue their studies in electronic and computer engineering technology beyond the associate degree level to obtain the bachelor of science degree. The bachelor's degree typically requires two years of study beyond the associate degree.

Course work in the junior and senior years of the bachelor's degree program provides additional depth of understanding of circuit analysis techniques, digital systems, data communications, and industrial electronics. Individual and group project assignments are emphasized. Additional mathematics, science, and elective courses provide a strong background with which graduates are prepared for the technical professions of tomorrow.

Graduates work as electronic and computer engineering technologists in many industrial settings. Career activities include product design and development, industrial automation, technical sales, and project management.

The bachelor's degree program in electronic and computer engineering technology is accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050; Baltimore, Md., 21202-4012. 410-347-7700.


Fall semester

ECET 352Digital Circuits and Systems4
CMST 302Applications in C for Engineering Technology3
MATH 221Analytic Geometry and Calculus II4
Science elective with laboratory4

Spring semester

ECET 320Electronic Communication Systems4
ENGL 200Expository Writing II3
BUS 315Supervisory Management3
Humanities/social science elective3
Humanities/social science elective3

Fall semester

ECET 421Telecommunications Systems4
ECET 430Network Analysis3
ECET 480Electronic Design I1
Technical elective3
Humanities/social science elective3

Spring semester

ECET 420Communication Circuits Design4
ECET 450Digital Systems and Computer Architecture4
ECET 481Electronic Design II2
Technical elective3
Humanities/social science elective**3
**Marked electives must be upper-division courses, 300 and above.
Mechanical engineering technology option (ETB-MT)

126 hours required for graduation (67 hours associate degree + 59 additional hours)

Students may continue with the mechanical engineering technology program toward a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering technology. The bachelor's degree typically requires two years of study beyond the associate degree.

Graduates of the bachelor's degree program fill a wide variety of industrial positions and are employed by local and national companies in engineering-related design, production, maintenance, supervisory, and sales positions.

The courses in the upper-division portion of the curriculum provide greater rigor and depth in mechanical theory and applications. Additional study of science, mathematics, communications, social sciences, humanities, business, and industrial operations provides complementary breadth of knowledge beyond the student's major concentration.

The bachelor's degree program in mechanical engineering technology is accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050; Baltimore, MD; 21202-4012. Phone: 410-347-7700.


Fall semester

MET 314Computer-Aided Design and Modeling3
ECET 304Electrical Power and Devices3
MET 365Machine Design Technology II3
MATH 221Analytic Geometry and Calculus II4
CMST 302Applications in C Programming for Engineering Technology3

Spring semester

MET 346Elements of Mechanisms3
MET 353Fluid Mechanics3
MET 382Industrial Instrumentation and Controls3
ENGL 200Expository Writing II3
Technical elective**3

Fall semester

MET 462Senior Design Project I1
MET 481Automated Manufacturing Systems II3
PHYS 114General Physics II4
Humanities/social science elective3
Humanities/social science elective**3

Spring semester

MET 464Senior Design Project II2
MET 471Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer3
Technical elective**3
Business elective3
Humanities/social science elective**3
**Marked electives must be upper-division courses, 300 and above.

Construction engineering technology courses

CET 120. Materials Sampling and Testing. (2) I. A course in the proper use of aggregates and concrete materials (Portland cement and asphalt) in construction. Sampling and testing methods conform with current testing standards. Six hours lab a week.

CET 130. Plane Surveying. (4) II. A beginning course in the theory and practice of field measurements and notes for surveying. Emphasis is placed on accuracy and avoidance of common errors and mistakes. Three hours lec. and three hours lab a week. Pr.: MATH 151.

CET 210. Introduction to Construction Computer Applications. (3) I. Computer operating systems, spreadsheets, scheduling software, and Visual Basic for construction applications. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: MATH 151.

CET 211. Statics. (3) I, II. A study of forces and their effects on the bodies upon which they act. Three hours lec. a week. Conc.: PHYS 113.

CET 220. Soils and Foundations. (2) I. A course in the identification and classification of soils by the Unified method and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials method. Routine field tests are covered and used in the laboratory. One hour lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: MATH 100.

CET 241. Construction Methods and Estimating. (2) I. A study of the basic equipment needs, usage, costs, and quantity determinations for planning and estimating construction projects. Field trips through construction sites and visitations with inspectors assist in developing reporting procedures and inspection responsibilities. One hour lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: MATH 100.

CET 300. Problems in CET. (Var.) I, II, S. A course in which advanced study is done in a specific area chosen by the student. Pr.: consent of instructor.

CET 312. Transportation Systems. (3) II. A study of transportation systems with emphasis on traffic operations and control, planning, design, and drainage for highways, and urban roadways. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: CET 130.

CET 313. Structural Design. (3) II. A course combining design of components of structures in steel and reinforced concrete. Basic stress calculations and design concepts are studied for use in either a simplified design, detailing, or inspection role. Three hours lec. a week. Pr.: MET 245.

CET 320. Construction Materials. (2) I. Study and analysis of construction materials, their properties, selection and use. Two hours lec. a week. Pr.: MET 111.

CET 323. Route Location Surveying. (3) I. A course in the geometric methods of horizontal and vertical curve alignment. In addition, transitional spirals are examined and calculated. The laboratory portion provides a grounding of these concepts in the field by actual calculation and staking of control for roads, streets, and various types of routes. Two hours lec. and three hours lab a week. Pr.: CET 130.

CET 340. Mechanical and Electrical Systems. (3) II. A study of the way mechanical and electrical systems are used in the construction of a building by a contractor. Systems include plumbing, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: MATH 151, PHYS 113, and CET 241.

CET 350. Site Construction. (3) I. Study of site construction problems and procedures, sit survey and investigations, review of site plans, construction layouts, earthwork calculation, excavation/shoring methods, and computer applications. Two hours lec. and three hours lab a week. Pr.: MET 111, CET 130, PHYS 113; Conc.: CET 210.

CET 351. Construction Techniques and Detailing. (3) II. Study of construction methods and procedures in the assembly of building materials. Nine hours lab a week. Pr.: MET 111 and CET 320.

CET 410. Managerial and Engineering Economics. (3) I. Economic analysis of problems as applied in the management of technology. Three hours lec. a week. Pr.: MATH 100.

Computer systems technology courses

CMST 101. Applied Basic Programming. (2) I, II. Computer programming using Visual Basic .NET for students who are not majoring in computer systems or web development technology. Topics include formula translation, decision and repetition structures, sequential files, sorting, and searching. Emphasis on problem solving and program structure. Pr. or conc.: MATH 100.

CMST 102. Introduction to Computer Technology. (3) I, II. A survey of the field of computer technology with an emphasis on the foundational concepts of how computers work. Topics include binary numbers, digital logic and hardware, computer architecture, operating systems, low-level and high-level programming languages, and algorithms. Pr. or conc.: MATH 100.

CMST 103. Introduction to Program Design. (3) I, II. A language-independent introduction to computer programming logic. Topics include an overview of systems development and a detailed examination of problem definition, problem analysis, and general and detailed design. Students are introduced to the tools and techniques utilized in structured and object-oriented design. Pr. or conc.: MATH 100.

CMST 104. Database Management. (2) I, II. An introduction to using a database management system on a personal computer. Students begin with elementary database commands and progress to more sophisticated database applications. Students are required to complete assignments on the computer, some of which are completed outside of class.

CMST 108. PC Desktop Software. (3) I, II. The use and application of popular software application packages. Topics include word processors, electronic spreadsheets, database management systems, and presentation software. Students are required to complete assignments on the computer, some of which are completed outside of class.

CMST 130. Introduction to PC Administration. (3) I, II. An introduction to the maintenance and configuration of personal computer hardware and software. Topics include proper hardware configuration, computer upgrades, and installation of system and user software. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: Experience with PC software.

CMST 135. Web Page Development I. (3) I, II. Concepts of communications across the Internet, differences in browsers, and the technology required to create web pages. In-depth coverage of web page design and implementation with HyperText Markup Language (HTML). Students are required to complete several laboratory assignments outside of class. Pr.: Experience with PC software.

CMST 137. Fundamentals of Web Design. (3) I, II. An examination of the elements of visual design and a general overview of the website design process. Topics include design elements, color theory, graphics creation and optimization, style sheets, and multimedia. Pr. or conc.: CMST 135.

CMST 155. Web Page Development II. (3) II. Extends the concepts covered in Web Page Development I to refine design techniques and include greater use of graphics and animation. Web page development tools are introduced and compared for ease of use and productivity. Topics include interacting with the user, gathering and sending information, and querying information from a database. Web page laboratory assignments will be completed outside of class time. Pr.: CMST 135.

CMST 180. Introduction to Database Systems. (3) I, II. An introduction to properties and design principles of relational databases. Topics include database terms, E-R Modeling, relational table design and normalization, the relational algebra, Structured Query Language, and the database life cycle. Laboratory work includes the design and implementation of a database. Pr.: Experience with PC software.

CMST 210. Visual Basic I. (3) I, II. An introduction to Visual Basic as an object-oriented language for the design, implementation, and testing of programs to solve problems in business and engineering technology. Topics include programming structures, functions, classes, arrays, exception handling, and database manipulation. Pr.: CMST 102 and 103.

CMST 245. C++ Programming I. (3) I, II. An introduction to the C++ programming language, including both procedural and object-oriented constructs. Topics include control statements, data types, functions, arrays, classes, file I/O, managed vs. unmanaged code, and text and forms interfacing for Microsoft Windows. Students design, implement, and test programs to solve a variety of problems in business, mathematics, and engineering technology. Pr.: CMST 102 and 103.

CMST 247. Java Programming I. (3) II. The syntax and semantics of the Java programming language. Topics include expressions, statements, classes, methods, forms of dynamic storage allocation, console I/O, two-dimensional graphics, GUI, event handling, arrays, inheritance, and polymorphism. Students are required to complete programming assignments using Java to solve a variety of problems in business, mathematics, and engineering technology. Pr.: CMST 102 and 103.

CMST 250. Networking I. (3) I, II. The study of computer networking concepts and terms. Topics include local area networks, wide area networks, protocols, network topology, and transmission media. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: Experience with PC software.

CMST 300. Assembly Language Programming. (3) II. This course covers programming a microcomputer at the assembly language level. Students learn to develop, link, and integrate assembly language routines with higher-level languages. Pr.: CMST 245.

CMST 302. Applications in C Programming for Engineering Technology. (3) I. An introduction to structured program design and implementation using the C programming language. Topics include use of the C language in calculations, input, output, and file handling. Students design, implement, and test programs applicable to engineering technology majors. Pr.: CMST 101 or other college-level programming language.

CMST 310. Visual Basic II. (3) I, II. An in-depth study of Visual Basic as an object-oriented language. Topics include advanced database manipulation, MDI programming, creation of controls, web forms, and help files. Assignments focus on large programming projects. Students design, implement, and present a final capstone course project. Pr.: CMST 180 and 210.

CMST 315. Networking II. (3) I, II. An in-depth study of local area networks (LAN) and how to install a LAN of personal computers using modern network operating systems. Topics include required hardware, system software, user software, and various network topologies. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: CMST 250 and Level 1 programming language elective.

CMST 332. Web Development Project. (3) II. Each student implements a major web site. Students apply system analysis concepts to design a working website using graphics, security, and information processing. Pr.: CMST 180 and CMST 335.

CMST 334. Computer Technology Project Development. (3) II. Provides sophomores with the capstone experience of developing a computer information system. Students learn the phases of the software development lifecycle and work in teams to follow a project management plan in order to analyze, design, and implement an information system. Pr.: CMST 180. Pr. or conc.: Level 2 programming language elective.

CMST 335. Web Development Programming I. (3) I. Covers server-side programming used in web development. CGI and scripting languages are covered and applied. Students create web applications, some of which include database components. Class involves significant laboratory assignments completed outside of class. Pr.: CMST 135, CMST 180, and Level 1 programming language elective.

CMST 341. C++ Programming II. (3) II. An in-depth study of C++ as an object-oriented programming language for developing Windows applications using classes, MFC, and managed and unmanaged code. Programs involve Windows interfacing, exception handling, database access, COM and the creation of DLLs. Each student individually completes a final capstone course project. Pr.: CMST 245.

CMST 344. Internetworking. (3) II. Concepts and principles of internetworking with TCP/IP. Topics include IP addressing, subnetting, transport services, internet architecture, and TCP/IP applications. Examples of internet topologies and routing strategies are examined. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: CMST 315.

CMST 347. Java Programming II. (3) I. An in-depth study of Java as a web programming language. Topics include exception handling, file I/O, advanced programming techniques and data structures, Java applets, multithreaded programming, client/server communication, and database and web connectivity. Students design, implement, and present a final capstone course project. Pr.: CMST 247.

CMST 350. UNIX Administration. (3) II. The essentials of administering the UNIX operating system. Topics include UNIX installation and loading, an in-depth look at its file system, user configuration, handling security, modems, networking, and shell programming. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: CMST 102 and Level 1 programming language elective.

CMST 362. Introduction to Business Programming. (3) I. An introduction to computer programming for business applications. Topics include the nature of business programming, sequential file processing, detail and summary reporting, control break processing, and data validation. Lab work includes writing programs using the COBOL language. Pr.: CIS 200; or CMST 102 and 103.

CMST 363. Advanced Business Programming. (3) II. An in-depth study of the COBOL language. Topics include table processing, SORT, SEARCH, and MERGE features, the Balanced Line algorithm, indexed file processing, database access, interactive processing, screen handling, and the use of Windows forms. Students use the Microsoft .NET framework to integrate COBOL with other language program modules. Pr.: CMST 362 or CIS 362.

CMST 370. Applied Data Structures. (3) I. A systematic study of data structures and algorithms organized around the unifying concept of data abstraction. Topics include abstract data types, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, hash tables, heaps, sorting, and searching. The implementations of these data types using object-based constructs are studied and compared with respect to algorithms running times. Pr.: CMST 245 or 247.

CMST 400. Problems in CMST. (Var.) I, II, S. Opportunity for advanced study and practical experience with specific problems selected jointly by the instructor and student in the field of computer systems technology. Pr.: Consent of Instructor.

CMST 410. Operating Systems. (3) I. An in-depth study of the concepts of basic operating systems and the services they provide. Topics include memory and file management, process control, input, output, and control of computer hardware. The features of modern, popular operating systems are highlighted. Pr.: CMST 370.

CMST 412. Software Architecture and Design. (3) II. An in-depth study of varied software architectures and their viability. Architectural analysis includes the influences of operating systems, programming languages, data distribution, user interaction, marketing methods, and deployment. Additional topics include software licensing, metering, certification, configuration management, installation, and security. Pr.: CMST 332 or 334; and CMST 370.

CMST 420. Advanced Database Systems. (3) II. An in-depth study of the theoretical foundations of database design, implementation, and management as well as social and ethical issues associated with database design. Topics include the enhanced E-R model, object-oriented model, distributed databases, advanced SQL, security, data warehousing and mining. Students design, implement, and present a capstone course project. Pr.: CMST 180 and level 2 programming language elective.

CMST 445. Network Security. (3) I. An in-depth study of the information and skills needed to design, install, configure, secure, and administer the interface between a LAN and the Internet. Emphasis is on designing and implementing secure systems communicating within a TCP/IP environment. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: CMST 315.

CMST 460. Systems Analysis and Design. (3) I. An in-depth study of software engineering methodologies for the analysis, design, and implementation of software systems. Topics include structured analysis and design, object-oriented analysis and design, implementation and testing strategies, and software principles and metrics. Students work in teams to design, implement, and present a final capstone course project. Pr.: CMST 332 or 334; CMST370; and senior standing.

CMST 462. Computer Technology Senior Project. (3) II. A sequel to CMST 460 in which students work individually or in teams to develop a significant project in their area of interest. Students are expected to apply the software engineering methodologies from CMST 460, write project documentation, and make verbal presentations. Whenever feasible, real-world projects are solicited from local businesses. Pr.: CMST 460.

Electronic and computer engineering technology courses

University General Education courseECET 100. Basic Electronics. (4) I. A survey course designed to provide an overview of basic direct and alternating current circuits and an introduction to linear and digital electronics. Laboratory exercises reinforce circuit theory and provide skills in the use of common electronic instruments. Three hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr. or conc.: MATH 100 or consent of instructor.

ECET 101. Direct Current Circuits. (3) I, II. An introductory course in basic circuit theory emphasizing the analysis of passive circuit networks containing resistance, capacitance, and inductance operating in direct current conditions. Topics include equivalent circuits, network theorems, capacitance, RC-circuit response, inductance, RL-circuit response, and computer simulation. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: ECET 100.

ECET 110. Semiconductor Electronics. (4) II. An introductory course in electronic devices. Topics include PN-junction theory, diodes, transistors, transistor biasing, transistor modeling, operational amplifiers, voltage regulators, and field-effect transistors (FET). Three hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: MATH 100 and 151. Pr. or conc.: ECET 101.

ECET 201. Alternating Current Circuits. (4) II. Analysis of passive networks containing resistance, capacitance, and inductance operating in alternating current conditions. Includes sinusoidal waveforms, polar and rectangular complex algebra, inductive and capacitive reactance, impedance networks, power factor correction, resonance, magnetic circuits, and an introduction to three-phase power distribution. Three hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: ECET 101 and MATH 151.

ECET 210. Linear Circuit Applications. (4) I. Analysis and design of analog circuits including differential amplifiers, oscillators, linear and switching power amplifiers, applications of operational amplifiers, advanced semiconductor devices, and heat sinks. Three hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: ECET 110. Pr. or conc.: ECET 201.

ECET 240. Electronic Manufacturing. (3) I. A practical course in the details of electronic system design and fabrication. Topics include 2D CAD; printed-circuit board design, layout, and fabrication; electronic-system design principles; fabrication, packaging and assembly techniques for electronic systems; and through-hole and surface-mount technologies. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: ECET 110.

ECET 250. Digital Logic. (4) I. Study of basic logic elements including gates, flip-flops, counters, and registers. Includes Boolean algebra, logic reduction methods, and digital logic applications. Emphasis on computer simulation and PLD implementation of logic circuits. Three hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr. or conc.: ECET 100.

ECET 304. Electric Power and Devices. (3) II. Industrial applications of direct and alternating power, devices, and systems. Topics include electrical and electronic power devices, controllers, servomechanisms, and actuators; DC and AC motors and generators, motor speed control and drive systems; electrical power distribution, and industrial electronics applications. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: ECET 100 and MATH 151.

ECET 320. Electronic Communication Systems. (4) II. A survey of analog and digital communication techniques and systems including modulation, transmission line concepts, radio-wave propagation, antenna theory, and the effects of noise. Three hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: ECET 210 and MATH 220.

ECET 330. Industrial Controls. (4) II. A study of electronic circuits and systems encountered in industrial environments. Topics include power control devices and applications, power system design, sensors, transducers, PLCs, computer-based data acquisition, and automatic control concepts. Three hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Conc.: ECET 350.

ECET 350. Microprocessor Fundamentals. (4) II. Concepts of microprocessor architecture, programming, and interfacing. Topics include assembly language programming, data conversion methods, and microprocessor-based system development tools. Three hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: ECET 250 and college-level programming language course.

ECET 352. Digital Circuits and Systems. (4) I. Applications of programmable logic, including microprocessors, and microcontrollers. Students use software design tools such as simulators and cross compilers to design systems and analyze system performance. Data conversion methods and peripheral interfacing techniques are emphasized. Three hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr. or conc.: ECET 350 and CMST 302.

ECET 420. Communication Circuits Design. (4) I. An introduction to the theory and design of electronic circuits for communications emphasizing the implementation and analysis of common radio-frequency (RF) building blocks. Topics include s-parameters, the Smith chart, component behavior, RF test equipment, computer simulation, filter design, impedance matching, amplifiers, oscillators, mixers, and demodulators. Three hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: ECET 320.

ECET 421. Telecommunication Systems. (4) I. An introduction to data communications and a survey of modern communication systems. Topics include Fourier analysis, data encoding, data link control, fiber-optic systems, cellular systems, satellite systems, and the modern telephone system. Three hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: ECET 320, CMST 250, and MATH 221.

ECET 430. Network Analysis. (3) I. A study of various network topics including Laplace transforms, signal flow graph models, transfer functions, network response, and differential equations and linear approximations of physical systems. The theory of control systems and their applications are discussed. Three hours lec. a week. Pr.: ECET230 and MATH 221.

ECET 450. Digital Systems and Computer Architecture. (4) II. Development of advanced digital design techniques. Topics include VHDL-based design, simulation, and synthesis; testing and validation; system-level interfacing; and computer architecture. Three hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: ECET 352.

ECET 480. Electronic Design I. (1) I. Application of electronic principles and the design methodology to solving a significant design problem in a team context. Includes determining customer requirements, exploring and choosing design alternatives, scheduling, and project management. Significant milestones are the project's conceptual, preliminary, and critical design reviews, which require written and oral presentations. One hour lec. a week. Pr.: ECET 320, 352. Pr. or conc.: ECET 430.

ECET 481. Electronic Design II. (2) II. A continuation of ECET 480. Includes the implementation, testing, and delivery of the project initiated in ECET 480 Electronic Design I. Significant milestones are the project prototype, design report, and final presentation. Four hours lab a week. Pr.: ECET 480.

ECET 492. Problems in Electronic and Computer Engineering Technology. (Var.) I,II,S. Opportunity for advanced independent study in specific topic areas in electronic engineering technology. Topics are selected jointly by the student and the instructor. Pr.: Consent of instructor.

ECET 499. Special Topics in Electronic and Computer Engineering Technology. (Var.) I,II,S. Offered on sufficient demand. Advanced topics in electronic engineering technology. Pr.: Varies with the announced topic.

Engineering technology courses

ETA 020. Engineering Technology Seminar. (0) I,II. A monthly assembly of all first-year engineering technology students for the purpose of exchanging information regarding academic, technical, social, ethical, and professional matters among students, faculty, and practicing professionals. One hour lec. a month.

Mechanical engineering technology courses

MET 111. Technical Graphics. (3) I, II. Introduction to computer aided design and drafting for learning and applying technical graphics concepts and techniques to produce finished drawings. National and international standards. Theory and applications of orthographic projection and pictorial drawings. Standards for symbols, section views, and dimensioning included. Descriptive geometry, including, orthographic solutions involving the point, line and plane projections, intersections as well as surface development of solids, bearings, slope, true length, and true size determination. One hour lec. and four hours lab a week. Pr. or conc.: MATH 100 or consent of instructor.

MET 117. Mechanical Detailing. (3) II. Preparation of shop drawings for manufacturing, fabrication, or assembly. Specifications of size, shape, material for manufacture. Cost and tolerance relationship. Introduction to geometric tolerancing. Selective assembly and stress calculations in interference fits. Computer techniques including CAD, spreadsheets, and mathematical analysis are applied throughout the course. One hour lec. and four hours lab a week. Pr.: MET 111, MATH 100 and 151.

MET 121. Manufacturing Methods. (3) I. Study and practice of welding, weld testing, and cost estimation. Introduction to welding metallurgy and special welding processes. Recitation and laboratory practice in basic machine shop operations on lathes, milling machines, and drill presses. Use of hand tools, measuring tools, metal cutting machines, and grinders are also studied. One hour lec. and six hours lab a week.

MET 125. Computer-Numerical-Controlled Machine Processes. (2) II. Study and practice of basic CNC programming and machining operations. Six hours lab a week. Pr.: MET 121, MATH 100 and 151.

MET 210. Computer-Aided Drafting. (2) I, II. Applications and understanding of microcomputers in technical drafting and design are studied. Topics include generative graphics, hardware and software terminology, point plotting and line drafting, graphics, programming, geometric figures, dimensioning and annotating, and finished drawings. Six hours lab a week. Pr.: Knowledge of drafting.

MET 230. Automated Manufacturing Systems I. (3) II. A general survey of the various components and operations in an automated manufacturing system including material handling, robotics, tooling, inspection and quality control, CAD, CNC, and other production processes. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: MET 125 and ECET 100.

MET 231. Physical Materials and Metallurgy. (3) I. A broad view of materials used in industry, including structures of materials, how they react to stress and temperature, how the polyphase structures form, and how they are controlled to produce optimum properties. Students will examine through study and laboratory experimentation ferrous and nonferrous metals, polymers, composites, and ceramics. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr. or conc.: MATH 100 and CHM 210.

MET 245. Material Strength and Testing. (3) I, II. Calculations of material strength and deformation are complemented with principles and practice of mechanical testing including instrumentation and measurement in the areas of loads, stresses, deformations, thermal stresses, and other quantities. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: CET 211.

MET 246. Dynamics of Machines. (3) II. Velocities, accelerations, and forces in existing mechanisms to produce motions. Work, energy, impulse and momentum concepts in kinetics. Vibrations in machine parts. Three hour lec. a week. Pr.: MATH 220; PHYS 113.

MET 252. Fluid Power Technology. (3) I. Study, design, analysis, operation, maintenance, and applications of hydraulic and pneumatic power systems and components. Pr.: MATH 100, MATH 151.

MET 264. Machine Design Technology I. (4) II. Continued study of design processes including investigation of theories of failure, stress analysis, stress concentration, deflections, materials, and costs relating to machine design. Three hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr. or conc.: MET 245.

MET 314. Computer-Aided Design and Modeling. (3) I. Provides a study and application of advanced computer-aided design of real-world three-dimensional objects. Development of solid models for design, generation of working drawings, engineering design analysis, and introduction to finite element analysis. One hour lec. and four hours lab a week. Pr.: MET 117, MET 245.

MET 333. Advanced Material Science. (3) II. A continuation of MET 231 Physical Materials and Metallurgy. Emphasizes the understanding of material properties used to give various materials their function. Theory and laboratory work focus on controlling and testing material properties. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals, polymers and adhesives, composites, smart materials, effects of corrosion, failure analysis, and selection techniques for design. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: CHM 110, CHM 111, and MET 231.

MET 346. Elements of Mechanisms. (3) II. Fundamental motion concepts of displacement, velocity, and acceleration are studied, as well as analytical and graphical analysis and synthesis of linkages, gear trains, cams, pulleys, and combinations of these elements. Three hours lec. a week. Pr.: MET 111, MET 246, and PHYS 113.

MET 353. Fluid Mechanics. (3) II. Fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics. Study of buoyancy, energy equation, viscosity, and flow measurement. Selected applications of fluid mechanics in civil and mechanical technologies. Computer-aided solution of problems in fluid mechanics. Two hours lec. and two hours labs a week. Pr.: MATH 220 and PHYS 113.

MET 365. Machine Design Technology II. (3) I. Covers design of machine elements for structural integrity, reliability, and economy. Topics include application of advanced strength of materials and machine design as related to extensive design projects. Three hours lec. a week. Pr.: MET 264.

MET 381. Quality Control. (3) II. An introductory course in quality concepts and techniques used in industry. Topics include fundamentals of statistics and probability, statistical process control charts, and quality improvement tools. Three hours lec. a week. Pr.: Junior standing or consent of instructor.

MET 382. Industrial Instrumentation and Controls. (3) II. An introduction to process control systems for industrial applications. Course topics include concepts and terminology, first- and second-order systems, measurement of motion, gauges and transducers, signal processing, and measurement of properties. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: ECET 304 and PHYS 113.

MET 460. Tool Design for Manufacturing. (3) II. Principles and practices involved in tool drawing and design concepts necessary for the manufacture of products. Emphasis on design of jigs and fixtures, gauging devices, dies, ease of operation, and methods of assembly. Production cost related to selection of parts and methods of production is stressed. Applied laboratory exercises illustrated through specific case studies. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: MET 117, MET 125, and MET 346.

MET 462. Senior Design Project I. (1) I. Selection, definition, and analysis of a project supervised by faculty. Includes consideration of project parameters, trade-off studies, alternative solutions, and justification of selected solution. Completion and presentation of a written project proposal included. Two hours lab a week. Pr.: MET 365 and senior standing.

MET 464. Senior Design Project II. (2) II. Development and implementation of project proposal submitted in MET 462. Construction, packaging, and testing of project culminating in a senior design project report which may include full documentation and performance specifications, functional description, theoretical analysis, schematics, cost analysis, parts list, drawings, etc. Project results will be presented orally to a select committee at the end of the course. Four hours lab a week. Pr.: MET 462 and senior standing.

MET 471. Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer. (3) II. This course emphasizes thermodynamic laws and equations and the use of tables and charts for properties of important fluids. Applications to systems used for producing, transforming, and applying heat and mechanical energy are also studied. Conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer processes are investigated. Three hours lec. a week. Pr.: MET 353 and MATH 221.

MET 481. Automated Manufacturing Systems II. (3) I. Covers systems for manufacturing operations including facilities, supplies, materials, procedures, and control. Topics include design, programming, feedback for manufacturing, production set-up, automated work cells, and decision issues. Two hours lec. and two hours lab a week. Pr.: MET 230, MET 314, and MET 382.

MET 490. Industrial Work Internship. (var.) I, II, S. The student will work as an intern with business and industry in mechanical engineering technology field. A report detailing duties performed and tasks accomplished is required at the end of the internship period. Pr.: Sophomore standing and consent of MET program coordinator.

MET 492. Problems in Mechanical Engineering Technology. (Var.) I, II. Opportunity for advanced independent study in specific topic areas in mechanical engineering technology. Topics selected jointly by the student and the instructor. Pr.: Consent of instructor.

MET 499. Selected Topics in MET. (Var. 1-6) I, II, S. Group or individual study of a selected topic in mechanical engineering technology, title to be determined in advance of each time the course is offered. Total credits limited to 6 credit hours, with a maximum of 3 credit hours per semester. Instruction is by lecture, laboratory, or a combination of both. Pr.: Permission of MET program coordinator.

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