60 hours including the following general requirements:
Speech—SPCH 105 (or one course), courses subject to approval by Department of Speech Communication, Theatre, and Dance
Modern languages—two years in one language or equivalent competence
Mathematics—one course
Humanities—three courses from: art, dance, English, history, modern languages, music, philosophy, speech, and Introduction to Women's Studies. No more than three courses in history may be used to fulfill humanities and social sciences requirements.
Social sciences—three courses from: anthropology, economics, geography (excluding GEOG220 and 221), history, political science, psychology, sociology, social work, mass communications, and Introduction to Women's Studies. No more than three courses in history may be used to fulfill humanities and social sciences requirements.
Natural sciences—four courses, including one laboratory course and one course that has a prerequisite in the same department: biochemistry, biology, chemistry, computer science, geography (GEOG220 and 221 only), geology, mathematics, physics, or statistics