The College of Agriculture university general education program assures that all undergraduate programs provide breadth through the completion of at least 18 semester hours of approved courses/experiences, of which one-third of those credits will be at the 300 level or higher.
To ensure breadth, UGE courses are required in at least four of the following areas (a course may be used in only one category):
· Economics
· Social sciences
· Humanities
· Communications (e.g., writing or verbal intensive courses)
· Quantitative sciences (e.g., statistics, mathematics)
· Biological sciences (e.g., biology, botany)
· Physical sciences (e.g., chemistry, geology, physics)
· Professional college courses: architecture, agriculture, business, education, human ecology, engineering. Acceptable courses will be determined by each department and approved by the dean's office.
Only one agriculture course can be used to meet general education requirements. The agriculture course must be from outside the student's departmental major, and it may only be used as a free or restricted elective in the curriculum, with the following exception:
Agriculture undergraduates may include, as part of their UGE requirements, a maximum of 3 credit hours from specifically designated upper-division (300 and above) major-specific courses or experiences. Such courses or experiences will be specifically designed for majors, incorporate the three UGE benchmarks plus a signifcant advanced writing experience, and must be approved by the UGE Council. Should this option be used, this course will count as the one allowable agriculture course.
Departments within the college may specify which of the eight areas their students can use to satisfy UGE requirements. The program is designed to take advantage of the strong tradition of excellence in advising to determine the specific UGE courses that are best suited to each individual.
Transfer students will follow the university general education policy in effect for this population. See the Admissions section of this catalog for details.
In course descriptions, UGE courses are marked with a . For more information about UGE requirements, see the Degrees section of this catalog. For a current list of approved UGE courses: