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General Education

CourseTitleK-State 8
AMETH160Introduction To American Ethnic Studies
ANTH220Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
ANTH220Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
AVT250Safety and Security of Airport Ground Operations
BUS531Strategic Human Resource Management
COMM322Interpersonal Communication
COMM332Communication & Technology
COMM470Building Social and Cultural Connections
COMM535Communication and Leadership
ECED428Exceptional Development in Early Childhood
ECED597Home, School, and Community Partnerships
EDCI110Foundations of Education
EDSP224Exceptional Child in the Regular Classroom
EDSP323Exceptional Student In The Secondary School
GEOG310Geography of Kansas
GEOG310Geography of Kansas
GERON215Introduction to Gerontology
GWSS105Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
GWSS300Select Studies of GWSS - Top/Queer Rights & The Law
GWSS505IS/GWSS - Top/Vary By Student
HDFS110Introduction to Human Development
HDFS501Philanthropy in Context
HIST152History of the United States Since 1877
KIN220Biobehavioral Bases of Physical Activity
LEAD350Culture and Context in Leadership
MANGT260Man Div and Incl Wkplce
MC612Diversity in Media
MKTG450Consumer Behavior
MUSIC173Music as Protest and Propaganda in the United States
PSYCH538Cross-Cultural Psychology
SOCIO211Introduction to Sociology
SOCIO540Sexuality and Society