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K-State 8 areas

CourseTitleK-State 8
ACCTG231Accounting For Business Operations
ACCTG241Accounting For Investing and Financing
ACCTG432Cost Accounting
AGRON405Internship in Agronomy
ASI510Animal Breeding Principles
AVM141Aircraft Science
AVT327Avionics Repair
AVT420Aviation Accident Investigation
AVT430Advanced Avionics Installation
AVT451System Safety
BIOCH110Biochemistry and Society
BIOCH111Biochemistry and Society Laboratory
BIOCH521General Biochemistry
BIOCH599Research Training in Biochemistry
BIOL198Principles of Biology
BIOL198Principles of Biology
BIOL198Principles of Biology
BIOL455General Microbiology
BIOL455General Microbiology
CE680Economics of Design and Construction
CHM110General Chemistry
CHM111General Chemistry Laboratory
CHM210Chemistry I
CHM210Chemistry I
CHM230Chemistry II
CHM230Chemistry II
CHM350General Organic Chemistry
CHM351General Organic Chemistry Laboratory
CHM531Organic Chemistry I
CHM532Organic Chemistry Laboratory
CHM550Organic Chemistry II
CHM599Senior Thesis Research
CIS200Programming Fundamentals
CIS527Enterprise Syst Admin
CIS527Enterprise Syst Admin
CMST108Pc Desktop Software
CMST332Web Development Project
ECON510Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON520Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON530Money and Banking
ENGL302Technical Writing
ENTRP340Business Innovation and the Entrepreneurial Mindset
ENTRP340Business Innovation and the Entrepreneurial Mindset
ENVD201Environmental Design Studio I
ENVD202Environmental Design Studio II
FDSCI305Fund Food Processing
FINAN450Principles of Finance
FINAN510Financial Institutions and Markets
FNDH132Basic Nutrition
FNDH132Basic Nutrition
FNDH400Human Nutrition
FNDH400Human Nutrition
FNDH515Counseling Strategies in Dietetic Practice
FNDH570Introduction to Research in Dietetics Practice
GEOG121Introductory Physical Geography: Earth Systems Science
GEOG508Geographic Information Systems I
IARC628Construction Documentation
IARC664Summer Internship
IARC665Summer Internship Report
KIN310Measurement and Research Techniques in Kinesiology
KIN310Measurement and Research Techniques in Kinesiology
KIN607Muscle Physiology
KIN607Muscle Physiology
LAR352Landscape Performance Lab
MANGT366Introduction to Business Analytics and Information Systems
MANGT421Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management
MANGT595Strategic Management
MANGT662Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Design
MATH100College Algebra
MATH100College Algebra
MATH100College Algebra
MATH150Plane Trigonometry
MATH150Plane Trigonometry
MATH150Plane Trigonometry
MATH205General Calculus and Linear Algebra
MATH205General Calculus and Linear Algebra
MATH205General Calculus and Linear Algebra
MATH220Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
MATH220Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
MATH220Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
MATH221Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
MATH221Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
MATH222Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
MATH222Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
MATH340Elementary Differential Equations
MATH340Elementary Differential Equations
MATH510Discrete Mathematics
MATH551Applied Matrix Theory
MATH551Applied Matrix Theory
MKTG880Applied Marketing Analy
PFP105Introduction to Personal Financial Planning
PFP105Introduction to Personal Financial Planning
PHYS113General Physics l
PHYS113General Physics l
PHYS114General Physics ll
PHYS213Engineering Physics l
PHYS400Indep Study/Physics - Top/Vary By Student
PHYS460Top/Undergrad Physic - Top/Vary By Student
PLAN668Travel Demand Modeling
PLPTH495Res/Plant Pathology - Top/Vary by Student
POLSC499Honors Project
PPIL111Private Pilot
PPIL211Professional Commercial Pilot
PSYCH110General Psychology
PSYCH535Social Psychology
STAT325Introduction to Statistics
STAT325Introduction to Statistics
STAT350Business and Economic Statistics l
UAS370Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Design and Construction