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K-State 8 areas

CourseTitleK-State 8
ART106Art Appreciation
ART300SS/in Art - Top/Digital Jewelry Design
ART300SS/in Art - Top/Digital Photo
ART303Graphic Design
ART304Digital Illustration
ART628Foreign Studies in Art History
AVM121Aircraft Drawings
CLSCS105Medical Terminology: Latin and Greek for Scientists
CMST332Web Development Project
COMM311Business and Professional Speaking
COMM330Rhet/Western Thought
COMM535Communication and Leadership
DANCE205Dance As an Art Form
DIGME137Fund of Visual Literacy
EDEL270Arts for Elem Schools - Top/Art for Elementary Schools
ENGL253The Short Story
ENGL302Technical Writing
ENTOM302Art and Insects
ENVD201Environmental Design Studio I
ENVD202Environmental Design Studio II
FREN103Beginning Accelerated French
FREN530Top/Fren/Fran Lit & Cul - Top/Francophone Lit & Culture
GRMN500K-State in Berlin
IARC409Materials and Finishes
IARC605Prb/IARC - Top/Contemp Furniture Dsgn
IARC605Prb/IARC - Top/Design of Kitchens
IARC605Prb/IARC - Top/Happy You, Healthy You
IARC605Prb/IARC - Top/Portfolio Design
ITAL105Italian for Travelers
LAR430Narratives and Placemaking Studio
MUSIC100Introduction to Music Theory
MUSIC170History of Rock and Roll
MUSIC172History of Country Music
MUSIC340Introduction to Film Music
MUSIC405Music For Elementary Teachers
MUSIC405Music For Elementary Teachers
MUSIC532Music History 3 1850 To The Present
SPAN101Spanish I
SPAN301Spanish IV
SPAN301Spanish IV