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K-State 8 areas
GEOL100Earth in Action
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ZALEC110373DistancebooksGad, Sabreen Ata
  • Section meets from June 6 through July 29, 2022.
GEOL102Earth Through Time
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ZALEC110383OPTDistancebooksLambert, Michael William
  • Section meets from June 6 through July 29, 2022.
GEOL103Geology Laboratory
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ZALAB113541OPTDistancebooksLee, Esther Ruth
  • Section meets from June 6 through July 29, 2022.
GEOL125Natural Disasters
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ZAREC110393OPTDistancebooksLambert, Michael William
  • Section meets from June 6 through July 29, 2022.
GEOL315Geology of the National Parks
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ZALEC110403DistancebooksGad, Sabreen Ata
  • Global Campus: Students may enroll in a max of four credit hours during an Intersession period. Dean's permission is required to exceed the four credit hour limit.
  • Section meets from June 6 through July 29, 2022.
GEOL501Indep Study Geology - Top/Vary By Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
AIND102341-3AppointmentbooksKempton, Pamela DNone
  • Section meets from June 6 through July 29, 2022.
GEOL510Geology of Planets
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ZALEC110413OPTDistancebooksLambert, Michael William
  • Section meets from June 6 through July 29, 2022.
GEOL680Field Geology
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ALEC106453AppointmentbooksKempton, Pamela DNone
  • GEOL 680, Section A: This class will be held off-campus, in the field.
  • Section meets from May 23 through August 12, 2022.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
GEOL790Prb/Geology - Top/Vary By Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
AIND117323AppointmentbooksGhanbarian, BehzadNone
  • Section meets from June 6 through July 29, 2022.
GEOL899Master's Theses Research
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ARSH102351-18CNCAppointmentbooksKempton, Pamela DNone
  • Section meets from June 6 through July 29, 2022.
K-State 8 areas