Educational Leadership
Jump to course: ----- EDACE780 - Introduction to Adult Learning and Leadership EDACE785 - Designing Classroom Instruction and Curriculum for Adult Learners EDACE795 - Problems in Adult Learning and Leadership EDACE816 - Foundations of Social Justice Education: Research, Theory, and Practice EDACE835 - Developing Teams and Adult Leaders EDACE851 - The Historical and Contemporary Community College EDACE852 - Field Study: The Historical and Contemporary Community College EDACE857 - Effective Leadership and Theory EDACE858 - Field Study Effective Leadership EDACE859 - Effective Leadership Institute EDACE886 - Sem/Adult Lrn Lead - Top/Digital Ldship Development EDACE920 - Educational Value Choices EDACE921 - Field Study Ed Value Choices: Access, Equity, and Success EDACE926 - Leadership for Transformation EDACE927 - Field Study Leadership for Transformation EDACE928 - Designing a Comprehensive Plan for Success EDACE929 - Field Study Plan for Success EDACE970 - Dissertation Development EDACE971 - Field Study Dissertation Development I EDACE972 - Field Study: Dissertation Development II EDACE991 - Internship in Adult Learning and Leadership EDACE999 - PHD Research - Top/Dissertation EDLEA710 - Fundamental Histories and Philosophies in Indigenous Education EDLEA775 - Rdg/Educ Leadership - Top/Readings in Educational Le EDLEA810 - Historical and Philosophical Analysis of Leadership in Education EDLEA819 - Introduction to Educational Finance EDLEA828 - Scholarly Orientation to Graduate Studies EDLEA831 - Educational Law EDLEA834 - Strategies for Educational Change EDLEA885 - Technology Leadership for Administrators EDLEA886 - Sem/Educ Leadership - Top/Intro to Research Methods EDLEA910 - Educational Human Resource Administration EDLEA928 - Organizational Leadership in Education EDLEA929 - Narrative and Arts-Based Inquiry in Qualitative Research EDLEA978 - Qualitative Data Management and Analysis Using Nvivo EDLEA986 - Adv Sem/Educ Leadership - Top/Policy Analysis EDLEA991 - Doct Intern Ed Ldrshp - Intern/Clinical Experience EDLEA999 - Rsrch in Ed Leadership - Top/Doctoral Research
ZA LEC 12160 3 Distance books Zacharakis, Jeffrey T None
ZA LEC 11061 3 Distance books Collins, Royce Ann None
A IND 10602 1-18 Appointment books Johnson, Jerry Dennis None
ZA LEC 11062 3 Distance books Yelich Biniecki, Susan M None
ZA SEM 12161 3 Distance books Zacharakis, Jeffrey T None
ZRB LEC 12283 1 Distance books Boggs, George R None
ZRC LEC 12335 1 Distance books Boggs, George R None
ZRB LEC 11585 1 Distance books Boggs, George R None
ZRD LEC 12297 1 Distance books Boggs, George R None
ZRE LEC 12333 1 Distance books Boggs, George R None
ZRF LEC 12334 1 Distance books Boggs, George R None
ZRA LEC 11500 4 Distance books Calaway, Terry A None
ZRB LEC 11501 4 Distance books Kemper-Pelle, Cathy Lynn None
ZRA LEC 11504 1 Distance books Calaway, Terry A None
ZRB LEC 11505 1 Distance books Kemper-Pelle, Cathy Lynn None
ZRA LEC 11506 1 Distance books Calaway, Terry A None
ZRB LEC 11507 1 Distance books Kemper-Pelle, Cathy Lynn None
ZA SEM 12159 3 Distance books Kang, Haijun None
ZRA LEC 11510 2 Distance books Robinson, Sandy Lynn None
ZRB LEC 11511 2 Distance books Peterson, Gregory F None
ZRA LEC 11512 1 Distance books Robinson, Sandy Lynn None
ZRB LEC 11515 1 Distance books Peterson, Gregory F None
ZRA LEC 12048 2 Distance books Miles, Cindy L None
ZRA LEC 12049 1 Distance books Miles, Cindy L None
ZRA LEC 12050 2 Distance books Robinson, Sandy Lynn None
ZRA LEC 12051 1 Distance books Robinson, Sandy Lynn None
ZRA LEC 12052 4 Distance books Mathis, Margaretta B None
ZRA LEC 12053 1 Distance books Mathis, Margaretta B None
ZRA LEC 12054 1 Distance books Mathis, Margaretta B None
E INT 10724 1-18 Appointment books Zacharakis, Jeffrey T None
ZRA INT 11527 3 Distance books Goben, Allen None
ZRB INT 11529 3 Distance books Goben, Allen None
ZRA RSH 11531 1-18 CNC Distance books Mathis, Margaretta B None
E RSH 10726 1-18 CNC Appointment books Zacharakis, Jeffrey T None
ZA RSH 12220 1-18 CNC Distance books Collins, Royce Ann None
ZB RSH 12221 1-18 CNC Distance books Yelich Biniecki, Susan M None
ZC RSH 12222 1-18 CNC Distance books Zacharakis, Jeffrey T None
ZD RSH 12223 1-18 CNC Distance books Kang, Haijun None
ZA LEC 12336 3 M W 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Distance books Pewewardy, Cornel None
A RDG 10731 1-3 Appointment books Johnson, Jerry Dennis None
ZA LEC 11266 3 Distance books Augustine-Shaw, Donna Mae None
ZB LEC 12327 3 books None Meets June 13 - July 25, 2022: Distance Thompson, David Meets June 13, 2022: M 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. Distance Thompson, David Meets July 25, 2022: M 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. Distance Thompson, David
ZA SEM 11271 3 T 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Distance books Shuman, Cynthia Ann None
ZA LEC 11272 3 Distance books Hachiya, Robert None
ZA REC 11273 3 Distance books Johnson, Jerry Dennis None
A REC 12252 3 T 4:30 - 8:30 p.m. Manhattan books Devin, Mary None
ZA REC 11825 3 Distance books Red Corn, Alex None
ZA SEM 11274 3 Distance books Johnson, Jerry Dennis None
ZA LEC 11815 3 Distance books Doll, Richard D. None
ZA LEC 11275 3 Distance books Johnson, Jerry Dennis None
ZA LEC 12309 3 books None Meets May 24 - July 11, 2022: T 2:00 - 5:30 p.m. Distance McClish, Keondria E Meets May 24 - July 11, 2022: W 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. Distance McClish, Keondria E
ZA REC 11277 3 MTWU 1:00 - 3:20 p.m. Distance books Liang, Jia None
ZA SEM 11812 3 Distance books Johnson, Jerry Dennis None
A INT 10714 1-12 Appointment books Augustine-Shaw, Donna Mae None
B INT 10509 1-12 Appointment books Johnson, Jerry Dennis None
C INT 10732 1-12 Appointment books Hachiya, Robert None
D INT 10733 1-12 Appointment books Liang, Jia None
E INT 10713 1-12 Appointment books Red Corn, Alex None
F INT 10697 1-12 Appointment books Thompson, David None
A RSH 10715 1-18 CNC Appointment books Augustine-Shaw, Donna Mae None
B RSH 10727 1-18 CNC Appointment books Johnson, Jerry Dennis None
C RSH 10734 1-18 CNC Appointment books Hachiya, Robert None
E RSH 10735 1-18 CNC Appointment books Liang, Jia None
F RSH 10716 1-18 CNC Appointment books Mercer, Debbie Kae None
G RSH 10155 1-18 CNC Appointment books Red Corn, Alex None
H RSH 10643 1-18 CNC Appointment books Thompson, David None
For more information, visit the Educational Leadership home page .