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K-State 8 areas

CourseTitleK-State 8
AGEC710Comparative Food And Agriculture Systems
AMETH160Introduction To American Ethnic Studies
AMETH352American Indian Perspectives
ANTH280Introduction to Biological Anthropology
ART102Ceramics for Non-majors
ART545Twentieth Century Art History I: Post-Impressionism to Cubism
COMM330Rhetoric In Western Thought
DANCE205Dance As An Art Form
EDCI310Foundations of Education
EDSEC620Principles & Philosophy of Career & Technical Education
GEOG100World Geography & Globalization
GEOL100Earth In Action
GEOL102Earth Through Time
GRMN529Spec Studies German - Top/KSU in Leipzig
HIST101Western Civilization:The Rise Of Europe
HIST200Top/History F & S - Top/Taiwan & the Major Powers
HIST301Topics in History - Top/War & Conquest/Hispanic Am
HIST320History Of Technology
HIST330History Of East Asian Civilizations
HIST513Battles And Leaders
HIST650Internship In History
HM120Introduction to the Hospitality Industry
MC110Mass Communication In Society
MC466Law of Mass Comm
MUSIC170History of Rock and Roll
MUSIC340Introduction to Film Music
MUSIC405Music For Elementary Teachers
MUSIC405Music For Elementary Teachers
MUSIC420History Of Jazz
PLAN315Introduction to City Planning
PLAN315Introduction to City Planning
POLSC115U. S. Politics
POLSC672Ideologies: Their Origins And Impact
SOCIO510Social Welfare As A Social Institution
SOCWK100Social Work: The Helping Profession
SOCWK510Social Welfare As A Social Institution
SPAN565Spanish Civilization
UAS270Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Systems
WOEM570Internship for Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management