Course | Title | K-State 8 |
AMETH160 | Introduction To American Ethnic Studies | |
AMETH352 | American Indian Perspectives | |
AMETH560 | Top/Amer Ethnic Stdy - Top/Race, Sex, & Scifi | |
AMETH560 | Top/Amer Ethnic Stdy - Top/US Latin Social Struggles | |
AMETH560 | Top/Amer Ethnic Stdy - Top/US-Mexico Border Crisis | |
CNRES534 | Conflt Organizations | |
CNRES757 | Elder/Family Dec Making | |
COMM322 | Interpersonal Communication | |
COMM480 | Intercultural Communication | |
DAS152 | Advanced English Writing I | |
DAS153 | Advanced English Reading I for Non-native Speakers of English | |
DAS154 | Advanced English Listening I for Non-native Speakers of English | |
DAS162 | Advanced English Writing II for Non-native Speakers of English | |
DAS163 | Advanced English Reading II for Non-native Speakers of English | |
DAS166 | Advanced English Writing III for Non-native Speakers of English | |
ECED428 | Exceptional Development In Early Childhood | |
EDCI310 | Foundations of Education | |
EDSP323 | Exceptional Student In The Secondary School | |
EDSP324 | Exceptional Child In The Regular Classroom | |
EDSP502 | Independent Study/Special Education | |
ENGL285 | Introduction to American Ethnic Literatures | |
GERON315 | Introduction To Gerontology | |
GWSS105 | Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies | |
GWSS300 | Select Studies of GWSS - Top/Women & Globalization | |
GWSS505 | IS/GWSS - Top/Vary By Student | |
GWSS505 | Independent Study in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies | |
HDFS110 | Introduction to Human Development | |
HDFS301 | Helping Relationships | |
HDFS510 | Human Development and Aging | |
HDFS552 | Families and Diversity | |
HDFS670 | Working with Parents | |
HORT540 | Horticulture Therapy Field Experiences | |
IAPD664 | IAPD Summer Internship | |
IAPD665 | IAPD Sum Intern Report | |
KIN220 | Biobehavioral Bases Of Physical Activity | |
KIN220 | Biobehavioral Bases Of Physical Activity | |
LEAD212 | Introduction To Leadership Concepts | |
LEAD350 | Cult/Cont/Leadership | |
MUSIC420 | History Of Jazz | |
PPIL290 | Multi-Engine Crew Coordination | |
PSYCH557 | The Psychology Of Ethnic Humor | |
PSYCH587 | Field Placement | |
SOCIO211 | Introduction To Sociology | |
SOCIO361 | Criminal Justice System | |
SOCIO450 | Introduction To Social Interaction | |
SOCIO463 | Gangs in American Society | |
SOCIO510 | Social Welfare As A Social Institution | |
SOCIO540 | Sexuality and Society | |
SOCWK510 | Social Welfare As A Social Institution | |