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K-State 8 areas

CourseTitleK-State 8
AMETH160Introduction To American Ethnic Studies
AMETH352American Indian Perspectives
AMETH560Top/Amer Ethnic Stdy - Top/Race, Sex, & Scifi
AMETH560Top/Amer Ethnic Stdy - Top/US Latin Social Struggles
AMETH560Top/Amer Ethnic Stdy - Top/US-Mexico Border Crisis
CNRES534Conflt Organizations
CNRES757Elder/Family Dec Making
COMM322Interpersonal Communication
COMM480Intercultural Communication
DAS152Advanced English Writing I
DAS153Advanced English Reading I for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS154Advanced English Listening I for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS162Advanced English Writing II for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS163Advanced English Reading II for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS166Advanced English Writing III for Non-native Speakers of English
ECED428Exceptional Development In Early Childhood
EDCI310Foundations of Education
EDSP323Exceptional Student In The Secondary School
EDSP324Exceptional Child In The Regular Classroom
EDSP502Independent Study/Special Education
ENGL285Introduction to American Ethnic Literatures
GERON315Introduction To Gerontology
GWSS105Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
GWSS300Select Studies of GWSS - Top/Women & Globalization
GWSS505IS/GWSS - Top/Vary By Student
GWSS505Independent Study in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
HDFS110Introduction to Human Development
HDFS301Helping Relationships
HDFS510Human Development and Aging
HDFS552Families and Diversity
HDFS670Working with Parents
HORT540Horticulture Therapy Field Experiences
IAPD664IAPD Summer Internship
IAPD665IAPD Sum Intern Report
KIN220Biobehavioral Bases Of Physical Activity
KIN220Biobehavioral Bases Of Physical Activity
LEAD212Introduction To Leadership Concepts
MUSIC420History Of Jazz
PPIL290Multi-Engine Crew Coordination
PSYCH557The Psychology Of Ethnic Humor
PSYCH587Field Placement
SOCIO211Introduction To Sociology
SOCIO361Criminal Justice System
SOCIO450Introduction To Social Interaction
SOCIO463Gangs in American Society
SOCIO510Social Welfare As A Social Institution
SOCIO540Sexuality and Society
SOCWK510Social Welfare As A Social Institution