ENTRP 340, Section ZA: This class will be accepted for a major field elective in the General Business degree. Ten spots will be reserved for Distance Degree plan students.jor field elective in the General Business degree.
Section meets from June 10 through August 2, 2019.
Global Campus: Students may enroll in a max of four credit hours during an Intersession period. Dean's permission is required to exceed the four credit hour limit.
ENTRP 440, Section ZA: Contact Dr. Jackson cjackson@ksu.edu for permission to enroll.
Global Campus: Class restriction - On campus students must receive special permission to take this course. Please talk with your advisor who can assist you by contacting the relevant department head on your behalf.
Section meets from June 10 through August 2, 2019.
MANGT 390, Section ZA: This class can be used as a Management elective in the General Business major.
Global Campus: Class restriction - On campus students must receive special permission to take this course. Please talk with your advisor who can assist you by contacting the relevant department head on your behalf.
Section meets from June 10 through August 2, 2019.
Global Campus: Class restriction - On campus students must receive special permission to take this course. Please talk with your advisor who can assist you by contacting the relevant department head on your behalf.
Section meets from June 10 through August 2, 2019.
Global Campus: Class restriction - On campus students must receive special permission to take this course. Please talk with your advisor who can assist you by contacting the relevant department head on your behalf.
Section meets from June 10 through August 2, 2019.
Global Campus: Class restriction - On campus students must receive special permission to take this course. Please talk with your advisor who can assist you by contacting the relevant department head on your behalf.
Section meets from June 10 through August 2, 2019.
Global Campus: Students may enroll in a max of four credit hours during an Intersession period. Dean's permission is required to exceed the four credit hour limit.
Global Campus: Students may enroll in a max of four credit hours during an Intersession period. Dean's permission is required to exceed the four credit hour limit.
Section meets from July 29 through August 16, 2019.
MANGT 497, Section ZA: This class will be accepted as an Additional Business Elective in the General Business degree or as an Unrestricted Elective in the on-campus business degree plans. It does not qualify as a Management Elective in the Human Resource Management, Operations and Supply Chain Management, or Organizational Management degree plans.
Section meets from June 10 through August 2, 2019.
MANGT 595, Section ZA: A proctored assessment will be conducted prior to the first day of class. This assessment will have a 60 minute time allotment. Information will be sent to you in advance of the assessment.
Global Campus: Class restriction - On campus students must receive special permission to take this course. Please talk with your advisor who can assist you by contacting the relevant department head on your behalf.
Section meets from June 10 through August 2, 2019.
Global Campus: Class restriction - On campus students must receive special permission to take this course. Please talk with your advisor who can assist you by contacting the relevant department head on your behalf.
Section meets from June 10 through August 2, 2019.
MANGT662Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Design
MANGT 662, Section ZA: Students will need to purchase their own books for this class. This class can be used as a P MBA elective. Class is required for the Operations/Supply Chain Management Concentration in the General Business degree plan.
Global Campus: Class restriction - On campus students must receive special permission to take this course. Please talk with your advisor who can assist you by contacting the relevant department head on your behalf.
Section meets from June 10 through August 2, 2019.