Enrollment in this course is reserved for students admitted to the Great Plains IDEA master's program in Merchandising. All others: please contact gpideacc@k-state.edu for assistance. Enrollment Deadline: May 3, 2019.
Enrollment in this course is reserved for students admitted to the Great Plains IDEA Master's degree program in Merchandising. All others: please email gpideacc@k-state.edu for assistance. This course is taught by Professor Ellis at North Dakota State University. Enrollment deadline is April 12, 2019.
Enrollment in this course is reserved for students admitted to the Great Plains IDEA master's degree program in Merchandising. All others - please contact gpideacc@k-state.edu for assistance. Enrollment Deadline: April 12, 2019. The class Corresponds to MRCH 530 taught by Nancy Lyons at South Dakota State University.
Enrollment in this course is reserved for students admitted to the Great Plains IDEA master's degree program in merchandising. All others: please email gpideacc@k-state.edu for assistance. Enrollment deadline is April 12, 2019.
Global Campus: Contact the Study Abroad Office at abroad@k-state.edu or 532-5990 for additional program information, including program fees and application process.
ID 300, Section ZA: Travel to London & York United Kingdom May 22-June 10.The course will host 3 pre-tour class meetings (time/date/location TBD). Contact Dr. Honey, peghoney@ksu.edu for permission to enroll.
Section meets from March 25 through July 15, 2019.
Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ID350Our Sustainable World: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities