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K-State 8 areas

CourseTitleK-State 8
ANTH380Introduction to Human Evolution
ASI318Fundamentals Of Nutrition
ASI400Farm Animal Reproduction
AVM305Introduction to Aircraft Avionics and Instrument Systems
AVM352Powerplant Overhaul
AVT340Human Factors In Aviation
BIOCH110Biochemistry And Society
BIOCH111Biochemistry And Society Laboratory
BIOCH265Introduction To Organic And Biochemistry
BIOCH521General Biochemistry
BIOCH599Research Training In Biochemistry
BIOL198Principles of Biology
BIOL198Principles of Biology
BIOL198Principles of Biology
BIOL455General Microbiology
CE530Statics And Dynamics
CE533Mechanics Of Materials
CE537Introduction To Structural Analysis
CHE354Basic Concepts in Materials Science and Engineering
CHE355Fundamentals of Mechanical Properties
CHE356Fundamentals of Electrical Properties
CHM110General Chemistry
CHM111General Chemistry Laboratory
CHM210Chemistry 1
CHM230Chemistry 2
CHM350General Organic Chemistry
CHM351General Organic Chemistry Laboratory
CHM371Chemical Analysis
CHM499Prb/Undgd Chemistry - Top/Vary By Student
CHM531Organic Chemistry 1
CHM532Organic Chemistry Laboratory
CHM550Organic Chemistry 2
DAS388Honors Internship
ENTOM300Economic Entomology
ENTOM301Insects And People
FDSCI302Introduction To Food Science
FDSCI305Fundamentals Of Food Processing
FDSCI600Food Microbiology
FDSCI600Food Microbiology
FNDH132Basic Nutrition
FNDH132Basic Nutrition
FNDH352Personal Wellness
FNDH400Human Nutrition
FNDH400Human Nutrition
FNDH450Nutritional Assessment
FNDH450Nutritional Assessment
FNDH620Nutrient Metabolism
GEOG221Intro Physical Geography
GEOL100Earth In Action
GEOL100Earth In Action
GEOL102Earth Through Time
GEOL103Geology Laboratory
GEOL125Natural Disasters
GEOL315Geology of the National Parks
GEOL510Geology Of Planets
GRSC602Cereal Science
KIN220Biobehavioral Bases Of Physical Activity
KIN320Motor Learning And Development
KIN336Physiology Of Exercise Lab
KIN360Anatomy and Physiology
KIN603Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology
KIN609Environmental Physiology
KIN657Therapeutic Use Of Exercise In The Treatment Of Disease
ME573Heat Transfer
PHYS113General Physics 1
PHYS114General Physics 2
PHYS213Engineering Physics 1
PHYS460Top/Undergrad Physic - Top/Vary By Student
PLPTH495Res/Plant Pathology - Top/Vary by Student
PLPTH575Top/Plant Pathology - Top/Ug Plpth
PLPTH576Special Topics in Plant Pathology
PPIL263Multi Engine Flight Lab
UAS300UAS Powerplant Fundamentals