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K-State 8 areas

CourseTitleK-State 8
ART102Ceramics for Non-majors
ART106Art Appreciation
ART180Two Dimensional Design
ART190Drawing 1
ART200Three Dimensional Design
ART300SS/In Art - Top/3D/Digital Art Making
ART300SS/In Art - Top/Art & Entomology
ART300SS/In Art - Top/Color/Abst in Paint/Draw
ART300SS/In Art - Top/Digital Photo
ART300SS/In Art - Top/Graphic Design for Non/maj
ART303Graphic Design for Non-majors
ART320Water Media 1
ART335Printmaking 1
ART545Twentieth Century Art History I: Post-Impressionism to Cubism
ART628Foreign Studies in Art History
ART630Foreign Studies In Studio Art
CLSCS105Medical Terminology: Latin and Greek for Scientists
CMST135Web Fundamentals
CMST146Digital Photography
COMM311Business And Professional Speaking
DANCE181Tap 1
DANCE205Dance As An Art Form
DIGME256Digital Literacy
DIGME406Social Media
EDEL270Arts for Elementary Schools
ENGL253The Short Story
ENGL287Great Books
ENGL302Technical Writing
ENGL350Introduction To Shakespeare
ENGL355Literature For Children
ENGL362British Survey 2
ENGL465Introduction To Creative Nonfiction
ENGL695Top/Literature - Top/Robin Hood
ENVD201Environmental Design Studio 1
ENVD202Environmental Design Studio 2
IAPD605Prb/IAPD - Top/Arch Document/Fabrication
ITAL105Italian for Travelers
JAPAN102Japanese II
MC331Digital Photography For Mass Media
MUSIC100Music Fundamentals
MUSIC160Music Listening Laboratory
MUSIC170History of Rock and Roll
MUSIC249Introduction to Music of the World
MUSIC250Introduction To Music
MUSIC340Introduction to Film Music
MUSIC405Music For Elementary Teachers
MUSIC405Music For Elementary Teachers
SPAN101Spanish I
SPAN102Spanish II
SPAN201Spanish III
SPAN301Spanish IV
SPAN410Spanish Composition And Grammar
SPAN575Introduction to Spanish Translation
THTRE261Fundamentals Of Acting
THTRE270Introduction To Theatre
THTRE280Script Analysis
THTRE566Rehearsal Techniques
THTRE630Top/Theatre - Top/American Film
THTRE630Top/Theatre - Top/International Film
THTRE630Top/Theatre - Top/Introduction to Film
THTRE630Top/Theatre - Top/Vary By Student