Course | Title | K-State 8 |
ACCTG 432 | Managerial Reporting | |
ACCTG 433 | Financial Reporting | |
ACCTG 442 | Auditing 1 | |
ACCTG 642 | Accounting Research and Communication | |
CNRES 529 | Understanding Trauma and Traumatic Stress | |
CNRES 530 | Coping With Life Crises | |
CNRES 531 | Core Conflict Resolution | |
CNRES 532 | Conflict Resolution Across Cultures & Contexts | |
CNRES 533 | Prevention & Intervention Of Violence | |
CNRES 535 | Divorce & Child Custody Mediation | |
COMM 322 | Interpersonal Communication | |
COMM 326 | Small Group Discussion Methods | |
ECED 310 | Early Childhood | |
ECON 110 | Principles Of Macroeconomics | |
ECON 120 | Principles Of Microeconomics | |
ECON 510 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | |
ECON 520 | Intermediate Microeconomics | |
ECON 530 | Money And Banking | |
ECON 540 | Managerial Economics | |
ECON 595 | Prb/Economics - Top/Vary By Student | |
ECON 599 | Topics In Economics | |
EDCEP 103 | Healthful And Safe College Life | |
FSHS 110 | Introduction To Human Development | |
FSHS 110 | Introduction To Human Development | |
FSHS 301 | The Helping Relationship | |
FSHS 302 | Introduction To Human Sexuality | |
FSHS 350 | Family Relationships And Gender Roles | |
FSHS 506 | Middle Childhood And Adolescence | |
FSHS 510 | Human Development And Aging | |
FSHS 550 | The Family | |
FSHS 552 | Families And Diversity | |
FSHS 580 | FSHS Internship | |
FSHS 585 | Professional Seminar FSHS | |
FSHS 670 | Working With Parents | |
GEOG 100 | World Regional Geography | |
GEOG 200 | Human Geography | |
GEOG 300 | Geography Of Tourism | |
GEOG 310 | Geography Of Kansas | |
GEOL 125 | Natural Disasters | |
GERON 315 | Introduction To Gerontology | |
GNHE 310 | Human Needs | |
HN 110 | Intro to Public Health | |
HN 516 | Comm Comp Dietetics Prac | |
HN 517 | Comm Comp Diet Prac | |
HN 560 | Mgmt In Dietetics | |
KIN 110 | Intro to Public Health | |
KIN 591 | Psychology Of Exercise And Sport Injury | |
MANGT 390 | Business Law 1 | |
MANGT 420 | Management Concepts | |
MANGT 520 | Organizational Behavior | |
MANGT 596 | Business Ethics and Corporate Citizenship | |
MC 585 | Media Management | |
MKTG 400 | Introduction to Marketing | |
MKTG 542 | Fundamentals of Professional Selling | |
MKTG 544 | International Marketing | |
MKTG 635 | Digital Marketing | |
MKTG 690 | Marketing Management | |
PFP 105 | Introduction To Personal Financial Planning | |
POLSC 110 | Introduction To Political Science | |
POLSC 115 | U. S. Politics | |
POLSC 301 | Introduction To Political Thought | |
POLSC 333 | World Politics | |
POLSC 355 | Contemporary Issues | |
POLSC 499 | Honors Project | |
POLSC 543 | American Foreign Policy | |
POLSC 672 | Ideologies: Their Origins And Impact | |
PPIL 416 | Crew Resource Management II | |
PSYCH 110 | General Psychology | |
PSYCH 110 | General Psychology | |
PSYCH 470 | Psychobiology | |
PSYCH 499 | Honors Project | |
PSYCH 505 | Abnormal Psychology | |
PSYCH 520 | Lifespan Personality Development | |
PSYCH 535 | Social Psychology | |
PSYCH 557 | The Psychology Of Ethnic Humor | |
PSYCH 560 | Industrial Psychology | |
PSYCH 599 | Prb/Psychology - Top/Cognit Pro | |
PSYCH 599 | Prb/Psychology - Top/Indust Psy | |
PSYCH 599 | Prb/Psychology - Top/Perception | |
PSYCH 599 | Prb/Psychology - Top/Person Soc | |
PSYCH 599 | Prb/Psychology - Top/Physiol Psych | |
SOCIO 211 | Introduction To Sociology | |
SOCIO 450 | Introduction To Social Interaction | |
SOCIO 460 | Youth and Crime | |
SOCIO 500 | Contemporary Issues - Top/Courts & Sentencing | |
SOCIO 500 | Contemporary Issues - Top/Sociology through Film | |
SOCIO 536 | Environmental Sociology | |
SOCIO 540 | Sexuality and Society | |
SOCIO 567 | Pre-Internship Orientation | |
SOCIO 568 | Criminology And Sociology Internship | |
SOCIO 569 | Criminology And Sociology Professional Seminar | |
SOCWK 100 | Social Work: The Helping Profession | |
SOCWK 315 | Human Behavior in the Social Environment 1 | |