Course | Title | K-State 8 |
ACCTG 231 | Accounting For Business Operations | |
ACCTG 241 | Accounting For Investing And Financing | |
ACCTG 432 | Managerial Reporting | |
ACCTG 433 | Financial Reporting | |
ACCTG 442 | Auditing 1 | |
ACCTG 642 | Accounting Research and Communication | |
AGRON 405 | Internship In Agronomy | |
ANTH 535 | Archaeological Field Methods | |
ASI 510 | Animal Breeding Principles | |
BIOCH 110 | Biochemistry And Society | |
BIOCH 111 | Biochemistry And Society Laboratory | |
BIOCH 265 | Introduction To Organic And Biochemistry | |
BIOCH 521 | General Biochemistry | |
BIOCH 599 | Research Training In Biochemistry | |
BIOL 198 | Principles of Biology | |
BIOL 198 | Principles of Biology | |
BIOL 455 | General Microbiology | |
CHM 110 | General Chemistry | |
CHM 111 | General Chemistry Laboratory | |
CHM 210 | Chemistry 1 | |
CHM 230 | Chemistry 2 | |
CHM 350 | General Organic Chemistry | |
CHM 351 | General Organic Chemistry Laboratory | |
CHM 531 | Organic Chemistry 1 | |
CHM 532 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory | |
CHM 550 | Organic Chemistry 2 | |
CHM 599 | Senior Thesis Research | |
CIS 102 | Introduction To Spreadsheet Application | |
CIS 103 | Introduction To Database Application | |
CIS 200 | Programming Fundamentals | |
CIS 490 | Special Topics In Computer Science | |
CIS 490 | Top/Computer Science - Top/Internship Experience | |
CIS 490 | Top/Computer Science - Top/Intro to CS Pedagogy | |
CIS 597 | Information Systems Project | |
CIS 598 | Computer Science Project | |
CIS 690 | Implementation Projects | |
CMST 108 | Pc Desktop Software | |
CMST 305 | Robotics Programming | |
COT 495 | Industrial Internshp - Top/Vary By Student | |
DED 420 | Honors Research | |
ECON 510 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | |
ECON 520 | Intermediate Microeconomics | |
ECON 530 | Money And Banking | |
EDSEC 614 | Laboratory Techniques In Teaching Science | |
ENGL 302 | Technical Writing | |
ENVD 201 | Environmental Design Studio 1 | |
ENVD 202 | Environmental Design Studio 2 | |
FDSCI 305 | Fundamentals Of Food Processing | |
FINAN 450 | Principles Of Finance | |
GEOG 221 | Intro Physical Geography | |
GEOL 103 | Geology Laboratory | |
GRSC 602 | Cereal Science | |
HN 132 | Basic Nutrition | |
HN 400 | Human Nutrition | |
HN 515 | Counsel Strat/DT Prac | |
HN 570 | Intro/Res/Dietetics Prac | |
IAPD 407 | Design Workshop 1 | |
IAPD 664 | IAPD Summer Internship | |
IAPD 665 | IAPD Summer Internship Report | |
KIN 310 | Measurement And Research Techniques In Kinesiology | |
KIN 336 | Physiology Of Exercise Lab | |
KIN 603 | Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology | |
KIN 609 | Environmental Physiology | |
MANGT 366 | Info Tech For Bus | |
MANGT 421 | Introduction To Operations Management | |
MANGT 521 | Quantitative Management | |
MANGT 595 | Business Strategy | |
MANGT 666 | Appl/Data Model/Bus | |
MATH 100 | College Algebra | |
MATH 100 | College Algebra - Traditional | |
MATH 150 | Plane Trigonometry | |
MATH 205 | General Calculus And Linear Algebra | |
MATH 205 | General Calculus And Linear Algebra | |
MATH 220 | Analytic Geometry And Calculus 1 | |
MATH 221 | Analytic Geometry And Calculus 2 | |
MATH 222 | Analytic Geometry And Calculus 3 | |
MATH 240 | Elementary Differential Equations | |
MATH 551 | Applied Matrix Theory | |
MKTG 642 | Marketing Research | |
PFP 105 | Introduction To Personal Financial Planning | |
PHILO 105 | Introduction To Critical Thinking | |
PHYS 113 | General Physics 1 | |
PHYS 114 | General Physics 2 | |
PHYS 213 | Engineering Physics 1 | |
PHYS 400 | Indep Study/Physics - Top/Vary By Student | |
PHYS 460 | Top/Undergrad Physic - Top/Vary By Student | |
PLPTH 599 | Res/Plant Pathology - Top/Vary by Student | |
PLPTH 614 | Internship for Applied Genomics and Biotechnology | |
POLSC 499 | Honors Project | |
PPIL 111 | Private Pilot | |
PPIL 112 | Professional Instrument Pilot | |
PPIL 211 | Professional Commercial Pilot | |
PSYCH 110 | General Psychology | |
PSYCH 110 | General Psychology | |
PSYCH 505 | Abnormal Psychology | |
PSYCH 535 | Social Psychology | |
PSYCH 560 | Industrial Psychology | |
STAT 100 | Statistical Literacy In The Age Of Information | |
STAT 325 | Introduction To Statistics | |
STAT 325 | Introduction To Statistics | |
STAT 350 | Business And Economic Statistics 1 | |