Course | Title | K-State 8 |
ART 102 | Ceramics for Non-majors | |
ART 180 | Two Dimensional Design | |
ART 190 | Drawing 1 | |
ART 300 | SS/In Art - Top/Graphic Design for Non/maj | |
ART 550 | Twentieth Century Art History 2 | |
CLSCS 105 | Medical Terminology: Latin and Greek for Scientists | |
COMM 311 | Business And Professional Speaking | |
COMM 321 | Public Speaking 2 | |
DANCE 205 | Dance As An Art Form | |
ENGL 220 | Fiction Into Film | |
ENGL 251 | Introduction To Literature | |
ENGL 253 | The Short Story | |
ENGL 302 | Technical Writing | |
ENGL 350 | Introduction To Shakespeare | |
ENGL 390 | Fable And Fantasy | |
ENGL 465 | Introduction To Creative Nonfiction | |
ENGL 695 | Top/Literature - Top/Superheroes | |
ENVD 201 | Environmental Design Studio 1 | |
ENVD 202 | Environmental Design Studio 2 | |
FREN 103 | Beginning Accelerated French | |
FREN 301 | French IV | |
IAPD 310 | Digital Applications | |
IAPD 406 | Problems In Interior Architecture | |
IAPD 407 | Design Workshop 1 | |
IAPD 410 | Interior Architecture Digital Applications | |
IAPD 412 | Design Workshop 1 Studio | |
JAPAN 102 | Japanese II | |
MUSIC 100 | Music Fundamentals | |
MUSIC 160 | Music Listening Laboratory | |
MUSIC 170 | History of Rock and Roll | |
MUSIC 249 | Introduction to Music of the World | |
MUSIC 250 | Introduction To Music | |
MUSIC 405 | Music For Elementary Teachers | |
MUSIC 661 | Choral Ensemble Techniques | |
SPAN 101 | Spanish I | |
SPAN 102 | Spanish II | |
SPAN 201 | Spanish III | |
SPAN 301 | Spanish IV | |
SPAN 410 | Spanish Composition And Grammar | |
SPAN 550 | Introduction To Literature In Spanish | |
THTRE 261 | Fundamentals Of Acting | |
THTRE 566 | Rehearsal Techniques | |
THTRE 630 | Top/Theatre - Top/Amer Thtre/Drama,1945-Pres | |
THTRE 630 | Top/Theatre - Top/Introduction to Film | |
THTRE 630 | Top/Theatre - Top/Vary By Student | |
THTRE 674 | Drama Therapy With Adolescents | |