Grain Science and Industry
If no dates are listed directly under a course, then the course meets Tuesday, January 21, 2025 through Friday, May 9, 2025.
GRSC101Fundamentals of Grain Processing | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 13469 | 3 | Distance | books | Dogan, Huseyin Adam | ||||
GRSC112Feed and Pet Food Experience | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LAB | 14940 | 1 | M | 2:30 - 5:20 p.m. | WA 009 | books | Paulk , Chad Bennett Guazzellipezzali , Julia | None | |
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GRSC150Principles of Milling | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 10942 | 2 | T U | 11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. | SH 311 | books | Churchill , Fran | None | |
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GRSC151Principles of Milling Laboratory | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LAB | 17494 | 1 | T | 2:30 - 5:20 p.m. | WA 009 | books | Churchill , Fran | None | |
B | LAB | 12312 | 1 | U | 2:30 - 5:20 p.m. | WA 009 | books | Churchill , Fran | None | |
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GRSC301Baking Fundamentals: The Art and Science of Baking | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
01B | LAB | 14409 | W | 2:30 - 5:20 p.m. | SH 110 | books | Clanton , Aaron L | None | ||
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A | LEC | 14408 | 3 | T U | 8:30 - 9:20 a.m. | SH 301 | books | Clanton , Aaron L | ||
GRSC310Materials Handling | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | STD | 11909 | 2 | M W | 10:30 - 11:20 a.m. | SH 311 | books | Blodgett , Paul E Siliveru , Kaliramesh | ||
GRSC405Grain Analysis Techniques | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 10943 | 2 | T U | 10:30 - 11:20 a.m. | SH 311 | books | Li , Yonghui | None | |
GRSC499Undergraduate Research in Grain Science | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | IND | 12354 | 0-3 | Appointment | books | Paulk , Chad Bennett | None | |||
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GRSC500Milling Science I | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 10944 | 2 | T U | 9:30 - 10:20 a.m. | SH 311 | books | Churchill , Fran | None | |
GRSC501Milling Science I Laboratory | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LAB | 12313 | 2 | books | None | |||||
Meets January 21 - May 9, 2025: | M | 2:30 - 4:20 p.m. | SH 301 | Watt , Jason Walter Churchill , Fran | ||||||
Meets January 21 - May 9, 2025: | W | 12:30 - 4:20 p.m. | GI 103 | Watt , Jason Walter Churchill , Fran | ||||||
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GRSC540Process Calculations in Food Systems | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 10945 | 3 | M W F | 1:30 - 2:20 p.m. | SH 311 | books | Dogan, Hulya | ||
GRSC541Process Calculations in Food Systems Laboratory | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LAB | 10946 | 1 | M | 2:30 - 5:20 p.m. | SH 311 | books | Dogan, Hulya | ||
GRSC555Cereal Food Plant Design | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 12315 | 3 | M W F | 10:30 - 11:20 a.m. | SH 301 | books | Dogan, Huseyin Adam | None | |
GRSC560Electricity and Industrial Power Distribution | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
01B | LAB | 10947 | W | 2:30 - 4:20 p.m. | WA 009 | books | Dogan, Huseyin Adam | None | ||
A | LEC | 10948 | 3 | M W | 8:30 - 9:20 a.m. | SH 311 | books | Dogan, Huseyin Adam | ||
GRSC580Milling of Specialty Grains | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LAB | 10949 | 2 | T U | 2:30 - 5:20 p.m. | SH 301 | books | Watt , Jason Walter | None | |
GRSC590Grain Science Problems - Top/Vary by Student | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | IND | 11832 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Paulk , Chad Bennett | None | |||
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GRSC600Practicum in Bakery Technology I | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LAB | 14482 | 1 | MTWUF | 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | SH 109A | books | Clanton , Aaron L | None | |
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GRSC602Cereal Science | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 13452 | 3 | Distance | books | Karkle , Elisa Lazzari | ||||
GRSC625Flour and Dough Testing | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
01B | LAB | 11770 | T | 11:30 a.m. - 2:20 p.m. | WAX 103 | books | Dogan, Hulya | None | ||
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A | LEC | 11771 | 3 | M F | 12:30 - 1:20 p.m. | SH 311 | books | Dogan, Hulya | ||
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ZA | LEC | 13872 | 3 | Distance | books | Dogan, Hulya | ||||
GRSC637Baking Science II | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 10951 | 3 | M W F | 9:30 - 10:20 a.m. | SH 311 | books | Karkle , Elisa Lazzari | None | |
ZA | REC | 13824 | 3 | Distance | books | Karkle , Elisa Lazzari | None | |||
GRSC638Baking Science II Laboratory | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LAB | 10952 | 1 | U | 2:30 - 5:20 p.m. | SH 110 | books | Karkle , Elisa Lazzari | None | |
ZA | LAB | 13870 | 1 | Distance | books | Karkle , Elisa Lazzari | None | |||
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GRSC645Pet Food Processing | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
B | LEC | 17080 | 3 | T U | 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. | SH 301 | books | Guazzellipezzali , Julia | None | |
GRSC650Nutritional Impacts of Processing | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 16089 | 3 | T U | 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. | SH 311 | books | Paulk , Chad Bennett Guazzellipezzali , Julia | None | |
GRSC651Food and Feed Product Protection | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
B | REC | 14548 | 2 | M W | 11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. | SH 311 | books | Clanton , Aaron L Paulk , Chad Bennett Siliveru , Kaliramesh | ||
GRSC661Qualities of Feed Ingredients | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 11908 | 3 | T U | 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. | WA 009 | books | Paulk , Chad Bennett | None | |
GRSC670Bakery Layout and Management | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 10950 | 2 | T U | 9:30 - 11:20 a.m. | SH 109A | books | Clanton , Aaron L | None | |
GRSC750Pet Food Formulation for Commercial Production | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 17352 | 1 | 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Distance | books | Guazzellipezzali , Julia | None | ||
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GRSC790Prb/Grain Science - Top/Vary By Student | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | IND | 10953 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Paulk , Chad Bennett | None | |||
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GRSC790Prb/Grain Science - Top/Brew Fermentation Sci | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | IND | 16094 | 1 | OPT | 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Manhattan | books | Paulk , Chad Bennett | None | |
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GRSC810Particle Technology for Solids Handling and Processing | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
01B | LAB | 17492 | F | 2:30 - 5:20 p.m. | SH 301 | books | Siliveru , Kaliramesh | None | ||
A | LEC | 17216 | 3 | M W F | 12:30 - 1:20 p.m. | SH 301 | books | Siliveru , Kaliramesh | None | |
GRSC899Research in Grain Science | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | RSH | 10954 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Li , Yonghui | None | ||
GRSC902Carbohydrates in Food | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 17217 | 3 | T U | 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. | SH 301 | books | Shi , Yongcheng | None | |
GRSC910Top/Grain Science - Top/Vary By Student | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | IND | 10955 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Li , Yonghui | None | |||
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GRSC920Grain Science Graduate Seminar | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | SEM | 14407 | 1 | U | 12:30 - 1:20 p.m. | SH 311 | books | Li , Yonghui | None | |
GRSC999Research in Grain Science | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | RSH | 10956 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Li , Yonghui | None | ||
For more information, visit the Grain Science and Industry home page.