Agricultural Economics
If no dates are listed directly under a course, then the course meets Tuesday, January 21, 2014 through Friday, May 9, 2014.
K-State 8 areas |
AGEC115Decision Tools for Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LEC | 14630 | 2 | M W F | 9:30-10:20 a.m. | WA 328 | books | Biere, Arlo W | ||
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Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LEC | 10060 | 3 | OPT | M W | 1:30-2:20 p.m. | WB 123 | books | Bergtold, Jason Scott | |
ZA | LEC | 16394 | 3 | OPT | Distance | books | Barkley, Andrew P | |||
01B | LAB | 13902 | F | 8:30-9:20 a.m. | WAX 104 | books | Bergtold, Jason Scott | None | ||
02B | LAB | 13903 | F | 10:30-11:20 a.m. | WAX 104 | books | Bergtold, Jason Scott | None | ||
03B | LAB | 13904 | F | 9:30-10:20 a.m. | WAX 104 | books | Bergtold, Jason Scott | None | ||
04B | LAB | 13905 | F | 1:30-2:20 p.m. | WAX 104 | books | Bergtold, Jason Scott | None | ||
05B | LAB | 13906 | F | 2:30-3:20 p.m. | WAX 104 | books | Bergtold, Jason Scott | None | ||
06B | LAB | 14383 | books | None | ||||||
AGEC220Grain And Livestock Marketing Systems | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | REC | 10061 | 3 | OPT | M W F | 12:30-1:20 p.m. | K 106 | books | Arata, Joseph O | |
AGEC315Contemporary Issues in Global Food and Agricultural Systems | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LEC | 14236 | 3 | OPT | M W F | 8:30-9:20 a.m. | BH 101 | books | Hendricks, Nathan P | |
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Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LEC | 10066 | 3 | OPT | M W F | 1:30-2:20 p.m. | K 106 | books | Shanoyan, Aleksan | |
B | LEC | 17034 | 3 | OPT | T U | 1:05-2:20 p.m. | WA 328 | books | Grunewald, Orlen C | |
01R | REC | 10062 | books | None | ||||||
02R | REC | 10063 | books | None | ||||||
03R | REC | 10064 | books | None | ||||||
04R | REC | 10065 | books | None | ||||||
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Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | REC | 10067 | 3 | OPT | M W F | 9:30-10:20 a.m. | CW 102 | books | Fox, John A | |
B | REC | 17035 | 3 | OPT | M W F | 8:30-9:20 a.m. | WA 328 | books | Grunewald, Orlen C | |
AGEC441Sem/Agec/Agribus - Top/Mktg Team | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | REC | 10068 | 0-3 | OPT | Appointment | books | Lehman, David E | None | ||
AGEC445Agribusiness Internship | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | INT | 10069 | 0-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Hodgson, Cherie L | None | ||
AGEC450Agricultural Economics And Agribusiness Problems | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LAB | 10070 | 0-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Featherstone, Allen M | None | ||
B | LAB | 14200 | 0-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Featherstone, Allen M | None | ||
AGEC460International Food and Agribusiness Study Tour | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
ZA | IND | 15754 | 3 | books | ||||||
Meets January 21 - May 9, 2014: | T | 4:30-5:20 p.m. | WAX 104 | Barkley, Andrew P | ||||||
Meets May 20 - May 30, 2014: | CHINA | Barkley, Andrew P | ||||||||
Meets January 21 - June 15, 2014: | Barkley, Andrew P | |||||||||
ZB | IND | 17013 | 1-2 | books | ||||||
Meets March 25 - May 6, 2014: | T | 4:30-6:30 p.m. | ZZZ ZZZZ | Fox, John A | ||||||
Meets May 20 - May 30, 2014: | UK | Fox, John A | ||||||||
Meets March 25 - June 30, 2014: | Fox, John A | |||||||||
AGEC500Production Economics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | REC | 10071 | 3 | OPT | M W F | 12:30-1:20 p.m. | WA 328 | books | Burton Jr, Robert O | |
AGEC501Data Analysis and Optimization | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | REC | 14750 | 3 | T U | 1:05-2:20 p.m. | TH 1018 | books | Lambert, David K | ||
AGEC505Agricultural Market Structures | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LEC | 13207 | 3 | M W | 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. | WA 328 | books | Barkley, Andrew P | ||
01B | LAB | 13237 | F | 10:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. | WAX 104B | books | Barkley, Andrew P | None | ||
02B | LAB | 13238 | U | 2:30-4:20 p.m. | WAX 104 | books | Barkley, Andrew P | None | ||
AGEC513Agricultural Finance | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | REC | 10072 | 3 | OPT | M W F | 10:30-11:20 a.m. | WA 328 | books | Briggeman, Brian C | |
AGEC515Food And Agribusiness Marketing | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | REC | 10073 | 3 | OPT | books | Shanoyan, Aleksan | ||||
AGEC516Agricultural Law And Economics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | REC | 10074 | 3 | OPT | T U | 8:05-9:20 a.m. | WA 328 | books | Irvine, Paul Bernard | |
AGEC520Market Fundamentals And Futures/Options Trading | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | REC | 10075 | 3 | T U | 3:55-5:10 p.m. | WA 328 | books | Arata, Joseph O | ||
AGEC570Food Manufacturing, Distribution And Retailing | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LEC | 10076 | 3 | books | ||||||
B | LEC | 15041 | 3 | OPT | books | |||||
AGEC599Food And Agribusiness Management Strategy | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | REC | 10077 | 3 | OPT | T U | 9:30-10:45 a.m. | WA 328 | books | Shanoyan, Aleksan | |
AGEC605Price Analysis And Forecasting | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LEC | 10078 | 3 | OPT | T U | 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. | WA 350 | books | Peterson, Hikaru Hanawa | |
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Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LEC | 14386 | 3 | OPT | books |
AGEC680Risk Management | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | REC | 13605 | 3 | OPT | M W F | 1:30-3:00 p.m. | WAX 104B | books | Schurle, Bryan W | |
AGEC700Applied Agribusiness Economics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
ZA | REC | 16345 | 3 | Distance | books | Harris, Keith D | None | |||
AGEC701Introduction To Computer Decision Tools For Agribusiness | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
ZA | LEC | 15784 | 1 | books | None | |||||
Meets January 6 - January 9, 2014: | MTWUF | 7:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. | WA 328 | Williams, Jeffery R | ||||||
Meets January 10 - January 10, 2014: | F | 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | WA 328 | Williams, Jeffery R | ||||||
Meets January 11 - March 21, 2014: | Distance | Williams, Jeffery R | ||||||||
Meets January 5 - March 21, 2014: | Williams, Jeffery R | |||||||||
AGEC710Comparative Food And Agriculture Systems | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
ZA | REC | 15874 | 3 | U | 8:15-9:15 a.m. | WAX 104 | books | Featherstone, Allen M | ||
AGEC712Optimization Techniques For Agricultural Economics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | REC | 10079 | 3 | OPT | M W F | 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. | WA 350 | books | Bergtold, Jason Scott | None |
AGEC713Agribusiness Financial Management | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
ZA | LEC | 16157 | 3 | Distance | books | Featherstone, Allen M | None | |||
AGEC730Applied Agribusiness Logistics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
ZA | LEC | 15785 | 3 | Distance | books | Biere, Arlo W | None | |||
AGEC740Seminar In Agricultural Economics Analysis | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
ZA | LEC | 16332 | 3 | Distance | books | Featherstone, Allen M | None | |||
AGEC750Prb/Agr Econ/Bus - Top/Finan Engineer Risk Mngt | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
C | IND | 15238 | 3 | books | None | |||||
AGEC750Prb/Agr Econ/Bus - Top/Risk Mangt Fellows Seminar | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
B | IND | 15235 | 1 | Appointment | books | Schroeder, Ted C | None | |||
AGEC750Prb/Agr Econ/Bus - Top/Vary By Student | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | IND | 10080 | 1-18 | OPT | Appointment | books | Featherstone, Allen M | None | ||
AGEC760Applied Econometric Analysis | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
ZA | LEC | 16209 | 3 | Distance | books | Fox, John A | None | |||
AGEC761Optimization Techniques For Agribusiness | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
ZA | REC | 16344 | 2 | Distance | books | Bergtold, Jason Scott | None | |||
AGEC770International Agribusiness And Policy Analysis | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
ZA | LEC | 16158 | 3 | Distance | books | Wilson, Christine A | None | |||
AGEC805Agricultural Marketing | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LEC | 10081 | 3 | M W | 9:40-11:10 a.m. | WAX 104 | books | Schroeder, Ted C | None | |
AGEC812Advanced Farm Economics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LEC | 15628 | 3 | M W F | 12:30-1:30 p.m. | WAX 104 | books | Llewelyn, Richard V | None | |
AGEC840International Markets And Agricultural Trade | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LEC | 10082 | 3 | books | None | |||||
AGEC880Agribusiness Industry Structures | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LEC | 14237 | 3 | T U | 1:30-2:45 p.m. | EH 227 | books | Crespi, John M | None | |
AGEC890Advanced Food And Agribusiness Management | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LEC | 14396 | 3 | books | None | |||||
AGEC899Agricultural Economics Masters Research | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | RSH | 10083 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Featherstone, Allen M | None | ||
ZA | RSH | 16340 | 1-6 | CNC | Distance | books | Featherstone, Allen M | None | ||
AGEC901Research Methods In Economics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | REC | 10084 | 3 | Appointment | books | Peterson, Hikaru Hanawa | None | |||
AGEC905Agricultural Demand And Commodity Marketing | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LEC | 10085 | 3 | M W | 9:30-10:45 a.m. | WAX 104B | books | Xia, Tian | None | |
AGEC925Advanced Resource And Environmental Economics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | LEC | 13396 | 3 | books | None | |||||
AGEC936Quantitative Topics In Agricultural Economics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | REC | 10086 | 3 | OPT | M W F | 8:05-9:20 a.m. | WAX 104B | books | Featherstone, Allen M | None |
AGEC955Is/Adv Top/Agec - Top/Res & Envir Econ | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | IND | 17096 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Peterson, Jeffrey M | None | |||
AGEC999Agricultural Economics Phd Research | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | K-State 8 |
A | RSH | 10087 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Featherstone, Allen M | None | ||
K-State 8 areas |
indicates the course has been approved for university general education credit.
For more information, visit the Agricultural Economics home page.