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General Education

CourseTitleK-State 8
AGRON120Crop Science
AGRON251Range Management
AGRON335Environmental Quality
AGRON640Cropping Systems
AGRON645Soil Microbiology
AGRON646Soil Microbiology Laboratory
ANTH383Plagues: the Co-Evolutionary History of Humans and Pathogens
ANTH384Fundamentals of Forensic Anthropology
ASI400Farm Animal Reproduction
ASI533Anatomy & Physiology
ASI533Anatomy & Physiology
ATM511Agricultural Building Systems
AVT242Aviation Meteorology
AVT340Human Factors in Aviation
BIOCH110Biochemistry and Society
BIOCH111Biochemistry and Society Laboratory
BIOCH499Honors Project
BIOCH521General Biochemistry
BIOCH599Research Training in Biochemistry
BIOL101Concepts of Biology
BIOL101Concepts of Biology
BIOL198Principles of Biology
BIOL263Ecology of Environmental Problems
BIOL410Biology of the Cancer Cell
CHM110General Chemistry
CHM111General Chemistry Laboratory
CHM499Prb/Undgd Chemistry - Top/Vary By Student
CHM566Instrumental Methods of Analysis
CHM601Safe Chemical Laboratory Practices
CHM611Inorganic Chemistry I
CHM652Organic Chemistry III: Reactions and Mechanisms
CSD361Hearing Science
CSD515Laboratory in Acoustic Phonetics
DAS499Physical Sciences Senior Report
DAS582Natural Resources/Environmental Sciences Project
EDEL412Teaching Science: PK-6
EDEL412Teaching Science: PK-6
EDSEC542Science Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools
EDSEC614Laboratory Techniques in Teaching Science
ENTOM101Insects and People
ENTOM202Art and Insects
FDSCI202Introduction to Food Science
FDSCI305Fundamentals of Food Processing
FDSCI600Food Microbiology
FDSCI690Principles of HACCP and Preventive Controls for Human Food
FNDH132Basic Nutrition
FNDH132Basic Nutrition
FNDH220Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
FNDH252Personal Wellness
FNDH252Personal Wellness
FNDH400Human Nutrition
FNDH400Human Nutrition
FNDH450Nutritional Assessment
FNDH450Nutritional Assessment
FNDH510Life Span Nutrition
FNDH551Evaluation of Athletic Injuries of the Extremities
FNDH620Nutrient Metabolism
FNDH635Sports Nutrition
FNDH635Sports Nutrition
GEOG121Introductory Physical Geography: Earth Systems Science
GEOG121Introductory Physical Geography: Earth Systems Science
GEOG122Introduction to Physical Geography: Earth Systems Science Laboratory
GEOG340Natural Resources
GEOG440Spatial Analysis of Surface Water Hydrology
GEOG440Spatial Analysis of Surface Water Hydrology
GEOL100Earth in Action
GEOL100Earth in Action
GEOL100Earth in Action
GEOL103Geology Laboratory
GEOL103Geology Laboratory
GEOL103Geology Laboratory
GEOL115Environmental Geology
GEOL125Natural Disasters
GEOL125Natural Disasters
GEOL200Earth Through Time
GEOL360Quantitative Methods in Geoscience
GRSC210CAD Flow Sheets for Grain Processes
GRSC602Cereal Science
HM205Food Safety and Protection in Hospitality Operations
HORT300Plants and Society
KIN320Motor Learning and Development
KIN335Physiology of Exercise
KIN336Physiology of Exercise Lab
KIN603Cardiovascular Physiology
KIN607Muscle Physiology
KIN609Environmental Physiology
LAR350Plants and Design
MET336Dynamics of Machines
PHYS102Current Tops/Phys World - Top/Physics for Policy Makers
PHYS102Current Tops/Phys World - Top/Phys of Outdoor Sports
PHYS460Top/Undergrad Physic - Top/Introduction to Physics
PHYS497Senior Research in Physics
PHYS498Honors Tutorial in Physics
PHYS499Honors Project
PHYS620Teaching University Physics
PHYS664Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
PLPTH495Res/Plant Pathology - Top/Vary by Student
PMC275Introduction to Natural Resource Management
PPIL263Multi Engine Flight Lab
PPIL325Advanced Aircraft Systems
PSYCH202Drugs and Behavior
PSYCH470Principles of Neuroscience
PSYCH475Principles of Learning
PSYCH480Fundamentals of Perception and Sensation
PSYCH630Human Neuropsychology