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Drop/Add - Fall 2025


Deadline Dates

Course drop dates are calculated by counting calendar days, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. When the drop deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline will be moved to the next business day. Refer to the Non-Standard Drop/Refund Dates spreadsheet for non-standard session course deadlines.

Refer to the Academic Calendar for additional dates.

Access in KSIS

Access to drop in KSIS Self Service for non-standard courses is prorated.


Access in KSIS

Access to add in KSIS Self Service for non-standard session courses is prorated.


Electronic permission in KSIS is required for all courses that require instructor/department consent. Students should contact the instructor/departmental office to obtain electronic permission in KSIS. Refer to the Non-Standard Drop/Refund Dates spreadsheet for non-standard session course deadlines. Note: Permission does not override a closed course.


A summer withdrawal requires no approval from the student's academic dean's office.  Students should drop their courses in KSIS.