Personal Financial Planning
If no dates are listed directly under a course, then the course meets Monday, August 25, 2025 through Friday, December 12, 2025.
PFP101Money 101 | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 13873 | 1 | Distance | books | Henegar , Justin Monroe | None | |||
ZB | LEC | 13874 | 1 | Distance | books | Henegar , Justin Monroe | None | |||
PFP105Introduction to Personal Financial Planning | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 10801 | 3 | T U | 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. | JU 163 | books | Brandon-Joseph, Mindy | ||
B | LEC | 12011 | 3 | M W F | 9:30 - 10:20 a.m. | JU 163 | books | Staff | ||
C | LEC | 13052 | 3 | T U | 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. | JU 329 | books | Zhang, Yu | ||
ZA | LEC | 13688 | 3 | Distance | books | Ouyang, Congrong | ||||
ZB | LEC | 13689 | 3 | Distance | books | Staff | ||||
PFP300Problems in Personal Financial Planning | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | IND | 14826 | 0-3 | T U | 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. | JU 163 | books | Gray, Blake Thomas | None | |
PFP300Prb/Personal Fin Plan - Top/Bldg Finance Well-Being | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
B | IND | 14830 | 0-3 | T U | 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. | JU 150 | books | Gray, Blake Thomas | None | |
PFP300Prb/Personal Fin Plan - Top/Research Seminar in PFP | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | IND | 14089 | 1 | Distance | books | Staff | None | |||
PFP305Advanced Personal Financial Planning | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 12010 | 3 | M W F | 10:30 - 11:20 a.m. | JU 329 | books | Gray, Blake Thomas | ||
ZA | LEC | 13690 | 3 | Distance | books | Staff | ||||
PFP315Love and Money | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 14879 | 3 | T U | 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. | K 106 | books | Mccoy , Megan | None | |
PFP456Financial Counseling and Communication | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 12845 | 3 | T U | 1:05 - 2:20 p.m. | JU 329 | books | Staff | None | |
ZA | LEC | 13691 | 3 | Distance | books | Lurtz , Meghaan Renee | None | |||
PFP460Retirement Planning Concepts | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 12844 | 3 | M W F | 11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. | JU 329 | books | Levitt, Steven Jay | None | |
ZA | LEC | 13729 | 3 | Distance | books | Reiter , Daniel Scott | None | |||
PFP462Personal Investment Concepts I | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 12847 | 3 | T U | 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. | JU 329 | books | Brandon-Joseph, Mindy | None | |
ZA | LEC | 13692 | 3 | Distance | books | Henegar , Justin Monroe | None | |||
PFP472Personal Income Tax Concepts | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 12846 | 3 | M W F | 9:30 - 10:20 a.m. | JU 329 | books | Levitt, Steven Jay | None | |
ZA | LEC | 13693 | 3 | Distance | books | Staff | None | |||
PFP579Pre-Int Orient in PFP | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
B | REC | 14221 | 1 | U | 4:00 - 4:50 p.m. | JU 329 | books | Gray, Blake Thomas Levitt, Steven Jay | None | |
ZA | REC | 13589 | 1 | Distance | books | Gray, Blake Thomas Levitt, Steven Jay | None | |||
PFP595Capstone in Personal Financial Planning | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | SEM | 15126 | 3 | Distance | books | Leitz , Linda Y | ||||
PFP624Fundamentals of Family Financial Planning | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | REC | 13640 | 3 | Distance | books | Ouyang, Congrong | None | |||
ZB | REC | 13639 | 3 | Distance | books | Staff | None | |||
PFP675Field Study in Family Economics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | FLD | 11880 | 1-3 | OPT | Appointment | books | Mielitz, Kate | None | ||
| ||||||||||
PFP756Financial Counseling | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 11800 | 3 | T U | 1:05 - 2:20 p.m. | JU 329 | books | Staff | None | |
| ||||||||||
ZA | LEC | 14209 | 3 | Distance | books | Lurtz , Meghaan Renee | None | |||
PFP760Retirement Planning For Families | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | SEM | 10831 | 3 | M W F | 11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. | JU 329 | books | Levitt, Steven Jay | None | |
| ||||||||||
ZA | LEC | 13638 | 3 | Distance | books | Sensenig , Derek J | None | |||
PFP762Investing For the Family's Future I | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 12559 | 3 | T U | 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. | JU 329 | books | Brandon-Joseph, Mindy | None | |
| ||||||||||
PFP766Insurance Planning For Families | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 13734 | 3 | Distance | books | Henegar , Justin Monroe | None | |||
PFP768Introduction to Financial Therapy | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | SEM | 16662 | 3 | Appointment | books | Lurtz , Meghaan Renee | None | |||
| ||||||||||
ZA | SEM | 13735 | 3 | Distance | books | Lurtz , Meghaan Renee | None | |||
PFP769Money and Relationships | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | SEM | 14261 | 3 | Distance | books | Mccoy , Megan | None | |||
PFP771Financial Therapy Theory & Research | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | SEM | 13637 | 3 | Distance | books | Lurtz , Meghaan Renee | None | |||
PFP772Personal Income Taxation | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 10832 | 3 | M W F | 9:30 - 10:20 a.m. | JU 329 | books | Levitt, Steven Jay | None | |
| ||||||||||
PFP808Research Application - Top/Research Application | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | IND | 13636 | 3 | Distance | books | Zhang, Yu | None | |||
ZB | IND | 13746 | 3 | Distance | books | Seay, Martin | None | |||
PFP835Professional Practice Management in Personal Financial Planning | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 13382 | 3 | Distance | books | Henegar , Justin Monroe | None | |||
PFP836Financial Planning Case Studies | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | IND | 13747 | 3 | Distance | books | Leitz , Linda Y | None | |||
PFP863Advanced Personal Income Tax Planning | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 14349 | 3 | Distance | books | Sensenig , Derek J | None | |||
PFP889Theories and Models in Personal Financial Planning | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | SEM | 13634 | 3 | Distance | books | Sensenig , Derek J | None | |||
PFP900Research Seminar | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | SEM | 13633 | 1 | Distance | books | Ouyang, Congrong | None | |||
PFP990Dissertation Proposal Seminar | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | SEM | 14350 | 1 | Distance | books | Seay, Martin | None | |||
ZC | SEM | 13631 | 1 | Distance | books | Mccoy , Megan | None | |||
ZD | SEM | 13630 | 1 | Distance | books | Ouyang, Congrong | None | |||
ZE | SEM | 13629 | 1 | Distance | books | Kiss, Elizabeth | None | |||
ZF | SEM | 13628 | 1 | Distance | books | Gray, Blake Thomas | None | |||
ZG | SEM | 15589 | 1 | Distance | books | Lawson , Derek R | None | |||
PFP999Dissertation Research | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | SEM | 14354 | 1-21 | CNC | Distance | books | Seay, Martin | None | ||
ZB | SEM | 13627 | 1-21 | CNC | Distance | books | Mccoy , Megan | None | ||
ZC | SEM | 13626 | 1-21 | CNC | Distance | books | Gray, Blake Thomas | None | ||
ZD | SEM | 13695 | 1-21 | CNC | Distance | books | Ouyang, Congrong | None | ||
ZE | SEM | 13625 | 1-21 | CNC | Distance | books | Kiss, Elizabeth | None | ||
ZF | SEM | 13696 | 1-21 | CNC | Distance | books | Lawson , Derek R | None | ||