Food Science and Industry
If no dates are listed directly under a course, then the course meets Monday, August 25, 2025 through Friday, December 12, 2025.
FDSCI101Foundations in Food Science & Industry | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 12059 | 1 | U | 10:30 - 11:20 a.m. | CL 140 | books | Nutsch , Abbey Lee | None | |
FDSCI202Introduction to Food Science | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 10772 | 3 | M W F | 12:30 - 1:20 p.m. | CL 205 | books | Phebus, Randall K | ||
ZA | LEC | 13542 | 3 | Distance | books | Phebus, Randall K | ||||
FDSCI230Food Science Problems | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | IND | 15698 | 0-6 | OPT | Appointment | books | Nutsch , Abbey Lee | None | ||
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FDSCI305Fundamentals of Food Processing | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 13698 | 3 | OPT | Distance | books | Getty, Kelly J.K. | |||
FDSCI500Food Science Seminar | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | SEM | 10773 | 1 | W | 9:30 - 10:20 a.m. | CL 226 | books | Nutsch , Abbey Lee | None | |
| ||||||||||
ZA | SEM | 13699 | 1 | Distance | books | Nutsch , Abbey Lee | None | |||
FDSCI530Undergrad Res FDSCI - Top/Vary by Student | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | IND | 12828 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Vipham , Jessie L | None | |||
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FDSCI600Food Microbiology | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 12343 | 2 | T U | 10:30 - 11:20 a.m. | CL 205 | books | Vipham , Jessie L | ||
ZA | LEC | 15617 | 2 | Distance | books | Retzlaff , Deanna Devereaux | ||||
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ZB | LEC | 16830 | 2 | Distance | books | Retzlaff , Deanna Devereaux | ||||
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FDSCI601Food Microbiology Lab | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LAB | 12344 | 2 | T U | 12:30 - 2:20 p.m. | CL 204 | books | Vipham , Jessie L | None | |
B | LAB | 16828 | 2 | T | 2:30 - 4:20 p.m. | CL 204 | books | Vipham , Jessie L | None | |
| ||||||||||
ZA | LAB | 15618 | 2 | Distance | books | Retzlaff , Deanna Devereaux | None | |||
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ZB | LAB | 16829 | 2 | Distance | books | Retzlaff , Deanna Devereaux | None | |||
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FDSCI603Int/Food Science - Top/Vary By Student | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | INT | 10774 | 1-6 | Appointment | books | Nutsch , Abbey Lee | None | |||
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FDSCI627Chemical Methods of Food Analysis | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
01B | LAB | 17475 | W | 1:30 - 4:20 p.m. | CL 156 | books | Smith, J Scott | None | ||
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A | LEC | 17474 | 2 | T U | 8:05 - 9:20 a.m. | CL 226 | books | Smith, J Scott | None | |
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FDSCI628Physical Methods of Food Analysis | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
01B | LAB | 17478 | W | 1:30 - 4:20 p.m. | CL 156 | books | Smith, J Scott | None | ||
| ||||||||||
A | LEC | 17476 | 2 | T U | 8:05 - 9:20 a.m. | CL 226 | books | Smith, J Scott | None | |
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FDSCI630Prb/Food Science - Top/Vary By Student | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | IND | 10775 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Nutsch , Abbey Lee | None | |||
| ||||||||||
ZA | IND | 13856 | 1-3 | Distance | books | Nutsch , Abbey Lee | None | |||
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FDSCI630Prb/Food Science - Top/Intr Dairy Ingrednt Ind | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZB | LEC | 16231 | 3 | Distance | books | Nutsch , Abbey Lee | None | |||
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FDSCI640Research and Development of Food Products | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
01B | LAB | 16827 | M | 1:30 - 5:20 p.m. | CL 156 | books | Getty, Kelly J.K. | None | ||
A | LEC | 16826 | 4 | M W | 12:30 - 1:20 p.m. | CL 140 | books | Getty, Kelly J.K. | None | |
| ||||||||||
ZA | LEC | 16831 | 4 | Distance | books | Getty, Kelly J.K. | None | |||
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FDSCI690Principles of HACCP and Preventive Controls for Human Food | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 10776 | 3 | M W F | 11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. | WB 121 | books | Boyle, Elizabeth A E | ||
ZA | LEC | 13599 | 3 | Distance | books | Boyle, Elizabeth A E | ||||
FDSCI710Kosher and Halal Food Regulations | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 13714 | 2 | Distance | books | Retzlaff , Deanna Devereaux Regenstein, Joe M | None | |||
FDSCI725Food Analysis | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 13600 | 3 | OPT | Distance | books | Smith, J Scott | None | ||
FDSCI727Chemical Methods of Food Analysis | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
01B | LAB | 10777 | W | 1:30 - 4:20 p.m. | CL 156 | books | Smith, J Scott | None | ||
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A | LEC | 10778 | 2 | T U | 8:05 - 9:20 a.m. | CL 226 | books | Smith, J Scott | None | |
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FDSCI728Physical Methods of Food Analysis | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
01B | LAB | 11968 | W | 1:30 - 4:20 p.m. | CL 156 | books | Smith, J Scott | None | ||
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A | LEC | 11967 | 2 | OPT | T U | 8:05 - 9:20 a.m. | CL 226 | books | Smith, J Scott | None |
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FDSCI740Research & Development of Food Products | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
01B | LAB | 10779 | M | 1:30 - 5:20 p.m. | CL 156 | books | Getty, Kelly J.K. | None | ||
A | LEC | 10780 | 4 | M W | 12:30 - 1:20 p.m. | CL 140 | books | Getty, Kelly J.K. | None | |
| ||||||||||
ZA | LEC | 13567 | 4 | Distance | books | Getty, Kelly J.K. | None | |||
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FDSCI815Advanced Food Chemistry | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 13568 | 3 | OPT | Distance | books | Smith, J Scott | None | ||
FDSCI850Food Science Graduate Seminar | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | SEM | 13700 | 1 | OPT | Distance | books | Nutsch , Abbey Lee | None | ||
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FDSCI898Master's Report in Food Science | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | RSH | 10781 | 1-2 | CNC | Appointment | books | Smith, J Scott | None | ||
ZA | RSH | 13601 | 1-2 | CNC | Distance | books | Smith, J Scott | None | ||
FDSCI899Master's Research in Food Science | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | RSH | 10782 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Smith, J Scott | None | ||
B | RSH | 15400 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Nutsch , Abbey Lee | None | ||
C | RSH | 15401 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Getty, Kelly J.K. | None | ||
D | RSH | 15402 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Phebus, Randall K | None | ||
E | RSH | 15403 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Trinetta, Valentina | None | ||
F | RSH | 15404 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Yucel, Umut John | None | ||
G | RSH | 16822 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Vipham , Jessie L | None | ||
H | RSH | 16823 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Hammam, Ahmed Refaat Abdelwaha | None | ||
ZA | RSH | 13602 | 1-6 | CNC | Distance | books | Smith, J Scott | None | ||
FDSCI961Grad Prb Fdsci - Top/Vary By Student | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | IND | 10783 | 1-6 | Appointment | books | Smith, J Scott | None | |||
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ZA | IND | 13569 | 1-3 | Distance | books | Smith, J Scott | None | |||
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FDSCI999Doctoral Research in Food Science | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | RSH | 10784 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Smith, J Scott | None | ||
B | RSH | 15396 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Getty, Kelly J.K. | None | ||
C | RSH | 15397 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Phebus, Randall K | None | ||
D | RSH | 15398 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Trinetta, Valentina | None | ||
E | RSH | 15399 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Yucel, Umut John | None | ||
F | RSH | 16824 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Vipham , Jessie L | None | ||
G | RSH | 16825 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Hammam, Ahmed Refaat Abdelwaha | None | ||
For more information, visit the Food Science Institute home page.