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Curriculum and Instruction

If no dates are listed directly under a course, then the course meets Monday, August 25, 2025 through Friday, December 12, 2025.

General Education
EDCI110Foundations of Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC130963  T  U2:30 - 3:45 p.m.BH 109booksMesser , Angela Christine
Alberto , James Philip
BLEC130973  T  U9:30 - 10:45 a.m.BH 109booksMesser , Angela Christine
Alberto , James Philip
CLEC130983  T  U11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.BH 109booksMesser , Angela Christine
Alberto , James Philip
DLEC130993  T  U1:05 - 2:20 p.m.BH 109booksMesser , Angela Christine
Alberto , James Philip
ZALEC137493DistancebooksPerez , Della Ruth
EDCI111Foundations of Rural Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC160294  T  U2:30 - 3:45 p.m.BH 109booksMesser , Angela Christine
Alberto , James Philip
BLEC161544  T  U9:30 - 10:45 a.m.BH 109booksMesser , Angela Christine
Alberto , James Philip
CLEC161554  T  U11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.BH 109booksMesser , Angela Christine
Alberto , James Philip
DLEC161574  T  U1:05 - 2:20 p.m.BH 109booksMesser , Angela Christine
Alberto , James Philip
EDCI112Foundations of Urban Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC161804AppointmentbooksMesser , Angela Christine
Alberto , James Philip
BLEC161814AppointmentbooksMesser , Angela Christine
Alberto , James Philip
CLEC161824AppointmentbooksMesser , Angela Christine
Alberto , James Philip
DLEC161834AppointmentbooksMesser , Angela Christine
Alberto , James Philip
EDCI200Teaching as a Career
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
   Meets August 25 - December 12, 2025:      U8:30 - 9:20 a.m.BH 343Martinez , Tonnie
   Meets August 25 - December 12, 2025:      U8:30 - 9:20 a.m.BH 344Martinez , Tonnie
BLEC130941      U4:05 - 4:55 p.m.BH 101booksMartinez , Tonnie
ZALEC136201DistancebooksLevin , Lori Michelle
EDCI230Early Field Experience
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
01IIND13105M  W8:30 - 11:20 a.m.ManhattanbooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • EDCI 230, Section 01l: Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 200 and EDCI 230 Section A (Elementary) or Section B (Secondary) are required. Two-hours of Field Placement time is required. Travel time for field placement is built-in.
02IIND13106M  W12:30 - 3:20 p.m.ManhattanbooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • EDCI 230, Section 02l: Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 200 and EDCI 230 Section A (Elementary) or Section B (Secondary) are required. Two-hours of Field Placement time is required. Travel time for field placement is built-in.
03IIND13107  T  U9:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.ManhattanbooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • EDCI 230, Section 03l: Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 200 and EDCI 230 Section A (Elementary) or Section B (Secondary) are required. Two-hours of Field Placement time is required. Travel time for field placement is built-in.
04IIND13108  T  U1:05 - 3:45 p.m.ManhattanbooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • EDCI 230, Section 04l: Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 200 and EDCI 230 Section A (Elementary) or Section B (Secondary) are required. Two-hours of Field Placement time is required. Travel time for field placement is built-in.
AFLD131291CNCAppointmentbooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • EDCI 230, Section A: Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 200 required. Section A for Elementary Education Students Only. Must enroll in one of the Sections 01l through 4l. Field experience placement information will be provided by the office of Field Experiences during the third week of the semester.
BFLD131301CNCAppointmentbooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • EDCI 230, Section B: Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 200 required. Section B for Secondary Education Students Only. Must enroll in one of the Sections 01l through 4l. Field experience placement information will be provided by the office of Field Experiences during the third week of the semester.
CFLD132361CNCAppointmentbooksCox , Rachael ElizabethNone
  • EDCI 230, Section C: Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 200 required. Section C is by permission only. Do not enroll in an additional field experience section. Contact your advisor in 114 Bluemont Hall.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
ZAFLD136211CNCDistancebooksLevin , Lori MichelleNone
  • EDCI 230, Section ZA:This class is for distance education students and is not open to on-campus students.
EDCI300Principles of Coaching
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
BLEC146923OPT  T  U8:05 - 9:20 a.m.BH 108booksAdams , Jim KNone
  • Section meets from August 25 through December 5, 2025.
  • Section meets from August 25 through December 5, 2025.
EDCI301Coaching and Officiating Methodology
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC136473  T  U11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.BH 112booksEllner , Mark RobertNone
EDCI315Educational Psychology
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC106063M  W8:05 - 9:20 a.m.BH 344booksIntriago Palacios , Éder A.
  • Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 320.
BLEC152813M  W9:30 - 10:45 a.m.BH 344booksIntriago Palacios , Éder A.
  • Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 320.
CLEC173603M  W11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.BH 344booksIntriago Palacios , Éder A.
  • Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 320.
ZALEC134673DistancebooksIntriago Palacios , Éder A.
  • Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 320.
EDCI318Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC105461DistancebooksEllner , Mark RobertNone
BLEC116341M2:30 - 4:20 p.m.BH 112booksEllner , Mark RobertNone
  • EDCI 318, Section B: Reserved for Honor Students.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZALEC136221DistancebooksEllner , Mark RobertNone
  • EDCI 318, Section ZA; Online Students Only.
EDCI320Core Teaching Skills
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC131003M  W8:30 - 9:20 a.m.BH 341booksMyers , Kaylee Lynn
  • Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 315. Also, additional hours will be required for off-campus service learning field experience.
BLEC131013M  W9:30 - 10:20 a.m.BH 341booksMyers , Kaylee Lynn
  • Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 315. Also, additional hours will be required for off-campus service learning field experience.
CLEC160413M  W11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.BH 341booksMyers , Kaylee Lynn
  • Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 315. Also, additional hours will be required for off-campus service learning field experience.
ZALEC136233DistancebooksMyers , Kaylee Lynn
  • Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 315. Also, additional hours will be required for off-campus service learning field experience.
ZBLEC160873DistancebooksMyers , Kaylee Lynn
  • EDCI 320 ZB: BSO Section for Students (Bachelors in Online Elementary) Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 315. EDEL 412, and EDEL 414. Also, additional hours will be required for service learning field experience.
EDCI400New Literacies in Contemporary Classrooms
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC132723  T  U1:05 - 2:20 p.m.BH 217booksFabiano , TheodoreNone
ZALEC137503DistancebooksLevin , Lori MichelleNone
ZBLEC165593DistancebooksEspinoza , Pedro SilvaNone
EDCI405Middle-Level Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC141772DistancebooksMesser , Angela Christine
EDCI420Instructional Methodologies and Assessments for ELLs
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC160983    WDistancebooksKavimandan , ShabinaNone
  • EDCI 420, Section ZA-Instructional Methodologies and Assessments for ELLs. Zoom sessions on Wednesdays.
EDCI427Overview of Educational Studies
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC173633DistancebooksMeritt , DustinNone
EDCI440Cultural and Linguistics Accommodations for Diverse Settings
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC161013  T6:00 - 8:30 p.m.DistancebooksKavimandan , ShabinaNone
EDCI502Is/ Education - Top/IS/Secondary Educ
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AIND124141-3OPTAppointmentbooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI505Introduction to Education Technology
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC139053DistancebooksSubramony, DeepakNone
EDCI506Instructional Systems Design
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC141783DistancebooksSubramony, DeepakNone
EDCI507Evaluating Educational Media Products
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
EDCI508Social/Cultural Issues in Educational Technology
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
EDCI510Effective Communication in Educational Settings
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
EDCI550Schooling and Popular Culture
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC138903DistancebooksFabiano , TheodoreNone
EDCI580Internship in Educational Studies
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AINT131846-9CNCAppointmentbooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • EDCI 580, Section A: Contact Rachael Cox at coxrachael@ksu.edu for permission to enroll.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZAINT133816-9CNCDistancebooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • EDCI 580, Section ZA: Contact Rachael Cox at coxrachael@ksu.edu for permission to enroll.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI588Supervised Practicum For Athletic Coaches
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
APRC106733AppointmentbooksAdams , Jim KNone
EDCI702Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZBLEC152143DistancebooksVontz, Thomas SNone
  • EDCI 702, Section ZB: This class is for Traditional and Practitioner MAT Elementary and Secondary Education students. Section meets from August 25 through September 26, 2025.
  • Section meets from August 25 through September 26, 2025.
EDCI703MAT Secondary Math Methods
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC127203M  W3:05 - 4:20 p.m.BH 256booksMartinie , Sherri LNone
  • .
ZAPRC140483DistancebooksLawson, Michael AndrewNone
  • EDCI 703, Section ZA: This class is for the MAT Secondary Education students.
EDCI704Science Methods and Practicum for Teaching and Learning
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC127213M  W  F10:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.BH 241booksStaples, Kimberly ANone
EDCI705MAT Social Studies Methods
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC136533DistancebooksVontz, Thomas SNone
  • EDCI 705, Section ZA: MAT Traditional and Practitioner Secondary Students.
EDCI706MAT Secondary English/Language Arts g
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC139013DistancebooksSherbert , VickiNone
  • EDCI 706, Section ZA: MAT Traditional and Practitioner Secondary Students.
EDCI708Business Methods and Practicum for Teaching and Learning
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC127223    W3:30 - 5:00 p.m.ManhattanbooksEichman , Glenda K
Wertzberger , Eileen Montavlo
BLEC154873M  W2:30 - 3:45 p.m.BH 337booksEichman , Glenda K
Wertzberger , Eileen Montavlo
EDCI709Agricultural Education Methods and Practicum for Teaching and Learning
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
APRC147383AppointmentbooksHock , Gaea AshleyNone
EDCI710Social Foundations of K-12 Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC166243DistancebooksPerez , Della RuthNone
EDCI711Art Methods and Practicum for Teaching and Learning
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
BLEC143193      U4:30 - 7:20 p.m.BH 256booksHammond , Debra LynnNone
EDCI712MAT Foreign Language Methods
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC127233M  W  F8:30 - 10:20 a.m.booksMcKeeman , Leah AnnNone
ZASEM137053DistancebooksMcKeeman , Leah AnnNone
  • EDCI 712, Section ZA: MAT Traditional and Practitioner Secondary Students.
EDCI715Literacy and Diverse Learners in the Content Areas
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZARDG137163OPTDistancebooksEspinoza , Pedro SilvaNone
EDCI716Teaching Diverse Learners
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZBLEC152163DistancebooksSherbert , Vicki
Meritt , Dustin
  • EDCI 716, Section ZB: This class is for Traditional and Practitioner MAT Elementary and Secondary Education students. Section meets from September 29 through October 24, 2025.
  • Section meets from September 29 through October 24, 2025.
EDCI718Introduction to Educational Technology
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALAB136543DistancebooksSubramony, DeepakNone
EDCI720ESL/Dual Language Methods
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC139063DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro G
Steen , Leonard Henry
ZBLEC155503DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
  • EDCI 720, Section ZB: Project RESPETAME Liberal Teachers Only.
ZCLEC155683DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
  • EDCI 720, Section ZC: Project RESPETAME Olathe Teachers Only.
ZDLEC166393DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro G
Reyes , Natasha
  • Section meets from September 3 through December 19, 2025.
ZELEC166403DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
  • Section meets from September 3 through December 19, 2025.
ZFLEC166413DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
  • Section meets from September 3 through December 19, 2025.
ZGLEC166423DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro G
Reyes , Natasha
  • Section meets from September 3 through December 19, 2025.
ZHLEC166473DistancebooksCabral, Robin Morales
Herrera, Socorro G
  • Section meets from September 3 through December 19, 2025.
ZILEC166483DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
  • Section meets from September 3 through December 19, 2025.
EDCI724Fundamentals of Teaching Music
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC127241M  W11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.M 135booksWeinert , Peter Christian
Gurgel, Ruth Elaine
EDCI726Music Program in Middle and Secondary Schools
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
   Meets August 25 - December 5, 2025:M  W7:30 - 9:20 a.m.M 201Gurgel, Ruth Elaine
   Meets August 25 - December 5, 2025:        F8:30 - 9:20 a.m.M 201Gurgel, Ruth Elaine
  • Meets August 25 through December 5, 2025.
EDCI727Advanced Methods in Music Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC127261  T  U10:30 - 11:20 a.m.booksGurgel, Ruth ElaineNone
EDCI729Middle-Level Mathematics for Teachers
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC137063DistancebooksMartinie , Sherri LNone
EDCI731ESL/Dual Language Linguistics
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC139073DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
EDCI740Culture and Language in Classroom Practice
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC139123DistancebooksKavimandan , ShabinaNone
EDCI742ESL/Dual Language Assessment
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC139133DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZBLEC173693DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZCLEC173703DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZDLEC173713DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZELEC173723DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZFLEC173733DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZGLEC173743DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZHLEC173753DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI745ESL/Dual Language Elementary Practicum
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZAPRC139143DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro G
Cole, Nancy W
EDCI746ESL/Dual Language Secondary Practicum
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZAPRC139153DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro G
Cole, Nancy W
EDCI760Action Research in Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC151993DistancebooksKraemer-Holland, Angela MNone
  • EDCI 760, Section ZA: This class section is for MAT Traditional and Practitioner Elementary and Secondary Students.
EDCI771Assessment in World Language Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZASEM148183DistancebooksMcKeeman , Leah AnnNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI775Readings in Curriculum and Instruction
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ARDG106161-3AppointmentbooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
ZARDG140041-3DistancebooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • EDCI 775, Section ZA: Email tgoodson@ksu.edu for permissions.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
EDCI781Teaching the Theoretical Foundations of Constitutional Government
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZASEM136551DistancebooksVontz, Thomas S
Leming, Robert S
  • EDCI 781 ZA: Section meets from October 1 through October 31, 2025.
  • Section meets from October 1 through October 31, 2025.
EDCI782Teaching the Historical Origins of Constitutional Government
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZASEM136661DistancebooksVontz, Thomas SNone
  • EDCI 782 ZA: Section meets from October 1 through October 31, 2025.
  • Section meets from October 1 through October 31, 2025.
EDCI783Teaching the Development of Constitutional Principles
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZASEM136671DistancebooksVontz, Thomas S
Leming, Robert S
  • Section meets from September 1 through September 30, 2025.
ZBSEM136681DistancebooksVontz, Thomas S
Leming, Robert S
  • Section meets from November 1 through November 30, 2025.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI784Teaching the Institutions of Government
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZASEM136691DistancebooksVontz, Thomas SNone
  • Section meets from September 1 through September 30, 2025.
ZBSEM137511DistancebooksVontz, Thomas SNone
  • Section meets from November 1 through November 30, 2025.
EDCI785Teaching the Bill of Rights
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZASEM136701DistancebooksVontz, Thomas S
Leming, Robert S
  • Section meets from September 1 through September 30, 2025.
ZBSEM137521DistancebooksVontz, Thomas S
Leming, Robert S
  • Section meets from December 1 through December 31, 2025.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI786Topics in Curriculum and Instruction
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC147983        F9:30 - 10:20 a.m.BH 107booksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI786Topics in Curr & Inst - Top/Meet Needs of All Students
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC138383DistancebooksLarson , Lotta CeciliaNone
EDCI786Topics in Curr & Inst - Top/Biogr Drivn Instr/Div Lrn
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZBLEC150133DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
EDCI786Topics in Curr & Inst - Top/Educational Policy
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
EDCI786Topics in Curr & Inst - Top/Strct Lit Int Spec
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZGLEC166004DistancebooksMercer , Debbie KaeNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI786Topics in Curr & Inst - Top/St Lit Int Pec Prc
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZHLEC166013DistancebooksMercer , Debbie KaeNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI787Teaching Citizenship
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZASEM136711DistancebooksVontz, Thomas SNone
  • Section meets from September 1 through September 30, 2025.
ZBSEM137531DistancebooksVontz, Thomas SNone
  • Section meets from December 1 through December 31, 2025.
EDCI788Teaching the Constitutional Principles of America's Founders
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC136723DistancebooksVontz, Thomas SNone
EDCI791Teaching Science and Mathematics in the Elementary School
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC136734DistancebooksPesnell, Beth AnnNone
  • EDCI 791, Section ZA: This class is for the Traditional MAT Elementary Education Students.
ZBLEC152004DistancebooksPesnell, Beth AnnNone
  • EDCI 791, Section ZB: This class is for the Practitioner MAT Elementary Education students.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
EDCI792Teaching Social Studies, Reading, and Literacy in the Elementary School
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC138394DistancebooksLarson , Lotta CeciliaNone
  • EDCI 792, Section ZA: This class is for the Traditional MAT Elementary Education students.
EDCI795Problems in Curr & Inst - Top/Vary By Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AIND106171-18AppointmentbooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
EDCI795Problems in Curriculum and Instruction
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
BIND147883AppointmentbooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI795Problems in Curr & Inst - Top/Independent Study
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZBIND143211-18DistancebooksGoodson, F ToddNone
EDCI795Problems in Curr & Inst - Top/Vary By Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI797Secondary Content Field Colloquium I
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZASEM152232DistancebooksVontz, Thomas SNone
  • EDCI 797, Section ZA: MAT Traditional and Practitioner Secondary Social Studies Students.
ZBSEM152242DistancebooksSherbert , VickiNone
  • DCI 797, Section ZB: MAT Traditional and Practitioner Secondary English (ELA) Students.
  • Section meets from August 25 through September 19, 2025.
ZCSEM152252DistancebooksLawson, Michael AndrewNone
  • EDCI 797, Section ZC: MAT Traditional and Practitioner Secondary Math Students.
ZDSEM152262DistancebooksMcKeeman , Leah AnnNone
  • EDCI 797, Section ZD: MAT Traditional and Practitioner Secondary Modern Language Students.
EDCI798Secondary Content Field Colloquium II
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZASEM136742DistancebooksVontz, Thomas SNone
  • EDCI 798, Section ZA: This course is for Social Studies Secondary MAT Traditional and Practitioner students.
ZBSEM137072DistancebooksMcKeeman , Leah AnnNone
  • EDCI 798, Section ZB: This course is for the Modern Language Secondary MAT Traditional and Practitioner students.
ZDSEM140422DistancebooksLawson, Michael AndrewNone
  • EDCI 798, Section ZD: This course is for the Math Secondary MAT Traditional and Practitioner students.
ZESEM152872DistancebooksSherbert , VickiNone
  • EDCI 798, Section ZE: This course is for the English Secondary MAT Traditional and Practitioner students.
  • Section meets from September 22 through October 17, 2025.
EDCI799Secondary Content Field Colloquium III
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZASEM152272DistancebooksVontz, Thomas SNone
  • EDCI 799, Section ZA: This course is for MAT Traditional and Practitioner Secondary Social Studies Students.
ZBSEM152282DistancebooksSherbert , VickiNone
  • EDCI 799, Section ZB: MAT Traditional and Practitioner Secondary English (ELA) Students.
  • Section meets from October 20 through November 21, 2025.
ZCSEM152292DistancebooksLawson, Michael AndrewNone
  • EDCI 799, Section ZC: MAT Traditional and Practioner Secondary MATH Students.
ZDSEM152302DistancebooksMcKeeman , Leah AnnNone
  • EDCI 799, Section ZD: MAT Traditional and Practitioner Secondary Modern Language Students.
EDCI800Teaching Practicum
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZAFLD136752CNCDistancebooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • EDCI 800, Section ZA: You can email Dr. Eileen Wertzberger (ejm7777@ksu.edu) for permission to enroll in this course section. EDCI 800, Section ZA: This course is for students in the MAT Traditional Students Program.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZBFLD144612CNCDistancebooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • EDCI 800, Section ZB: You can email Dr. Eileen Werzberger (ejm7777@ksu.edu) for permission to enroll in this course section. EDCI 800, Section ZB: This course is for students in the MAT Practioner Students program.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI801Intern in K-12 Schools - Top/Intern Tchg Art
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AINT127274CNCAppointmentbooksGoodson, F ToddNone
EDCI801Intern in K-12 Schools - Top/Intern Tchg Eng/Spch/Th/Jo
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
BINT127444CNCAppointmentbooksRios, Ambyr Ruth ActonNone
EDCI801Intern in K-12 Schools - Top/Intern Tchg Science
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
CINT127454CNCAppointmentbooksStaples, Kimberly ANone
EDCI801Intern in K-12 Schools - Top/Intern Tchg Math
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
DINT127464CNCAppointmentbooksMartinie , Sherri LNone
EDCI801Intern in K-12 Schools - Top/Intern Tchg Soc Studies
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
EINT127474CNCAppointmentbooksBurenheide , Bradley JohnNone
EDCI801Intern in K-12 Schools - Top/Intern Tchg Modern Lang
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
FINT127484CNCAppointmentbooksMcKeeman , Leah AnnNone
EDCI801Intern in K-12 Schools - Top/Intern Tchg Business
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
GINT127494CNCAppointmentbooksEichman , Glenda K
Wertzberger , Eileen Montavlo
EDCI801Intern in K-12 Schools - Top/Intern Tchg Agric Ed
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
HINT127504CNCAppointmentbooksHock , Gaea AshleyNone
EDCI801Intern in K-12 Schools - Top/Intern Tchg FCSE
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
IINT127514CNCAppointmentbooksGoodson, F ToddNone
EDCI801Intern in K-12 Schools - Top/Intern Tchg Music
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
JINT127524CNCAppointmentbooksWeinert , Peter Christian
Gurgel, Ruth Elaine
EDCI801Intern in K-12 Schools - Top/Intern in K-12 Schools
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZAINT137764CNCDistancebooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • EDCI 801, Section ZA: You can email Dr. Eileen Wertzberger (ejm7777@ksu.edu) for permission to enroll in this course section. EDCI 801, Section ZA: This class is for the MAT Practitioner Elementary and Secondary Students.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZBINT152194CNCDistancebooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • EDCI 801, Section ZB: You can email Dr. Eileen Wertzberger (ejm7777@ksu.edu) for permission to enroll in this course section. EDCI 801, Section ZB: This class is for the MAT Traditional Elementary and Secondary Students.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI803Curriculum Development
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC164763DistancebooksGoodson , Lori AnnNone
EDCI812Hist of Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ASEM166073      U4:00 - 7:00 p.m.BH 217booksLickteig , Amanda DianeNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI813Comparative Philosophies of Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
BLEC143183    W4:30 - 6:55 p.m.BH 339booksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZALEC141603    W4:30 - 6:55 p.m.DistancebooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI826Contemporary Technologies in Mathematics Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC173863DistancebooksAllen, David SNone
EDCI840Literacy Assessment
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC137173DistancebooksPorath, Suzanne LynnNone
EDCI862Instructional Systems Design
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC165543        F9:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.BH 337booksSubramony, DeepakNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZALEC136763DistancebooksSubramony, DeepakNone
EDCI871World Language Education Practicum
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZAPRC155453DistancebooksMcKeeman , Leah AnnNone
EDCI876The Social Studies Curriculum
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC155513AppointmentbooksBurenheide , Bradley JohnNone
EDCI886Seminar in Curr & Inst - Top/Math Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ASEM124371-6AppointmentbooksMartinie , Sherri LNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI886Seminars in Curriculum & Instruction
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
BSEM155321-6AppointmentbooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
CSEM173841-6AppointmentbooksAllen, David SNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI886Seminar in Curr & Inst - Top/IntCult Comp & Ling App
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
DSEM165113  T1:30 - 3:20 p.m.booksKavimandan , ShabinaNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI886Seminar in Curr & Inst - Top/Orientation to Teaching
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZASEM146272DistancebooksVontz, Thomas SNone
  • EDCI 886, Section ZA: This class is for the MAT Elementary and Secondary Education students. Contact TJ Duntz at tduntz@ksu.edu for permission to enroll.
  • Section meets from August 25 through October 10, 2025.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
EDCI886Seminar in Curr & Inst - Top/Res Meth in Teacher Ed
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZBSEM141873DistancebooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
EDCI886Seminar in Curr & Inst - Top/Prin Adv&Lead w/in L&CD
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZCSEM146403DistancebooksKavimandan , ShabinaNone
EDCI886Seminar in Curr & Inst - Top/ CritAnal Tchr Prep Mdls
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZDSEM155463DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
EDCI886Seminar in Curr & Inst - Top/Adv Inqu thru Lit Analy
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZGSEM166733DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
EDCI887Educational Technology Proseminar I
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZASEM136773DistancebooksSubramony, DeepakNone
EDCI890Masters Project
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AIND106181-6CNCAppointmentbooksGoodson, F Todd
Taylor, Kay Ann
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
ZAIND136241-6CNCDistancebooksGoodson, F Todd
Taylor, Kay Ann
  • EDCI 890, Section ZA: Section restricted to Master Students needing enrollment.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZCIND152201CNCDistancebooksVontz, Thomas SNone
  • EDCI 890, Section ZC is Concurrent with EDCI 801; Practitioner & Traditional Students.
EDCI898Master's Report
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ARSH106191-18CNCAppointmentbooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
EDCI899Master's Thesis
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ARSH106201-18CNCAppointmentbooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
EDCI907Curriculum Theory
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC173883    W5:30 - 7:30 p.m.booksKraemer-Holland, Angela MNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZALEC173873    W5:30 - 7:30 p.m.DistancebooksKraemer-Holland, Angela MNone
  • EDCI 907, Section ZA: Optional zoom sessions from 5:30-7:30 pm on Wednesdays.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI912Historical Research Methods in Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC161153  T4:30 - 6:55 p.m.BH 337booksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZALEC161163  T4:30 - 6:55 p.m.DistancebooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI913Inquiry I – Statistical Analysis in Curriculum and Instruction
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC151963DistancebooksMartinie , Sherri L
Lam , Chanh Bao
EDCI918Inquiry IV - Advanced Qualitative Methods in Curriculum & Instruction
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC154163DistancebooksKraemer-Holland, Angela MNone
  • EDCI 918, Section ZA: EdD students only; optional zoom sessions for Tuesdays.
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI943Principles of College Teaching
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC106213  T  U9:30 - 10:45 a.m.D 106booksSaucier, Donald ANone
EDCI945Clinical Practicum i Reading
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZAPRC136783DistancebooksPorath, Suzanne LynnNone
EDCI986Advanced Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ASEM155333        F1:00 - 4:30 p.m.BH 342booksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
EDCI986Adv Sem/Curr & Instr - Top/Writing for Publications
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZBSEM161973DistancebooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI991Intern/Curr & Instru - Top/Intern Curr & Instruct
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZBINT140491-18DistancebooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI991Intern/Curr & Instru - Top/Vary By Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZCINT165671-18DistancebooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
EDCI999Doctoral Research - Top/Vary by Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ARSH106241-18AppointmentbooksAllen, David SNone
EDCI999Doctoral Research - Top/PhD Res/NLBM
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AARSH173991-18AppointmentbooksLickteig , Amanda DianeNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI999Doctoral Research - Top/Vary by Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
BRSH106251-18AppointmentbooksMcKeeman , Leah AnnNone
CRSH106261-18AppointmentbooksBurenheide , Bradley JohnNone
DRSH106271-18AppointmentbooksBurrack, Frederick WNone
ERSH106281-18AppointmentbooksKraemer-Holland, Angela MNone
EDCI999Doctoral Research - Top/PhD Res/NLBM
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
FRSH173951-18AppointmentbooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI999Doctoral Research - Top/Vary by Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
GRSH106291-18AppointmentbooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
HRSH106301-18AppointmentbooksLarson , Lotta CeciliaNone
IRSH106311-18AppointmentbooksMartinie , Sherri LNone
JRSH106321-18AppointmentbooksMercer , Debbie KaeNone
KRSH106331-18AppointmentbooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
LRSH106341-18AppointmentbooksGurgel, Ruth ElaineNone
MRSH120871-18AppointmentbooksGoodson, F Todd
Rios, Ambyr Ruth Acton
NRSH106351-18AppointmentbooksStaples, Kimberly ANone
ORSH128141-18AppointmentbooksSubramony, DeepakNone
PRSH106221-18AppointmentbooksTaylor, Kay AnnNone
QRSH106231-18AppointmentbooksVontz, Thomas SNone
RRSH115741-18AppointmentbooksWashburn , Shannon GaryNone
SRSH115751-18AppointmentbooksUlmer, Jonathan DavidNone
TRSH116481-18AppointmentbooksHock , Gaea AshleyNone
URSH139971-18AppointmentbooksSherbert , VickiNone
VRSH141041-18AppointmentbooksPorath, Suzanne LynnNone
WRSH166301-18AppointmentbooksLawson, Michael AndrewNone
EDCI999Doctoral Research - Top/PhD Res/NLBM
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
XRSH173961-18AppointmentbooksTaylor, Kay AnnNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
YRSH173971-18AppointmentbooksVontz, Thomas SNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZRSH173981-18AppointmentbooksKavimandan , ShabinaNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDCI999Doctoral Research - Top/Vary by Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZARSH147991-18DistancebooksAllen, David SNone
ZBRSH155271-18DistancebooksMcKeeman , Leah AnnNone
ZCRSH155281-18DistancebooksBurenheide , Bradley JohnNone
ZDRSH155291-18DistancebooksBurrack, Frederick WNone
ZERSH155311-18DistancebooksKraemer-Holland, Angela MNone
EDCI999Doctoral Research - Top/PhD Res/NLBM
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZFRSH174011-18DistancebooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZGRSH174021-18DistancebooksHerrera, Socorro GNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZHRSH174031-18DistancebooksLarson , Lotta CeciliaNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZIRSH174051-18DistancebooksMartinie , Sherri LNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZJRSH174071-18DistancebooksMercer , Debbie KaeNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZKRSH174081-18DistancebooksWertzberger , Eileen MontavloNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZLRSH174091-18DistancebooksGurgel, Ruth ElaineNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZMRSH174101-18DistancebooksGoodson, F Todd
Rios, Ambyr Ruth Acton
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZNRSH174111-18DistancebooksStaples, Kimberly ANone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZORSH174121-18DistancebooksSubramony, DeepakNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZPRSH174131-18DistancebooksTaylor, Kay AnnNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZQRSH174141-18DistancebooksVontz, Thomas SNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZRRSH174151-18DistancebooksWashburn , Shannon GaryNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZSRSH174161-18DistancebooksUlmer, Jonathan DavidNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZTRSH174171-18DistancebooksHock , Gaea AshleyNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZURSH174181-18DistancebooksSherbert , VickiNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZVRSH174191-18DistancebooksPorath, Suzanne LynnNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZWRSH174201-18DistancebooksLawson, Michael AndrewNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZXRSH174211-18DistancebooksKavimandan , ShabinaNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZYRSH174221-18DistancebooksLickteig , Amanda DianeNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDEL250Health and Movement Education in Elementary Clasrooms
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC106362M  W  F9:30 - 10:20 a.m.BH 343booksEllner , Mark RobertNone
  • Section meets from August 25 through October 15, 2025.
ZALEC136422OPTDistancebooksEllner , Mark RobertNone
  • Section meets from August 25 through October 11, 2025.
EDEL270Arts for Elementary Schools
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC141613DistancebooksHoppe , Kayln
EDEL410Block B Practicum: K-6
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
APRC117862CNCAppointmentbooksAnderson , Kerri
Pesnell, Beth Ann
  • Prerequisite: EDCI 320 Concurrent enrollment in: EDEL 411. Practicum experience will begin after the start of the semester. Students will be assigned to a cooperating teacher and will schedule their weekly hours with the CT. Students will be expected to complete 40 hours of in-classroom experience during the semester - about 4 hours per week. Corresponding coursework online will accompany the experience.
EDEL411Science of Reading I
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC117883  T  U11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.BH 217booksAnderson , Kerri
  • This course is part of Block B: students must be enrolled concurrently in the same section letter of EDEL 415 and EDEL 467
BLEC119053  T  U1:05 - 2:20 p.m.BH 217booksAnderson , Kerri
  • This course is part of Block B: students must be enrolled concurrently in the same section letter of EDEL 415 and EDEL 467
EDEL412Teaching Science: PK-6
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC117893  T  U8:05 - 9:20 a.m.BH 242booksPesnell, Beth Ann
  • This course is part of Block A. Prerequiste: Admission to teacher education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 320.
BLEC119063  T  U9:30 - 10:45 a.m.BH 242booksPesnell, Beth Ann
  • This course is part of Block A. Prerequiste: Admission to teacher education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 320.
ZALEC173853DistancebooksMeritt , Dustin
  • ZA Section for BSO students only. This course is part of Block A. Prerequiste: Admission to teacher education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 320.
EDEL413Classroom Assessment: PK-6
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC146191DistancebooksHillman , Amy BethNone
  • Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education, and EDCI 200.
EDEL414Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC106383  T  U8:05 - 9:20 a.m.BH 225booksEspinoza , Pedro Silva
  • This course is part of Block A. Prerequiste: Admission to teacher education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 320.
BLEC119103  T  U9:30 - 10:45 a.m.BH 217booksEspinoza , Pedro Silva
  • This course is part of Block A. Prerequiste: Admission to teacher education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 320.
ZALEC163583DistancebooksPerez , Della Ruth
  • ZA Section for BSO students only. This course is part of Block A. Prerequiste: Admission to teacher education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 320.
EDEL415Teaching Methods for Mathematics, PK-2
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC162013  T  U1:05 - 2:20 p.m.BH 242booksPesnell, Beth AnnNone
  • This course is part of Block B: students must be enrolled concurrently in the same section letter of EDEL 411 and EDEL 467.
BLEC162023  T  U11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.BH 242booksPesnell, Beth AnnNone
  • This course is part of Block B: students must be enrolled concurrently in the same section letter of EDEL 411 and EDEL 467.
EDEL460Block C Practicum K-6
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
APRC118462CNC    W8:00 - 11:45 a.m.BH 225booksLickteig , Seth Jordan
Hoppe , Kayln
  • DEL 460 A, B, & D: EDEL 460, 461, 462, and 465 are in-person Block C classes for Elementary Education majors. Block C students complete coursework and meet in person T, W, and U for the first 8-9 weeks and the last 1-2 weeks of the semester. Students complete EDEL 460 T, W, U and are in practicum placements at an elementary school for the 5 weeks in between.
BPRC118472CNC    W8:00 - 11:45 a.m.BH 225booksLickteig , Seth Jordan
Hoppe , Kayln
  • DEL 460 A, B, & D: EDEL 460, 461, 462, and 465 are in-person Block C classes for Elementary Education majors. Block C students complete coursework and meet in person T, W, and U for the first 8-9 weeks and the last 1-2 weeks of the semester. Students complete EDEL 460 T, W, U and are in practicum placements at an elementary school for the 5 weeks in between.
CPRC119072CNC    W12:15 - 4:00 p.m.BH 225booksLickteig , Seth Jordan
Hoppe , Kayln
  • DEL 460 A, B, & D: EDEL 460, 461, 462, and 465 are in-person Block C classes for Elementary Education majors. Block C students complete coursework and meet in person T, W, and U for the first 8-9 weeks and the last 1-2 weeks of the semester. Students complete EDEL 460 T, W, U and are in practicum placements at an elementary school for the 5 weeks in between.
ZAPRC136432CNCDistancebooksLevin , Lori MichelleNone
  • EDEL 460, Section ZA: Students will start their practicum experience when the school district they are assigned to starts the fall semester. Students will attend 5 days a week- 4 hours per day.
EDEL461Science of Reading II
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC118483  T  U10:50 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.BH 225booksHoppe , Kayln
  • EDEL 460 A, B, & C: EDEL 460, 461, 462, and 465 are in-person Block C classes for Elementary Education majors. Block C students complete coursework and meet in person T, W, and U for the first 8-9 weeks and the last 1-2 weeks of the semester. Students complete EDEL 460 T, W, U and are in practicum placements at an elementary school for the 5 weeks in between.
BLEC118493  T  U8:00 - 9:15 a.m.BH 112booksHoppe , Kayln
  • EDEL 460 A, B, & C: EDEL 460, 461, 462, and 465 are in-person Block C classes for Elementary Education majors. Block C students complete coursework and meet in person T, W, and U for the first 8-9 weeks and the last 1-2 weeks of the semester. Students complete EDEL 460 T, W, U and are in practicum placements at an elementary school for the 5 weeks in between.
CLEC119083  T  U12:15 - 1:30 p.m.BH 225booksHoppe , Kayln
  • EDEL 460 A, B, & C: EDEL 460, 461, 462, and 465 are in-person Block C classes for Elementary Education majors. Block C students complete coursework and meet in person T, W, and U for the first 8-9 weeks and the last 1-2 weeks of the semester. Students complete EDEL 460 T, W, U and are in practicum placements at an elementary school for the 5 weeks in between.
EDEL462Teaching Social Studies: K-6
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC118503  T  U8:00 - 9:15 a.m.BH 225booksLickteig , Seth Jordan
  • EDEL 460 A, B, & C: EDEL 460, 461, 462, and 465 are in-person Block C classes for Elementary Education majors. Block C students complete coursework and meet in person T, W, and U for the first 8-9 weeks and the last 1-2 weeks of the semester. Students complete EDEL 460 T, W, U and are in practicum placements at an elementary school for the 5 weeks in between.
BLEC118513  T  U9:25 - 10:40 a.m.BH 225booksLickteig , Seth Jordan
  • EDEL 460 A, B, & C: EDEL 460, 461, 462, and 465 are in-person Block C classes for Elementary Education majors. Block C students complete coursework and meet in person T, W, and U for the first 8-9 weeks and the last 1-2 weeks of the semester. Students complete EDEL 460 T, W, U and are in practicum placements at an elementary school for the 5 weeks in between.
CLEC152083  T  U3:05 - 4:20 p.m.BH 225booksLickteig , Seth Jordan
  • EDEL 460 A, B, & C: EDEL 460, 461, 462, and 465 are in-person Block C classes for Elementary Education majors. Block C students complete coursework and meet in person T, W, and U for the first 8-9 weeks and the last 1-2 weeks of the semester. Students complete EDEL 460 T, W, U and are in practicum placements at an elementary school for the 5 weeks in between.
EDEL463Teaching Mathematics: K-6
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC106403  T  U9:25 - 10:40 a.m.BH 256booksLawson, Michael Andrew
BLEC106393  T  U10:50 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.BH 256booksLawson, Michael Andrew
CLEC119093  T  U1:40 - 2:55 p.m.BH 256booksLawson, Michael Andrew
ZALEC141843DistancebooksLawson, Michael Andrew
EDEL464Classroom Management and Discipline: K-6
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC117901DistancebooksConway , Tracey LynneNone
ZALEC136441DistancebooksConway , Tracey LynneNone
EDEL465Teaching Methods for Mathematics, Grades 3-6
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC173893AppointmentbooksLawson, Michael AndrewNone
  • Prerequisite: EDEL 415.
EDEL466Supporting Elementary Learners in Reading and Math, Grades PK-6
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZALEC173903DistancebooksLawson, Michael AndrewNone
  • Prerequisites: EDEL 411 and EDEL 415.
EDEL467Teaching Methods for STEAM, PK-6
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC173913M11:30 a.m. - 2:20 p.m.BH 242booksPesnell, Beth AnnNone
  • This course is part of Block B: students must be enrolled concurrently in the same section letter of EDEL 411 and EDEL 415.
BLEC173923    W11:30 a.m. - 2:20 p.m.BH 242booksPesnell, Beth AnnNone
  • This course is part of Block B: students must be enrolled concurrently in the same section letter of EDEL 411 and EDEL 415.
EDEL490Undergraduate Research Experience
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ARSH127360CNCAppointmentbooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
EDEL502Is/Elementary Educ - Top/Elementary Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AIND106411-12AppointmentbooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
ZAIND136791-12OPTDistancebooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
ZBIND138153OPTDistancebooksAllen, David SNone
  • Section meets from August 25 through October 11, 2025.
EDEL585Tch Intern Elem School - Top/Tch Part Elm Sch Tch
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ATCH1064212AppointmentbooksWertzberger , Eileen Montavlo
EDEL585Tch Intern Elem School - Top/Tch Part Ele Sch Art
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
EDEL585Tch Intern Elem School - Top/Tch Part Elem Sch Fl
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
CTCH106441-15AppointmentbooksMcKeeman , Leah Ann
EDEL585Teaching Internship in the Elementary School
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
DTCH121801-15AppointmentbooksVontz, Thomas S
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDEL585Tch Intern Elem School - Top/Tchg Part Elem PE/Health
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ETCH138596AppointmentbooksEllner , Mark Robert
EDEL585Teaching Internship in the Elementary School
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZATCH138626DistancebooksLevin , Lori Michelle
  • Class Notes- EDEL 585, Section ZA: Students will stay in the same practicum classroom and continue to attend 5 days a week- 4 hours per day.
EDSEC328Social Studies Colloquium I
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC132371M11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.BH 225booksBurenheide , Bradley JohnNone
EDSEC360Introduction to Physical Education/Health
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC126753M  W  F10:30 - 11:20 a.m.BH 109booksEllner , Mark RobertNone
EDSEC428Social Studies Colloquium II
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC132381    W11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.BH 343booksBurenheide , Bradley JohnNone
EDSEC455Teaching in a Multicultural Society
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC106571  T3:30 - 5:20 p.m.BH 343booksMartinez , Tonnie
  • Section meets from August 25 through October 17, 2025.
BLEC106561    W1:30 - 3:20 p.m.K 106booksMartinez , Tonnie
  • Section meets from October 20 through December 19, 2025.
EDSEC477Content Area Literacies and Diverse Learners
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
BLEC106582M1:30 - 3:20 p.m.BH 109booksMcKeeman , Leah AnnNone
CLEC106592    W5:30 - 7:20 p.m.BH 256booksMcKeeman , Leah AnnNone
ZALEC136452DistancebooksGoodson , Lori AnnNone
EDSEC490Undergraduate Research Experience
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ARSH127370CNCAppointmentbooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
EDSEC502Independent Study/Secondary Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
AIND106601-12AppointmentbooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Department consent
EDSEC502Is/Secondary Educ - Top/Vary By Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ZAIND136461-3OPTDistancebooksGoodson, F ToddNone
  • Enrollment restrictions: Instructor consent
EDSEC525Interpersonal Relations in the Schools
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC106081  T3:30 - 5:20 p.m.BH 343booksMartinez , Tonnie
  • Section meets from October 20 through December 19, 2025.
BLEC106071    W1:30 - 3:20 p.m.K 106booksMartinez , Tonnie
  • Section meets from August 25 through October 10, 2025.
EDSEC528Social Studies Colloquium III
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC115863    W5:30 - 8:20 p.m.BH 217booksBurenheide , Bradley John
EDSEC530Art Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC119393      U4:30 - 7:20 p.m.BH 256booksHammond , Debra Lynn
EDSEC531Art Methods Practicum
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
APRC119402CNCAppointmentbooksHammond , Debra LynnNone
EDSEC532Business Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC119373    W3:30 - 6:30 p.m.ManhattanbooksEichman , Glenda K
BLEC154863AppointmentbooksEichman , Glenda K
Wertzberger , Eileen Montavlo
EDSEC533Business Methods Practicum
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
APRC119462CNCAppointmentbooksEichman , Glenda KNone
EDSEC536Language Arts Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
BLEC154083M  W3:30 - 5:00 p.m.BH 342booksRios, Ambyr Ruth Acton
EDSEC537Language Arts Methods Practicum
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
APRC119422CNC  T8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.ManhattanbooksRios, Ambyr Ruth ActonNone
EDSEC538Mathematics Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC119353M  W3:30 - 4:45 p.m.BH 256booksMartinie , Sherri L
EDSEC539Mathematics Methods Practicum
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
APRC119432CNCAppointmentbooksMartinie , Sherri LNone
EDSEC540Modern Language Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC119343M  W8:30 - 10:20 a.m.BH 337booksMcKeeman , Leah Ann
EDSEC541Modern Language Methods Practicum
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
APRC119442CNC        F8:30 - 10:20 a.m.booksMcKeeman , Leah AnnNone
EDSEC542Science Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC119383        F10:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.BH 241booksStaples, Kimberly A
EDSEC543Science Methods Practicum
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
APRC119412CNCM  W10:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.BH 241booksStaples, Kimberly ANone
EDSEC544Social Studies Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC119363        F9:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.BH 225booksBurenheide , Bradley John
EDSEC545Social Studies Methods Practicum
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
APRC119452CNCM  W9:30 - 11:20 a.m.BH 217booksBurenheide , Bradley JohnNone
EDSEC546Physical Education/Health Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC126763  T  U9:30 - 11:15 a.m.BH 108booksEllner , Mark RobertNone
EDSEC547Physical Education/Health Practicum for Secondary and Middle Schools
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
APRC126772CNCAppointmentbooksEllner , Mark RobertNone
EDSEC582Teaching Internship in Music
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ATCH106616-12AppointmentbooksWeinert , Peter Christian
Gurgel, Ruth Elaine
EDSEC586Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Agri Ed
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ATCH106631-12CNCAppointmentbooksDisberger , Brandie Sue
Hock , Gaea Ashley
Ulmer, Jonathan David
EDSEC586Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Art
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
BTCH106641-12CNCAppointmentbooksHammond , Debra Lynn
EDSEC586Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec S Bus
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
EDSEC586Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Facs
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
DTCH1066712CNCAppointmentbooksWertzberger , Eileen Montavlo
EDSEC586Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Eng
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ETCH1067012CNCAppointmentbooksRios, Ambyr Ruth Acton
EDSEC586Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Journal
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
FTCH1066912CNCAppointmentbooksRios, Ambyr Ruth Acton
EDSEC586Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Speech
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
GTCH1066512CNCAppointmentbooksRios, Ambyr Ruth Acton
EDSEC586Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Math
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
HTCH1067112CNCAppointmentbooksMartinie , Sherri L
EDSEC586Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Mod La
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ITCH106621-12CNCAppointmentbooksMcKeeman , Leah Ann
EDSEC586Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Sch Sci
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
JTCH1066612CNCAppointmentbooksStaples, Kimberly A
EDSEC586Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tch Part Sec Soc Sci
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
KTCH1066812CNCAppointmentbooksBurenheide , Bradley John
EDSEC586Tch Intern Sec School - Top/Tchg Part Sec PE/Health
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
LTCH130731-12CNCAppointmentbooksEllner , Mark Robert
EDSEC614Laboratory Techniques in Teaching Science
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC106743M  W  F8:05 - 10:20 a.m.BH 241booksStaples, Kimberly A
  • Section meets from August 25 through September 26, 2025.
EDSEC620Principles & Philosophy of Career & Technical Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC106752-3  T  U9:30 - 10:20 a.m.BH 107booksJames , KaCee Jo
Ulmer, Jonathan David
EDSEC621Program Planning in Career and Technical Education
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorGeneral Education
ALEC154383M  W10:30 - 11:45 a.m.BH 339booksEichman , Glenda K
Wertzberger , Eileen Montavlo
General Education