Computer Science
If no dates are listed directly under a course, then the course meets Monday, August 19, 2024 through Friday, December 6, 2024.
CC110Introduction to Computing | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 14092 | 2 | Distance | books | Malallah , Safia A | None | |||
ZB | LEC | 16538 | 2 | Distance | books | Malallah , Safia A | None | |||
| ||||||||||
CC111Elements of Computer Programming | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 15984 | 1 | M | 9:30 - 11:20 a.m. | DUE 1117 | books | Malallah , Safia A | None | |
C | LEC | 16539 | 1 | W | 1:30 - 3:20 p.m. | DUE 1117 | books | Bean , Nathan H | None | |
| ||||||||||
ZA | LEC | 15994 | 1 | Distance | books | Malallah , Safia A | None | |||
CC120Web Page Dev | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 15009 | 3 | Distance | books | Malallah , Safia A | ||||
CC210Fundamental Computer Programming Concepts | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 13980 | 4 | Distance | books | Lavezzi , George Bertram | ||||
CC310Data Structures and Algorithms I | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 13935 | 3 | Distance | books | Lavezzi , George Bertram | None | |||
CC315Data Structures and Algorithms II | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 13936 | 3 | Distance | books | Lavezzi , George Bertram | None | |||
CC410Advanced Programming | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 13979 | 4 | Distance | books | Feldhausen , Russell Andrew | None | |||
CC510Computer Systems Administration | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 14411 | 3 | Distance | books | Feldhausen , Russell Andrew | None | |||
CC535Applied Data Science | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 15446 | 3 | Distance | books | Shamir, Lior | None | |||
CC710Introduction to Computing for Educators | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZB | LES | 17000 | 2 | Distance | books | Weese, Josh | None | |||
| ||||||||||
CC711Computer Education Programming Fundamentals | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZB | LAB | 17001 | 1 | Distance | books | Weese, Josh | None | |||
| ||||||||||
CC730Computer Programming for Educators | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZB | LES | 16999 | 4 | Distance | books | Weese, Josh | None | |||
| ||||||||||
CC750Data Structures and Algorithms for Educators I | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZB | LES | 16998 | 3 | Distance | books | Weese, Josh | None | |||
| ||||||||||
CC760Advanced Computing for Educators | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZB | LES | 16997 | 4 | Distance | books | Weese, Josh | None | |||
| ||||||||||
CIS015Undergraduate Seminar | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | SEM | 10489 | 0 | CNC | Distance | books | Invergo , David Anthony | None | ||
CIS018Computer Science Professional Development Seminar | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | SEM | 13372 | 0 | CNC | Distance | books | Invergo , David Anthony | None | ||
CIS102Introduction to Spreadsheet Application | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | LEC | 13930 | 1 | OPT | Distance | books | Lang, Dennis J | None | ||
| ||||||||||
CIS115Introduction to Computing Science | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 12120 | 2 | M W | 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. | AK 120 | books | Weese, Josh | None | |
| ||||||||||
CIS116Intro Programming | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LAB | 17243 | 1 | T | 8:05 - 9:55 a.m. | DUE 1117 | books | Weese, Josh | None | |
| ||||||||||
B | LAB | 17257 | 1 | T | 10:55 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. | DUE 1117 | books | Malallah , Safia A | None | |
| ||||||||||
C | LAB | 17260 | 1 | U | 8:05 - 9:55 a.m. | DUE 1117 | books | Weese, Josh | None | |
| ||||||||||
D | LAB | 17261 | 1 | U | 10:55 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. | DUE 1117 | books | Malallah , Safia A | None | |
| ||||||||||
E | LAB | 17262 | 1 | W | 8:30 - 10:20 a.m. | DUE 1117 | books | Weese, Josh | None | |
| ||||||||||
F | LAB | 17263 | 1 | W | 10:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. | DUE 1117 | books | Malallah , Safia A | None | |
| ||||||||||
CIS200Programming Fundamentals | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
01B | LAB | 11755 | U | 1:05 - 2:55 p.m. | DUE 1117 | books | Lang, Dennis J | None | ||
A | LEC | 11754 | 4 | T U | 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. | DUE 1109 | books | Lang, Dennis J | ||
| ||||||||||
CIS209Computer Programming for Engineers | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LAB | 10491 | 3 | U | 11:30 a.m. - 1:20 p.m. | DUE 1114 | books | Valenzuela , Jorge Luis | None | |
| ||||||||||
B | LAB | 10490 | 3 | T | 11:30 a.m. - 1:20 p.m. | DUE 1114 | books | Valenzuela , Jorge Luis | None | |
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CIS300Data and Program Structures | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
B | LAB | 12041 | 3 | M W F | 11:30 a.m. - 1:20 p.m. | DUE 1114 | books | Weese, Josh | None | |
| ||||||||||
C | LAB | 12560 | 3 | M W F | 1:30 - 3:20 p.m. | DUE 1114 | books | Howell , Rodney R | None | |
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CIS301Logical Foundations of Programming | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 10493 | 3 | T U | 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. | DUE 1109 | books | Thornton , Julie Ann | None | |
| ||||||||||
CIS308C Language Laboratory | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
B | LAB | 10495 | 1 | U | 1:30 - 3:20 p.m. | DUE 1114 | books | Valenzuela , Jorge Luis | None | |
| ||||||||||
CIS351Cyber Defense Basics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 16545 | 1 | M | 5:30 - 7:20 p.m. | DUE 1117 | books | Vasserman , Eugene | None | |
CIS400Object-Oriented Design, Implementation, and Testing | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 13561 | 3 | M W F | 1:30 - 2:20 p.m. | DUF 1092 | books | Thornton , Julie Ann | None | |
| ||||||||||
B | REC | 13562 | 3 | M W F | 2:30 - 3:20 p.m. | DUF 1092 | books | Thornton , Julie Ann | None | |
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CIS415Ethics and Conduct for Computing Professionals | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 12071 | 3 | T U | 1:05 - 2:20 p.m. | DUE 1116 | books | Lang, Dennis J | ||
CIS450Computer Architecture and Operations | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 11756 | 3 | M W F | 10:30 - 11:20 a.m. | DUE 1114 | books | Neilsen , Mitchell Larry | None | |
| ||||||||||
B | REC | 17544 | 3 | M W F | 11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. | DUE 1116 | books | Neilsen , Mitchell Larry | None | |
| ||||||||||
CIS490Top/Computer Science - Top/Intro Res K-12 CS Ed | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 17542 | 1-4 | OPT | T U | 3:55 - 5:10 p.m. | DUR 1064 | books | Malallah , Safia A | None |
CIS501Software Architecture and Design | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
B | REC | 13478 | 3 | T U | 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. | DUE 1114 | books | Valenzuela , Jorge Luis | None | |
| ||||||||||
CIS505Introduction to Programming Languages | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 11682 | 3 | M W F | 11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. | DUE 1109 | books | Amtoft, Torben | None | |
| ||||||||||
CIS525Introduction to Network Programming | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 10498 | 3 | M W F | 1:30 - 2:20 p.m. | DUE 1116 | books | Vasserman , Eugene | None | |
| ||||||||||
CIS527Enterprise Systems Administration | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
ZA | REC | 15724 | 3 | Distance | books | Feldhausen , Russell Andrew | ||||
| ||||||||||
CIS531Introduction to Programming Techniques for Data Science and Analytics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 14140 | 3 | M W F | 12:30 - 1:20 p.m. | DUE 1116 | books | Hsu, William Henry | None | |
CIS532Introduction to Deep Learning | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 15566 | 3 | T U | 11:00 a.m. - 12:55 p.m. | DUE 1116 | books | Caragea, Doina | None | |
| ||||||||||
CIS533Introduction to Data Science Foundations | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 14886 | 3 | M W F | 10:30 - 11:20 a.m. | DUE 1116 | books | Shamir, Lior | None | |
CIS536Introduction to Computer Graphics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 16546 | 3 | M W F | 9:30 - 10:20 a.m. | DUE 1116 | books | Hsu, William Henry | None | |
CIS551Fundamentals of Computer and Information Security | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 12019 | 3 | T U | 3:55 - 5:10 p.m. | DUE 0093 | books | Vasserman , Eugene | None | |
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CIS560Database System Concepts | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 10500 | 3 | M W F | 8:30 - 9:20 a.m. | DUF 1107 | books | Keller , John T | ||
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CIS580Fundamentals of Game Programming | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 15567 | 3 | M W F | 3:30 - 4:20 p.m. | DUE 1116 | books | Bean , Nathan H | ||
| ||||||||||
CIS590Spec Top/Cmptr Sci - Top/Intro Food Informatics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
V | LEC | 15273 | 3 | T U | 4:30 - 5:45 p.m. | DUE 1116 | books | McGinty, Hande | None | |
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CIS596Entrepreneurial Computer Science Project | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | IND | 14241 | 3 | M W F | 3:30 - 4:20 p.m. | DUR 1066 | books | Feldhausen , Russell Andrew | None | |
CIS598Computer Science Project | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | IND | 10501 | 3 | M W F | 3:30 - 4:20 p.m. | DUR 1066 | books | Feldhausen , Russell Andrew | None | |
CIS599Cybersecurity Project | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
01B | LAB | 13560 | Appointment | books | Vasserman , Eugene | None | ||||
A | IND | 13559 | 3 | M W F | 3:30 - 4:20 p.m. | DUR 1066 | books | Vasserman , Eugene | None | |
CIS625Concurrent Software Systems | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 10502 | 3 | T U | 5:30 - 6:45 p.m. | DUE 0093 | books | Neilsen , Mitchell Larry | None | |
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CIS642Software Engineering Project I | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 11757 | 3 | M W F | 9:30 - 11:20 a.m. | DUF 1092 | books | Bean , Nathan H | None | |
CIS690Implementation Projects - Top/Vary Title by Student | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | IND | 12569 | 3 | Appointment | books | Amariucai, George | None | |||
| ||||||||||
B | IND | 14281 | 3 | Appointment | books | Amtoft, Torben | None | |||
| ||||||||||
C | IND | 14899 | 3 | Appointment | books | Andresen, Daniel A | None | |||
| ||||||||||
D | IND | 14900 | 3 | Appointment | books | Caragea, Doina | None | |||
| ||||||||||
F | IND | 14901 | 3 | Appointment | books | Hatcliff , John Mark | None | |||
| ||||||||||
G | IND | 14907 | 3 | Appointment | books | Hitzler, Pascal | None | |||
| ||||||||||
I | IND | 14908 | 3 | Appointment | books | Hsu, William Henry | None | |||
| ||||||||||
J | IND | 15568 | 3 | Appointment | books | McGinty, Hande | None | |||
K | IND | 14909 | 3 | Appointment | books | Munir, Arslan | None | |||
| ||||||||||
L | IND | 14910 | 3 | Appointment | books | Neilsen , Mitchell Larry | None | |||
| ||||||||||
M | IND | 14911 | 3 | Appointment | books | Prabhakar, Pavithra | None | |||
| ||||||||||
N | IND | 14912 | 3 | Appointment | books | Robby , - | None | |||
| ||||||||||
O | IND | 14913 | 3 | Appointment | books | Shamir, Lior | None | |||
| ||||||||||
P | IND | 14914 | 3 | Appointment | books | Vasserman , Eugene | None | |||
| ||||||||||
Q | IND | 14915 | 3 | Appointment | books | Weese, Josh | None | |||
| ||||||||||
CIS705Programming Languages | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 12629 | 3 | M W F | 11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. | DUE 1109 | books | Amtoft, Torben | None | |
ZA | REC | 14415 | 3 | Distance | books | Amtoft, Torben | None | |||
CIS706Translator Design I | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 14884 | 3 | T U | 1:05 - 2:20 p.m. | DUR 1064 | books | Robby , - | None | |
CIS720Advanced Operating Systems | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 16549 | 3 | OPT | M W F | 1:30 - 2:20 p.m. | DUE 0097 | books | Neilsen , Mitchell Larry | None |
ZA | LEC | 16550 | 3 | OPT | Distance | books | Neilsen , Mitchell Larry | None | ||
CIS731Programming Techniques for Data Science and Analytics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 14141 | 3 | M W F | 12:30 - 1:20 p.m. | DUE 1116 | books | Hsu, William Henry | None | |
ZA | REC | 13976 | 3 | Distance | books | Hsu, William Henry | None | |||
CIS733Data Science Foundations | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 14864 | 3 | M W F | 10:30 - 11:20 a.m. | DUE 1116 | books | Shamir, Lior | None | |
CIS736Computer Graphics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 16556 | 3 | M W F | 9:30 - 10:20 a.m. | DUE 1116 | books | Hsu, William Henry | None | |
ZA | REC | 16557 | 3 | Distance | books | Hsu, William Henry | None | |||
CIS751Computer And Information Security | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 10504 | 3 | T U | 3:55 - 5:10 p.m. | DUE 0093 | books | Vasserman , Eugene | None | |
CIS771Software Specification | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 16552 | 3 | T U | 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. | DUE 0096 | books | Robby , - | None | |
CIS775Analysis of Algorithms | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 10505 | 3 | T U | 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. | DUE 1116 | books | Amtoft, Torben | None | |
ZA | REC | 14891 | 3 | Distance | books | Amtoft, Torben | None | |||
CIS798Top/Computer Science - Top/Vary By Student | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | IND | 10507 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Amariucai, George | None | |||
B | IND | 10510 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Amtoft, Torben | None | |||
C | IND | 10509 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Andresen, Daniel A | None | |||
D | IND | 10508 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Caragea, Doina | None | |||
E | IND | 11779 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | DeLoach, Scott A | None | |||
F | IND | 11782 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Hatcliff , John Mark | None | |||
G | IND | 11923 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Hitzler, Pascal | None | |||
H | IND | 10506 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Bean , Nathan H | None | |||
I | IND | 12433 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Hsu, William Henry | None | |||
J | IND | 12434 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | McGinty, Hande | None | |||
K | IND | 12435 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Munir, Arslan | None | |||
L | IND | 12436 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Neilsen , Mitchell Larry | None | |||
M | IND | 12437 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Prabhakar, Pavithra | None | |||
N | IND | 12438 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Robby , - | None | |||
O | IND | 12439 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Vasserman , Eugene | None | |||
P | IND | 12440 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Weese, Josh | None | |||
Q | IND | 12141 | 1-18 | Appointment | books | Shamir, Lior | None | |||
CIS798Top/Computer Science - Top/Internship | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
W | IND | 14180 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Neilsen , Mitchell Larry DeLoach, Scott A | None | |||
CIS801Translator Design II | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | REC | 14885 | 3 | T U | 1:05 - 2:20 p.m. | DUR 1064 | books | Robby , - | None | |
CIS831Deep Learning | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | LEC | 16062 | 3 | T U | 11:00 a.m. - 12:55 p.m. | DUE 1116 | books | Caragea, Doina | None | |
ZA | LEC | 15727 | 3 | Distance | books | Caragea, Doina | None | |||
CIS890Top/Computer Science - Top/Vary By Student | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | IND | 10512 | 1-4 | Appointment | books | Amariucai, George | None | |||
B | IND | 10511 | 1-4 | Appointment | books | Amtoft, Torben | None | |||
C | IND | 10515 | 1-4 | Appointment | books | Andresen, Daniel A | None | |||
D | IND | 10514 | 1-4 | Appointment | books | Caragea, Doina | None | |||
E | IND | 11764 | 1-4 | Appointment | books | McGinty, Hande | None | |||
F | IND | 11768 | 1-4 | Appointment | books | Hatcliff , John Mark | None | |||
G | IND | 11924 | 1-4 | Appointment | books | Hitzler, Pascal | None | |||
H | IND | 12042 | 1-4 | Appointment | books | Bean , Nathan H | None | |||
I | IND | 12043 | 1-4 | Appointment | books | Hsu, William Henry | None | |||
J | IND | 16581 | 2-4 | Appointment | books | McGinty, Hande | None | |||
K | IND | 12441 | 1-4 | Appointment | books | Munir, Arslan | None | |||
L | IND | 12442 | 1-4 | Appointment | books | Neilsen , Mitchell Larry | None | |||
M | IND | 12443 | 1-4 | Appointment | books | Prabhakar, Pavithra | None | |||
N | IND | 12444 | 1-4 | Appointment | books | Robby , - | None | |||
O | IND | 12445 | 1-4 | Appointment | books | Vasserman , Eugene | None | |||
P | IND | 12446 | 1-4 | Appointment | books | Weese, Josh | None | |||
CIS890Top/Computer Science - Top/Comput. Complexity | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
R | LEC | 10513 | 3 | T U | 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. | DUE 1116 | books | Hitzler, Pascal | None | |
CIS890Top/Computer Science - Top/Food Informatics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
V | LEC | 15545 | 3 | T U | 4:30 - 5:45 p.m. | DUE 1116 | books | McGinty, Hande | None | |
CIS890Top/Computer Science - Top/Robotic Oper. Systems | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
Z | REC | 16589 | 3 | T U | 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. | DUR 1064 | books | Hatcliff , John Mark | None | |
CIS897Seminar in Computer Science | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | SEM | 10517 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Amtoft, Torben | None | ||
B | SEM | 12462 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Andresen, Daniel A | None | ||
C | SEM | 12463 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Caragea, Doina | None | ||
D | SEM | 12464 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Amariucai, George | None | ||
E | SEM | 12465 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | DeLoach, Scott A | None | ||
F | SEM | 12466 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Hatcliff , John Mark | None | ||
G | SEM | 12467 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Hitzler, Pascal | None | ||
H | SEM | 12468 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Bean , Nathan H | None | ||
I | SEM | 12469 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Hsu, William Henry | None | ||
J | SEM | 16582 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | McGinty, Hande | None | ||
K | SEM | 12470 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Neilsen , Mitchell Larry | None | ||
L | SEM | 12471 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Munir, Arslan | None | ||
M | SEM | 12472 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Prabhakar, Pavithra | None | ||
N | SEM | 12473 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Robby , - | None | ||
O | SEM | 12474 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Shamir, Lior | None | ||
P | SEM | 12475 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Vasserman , Eugene | None | ||
Q | SEM | 13450 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Weese, Josh | None | ||
Z | SEM | 16590 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Staff | None | ||
CIS898Master's Report in Computer Science | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | RSH | 10518 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Amtoft, Torben | None | ||
B | RSH | 12476 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Andresen, Daniel A | None | ||
C | RSH | 12477 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Caragea, Doina | None | ||
D | RSH | 12478 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Amariucai, George | None | ||
E | RSH | 12479 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | DeLoach, Scott A | None | ||
F | RSH | 12480 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Hatcliff , John Mark | None | ||
G | RSH | 12481 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Hitzler, Pascal | None | ||
H | RSH | 12482 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Bean , Nathan H | None | ||
I | RSH | 12483 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Hsu, William Henry | None | ||
K | RSH | 12484 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Neilsen , Mitchell Larry | None | ||
L | RSH | 12485 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Munir, Arslan | None | ||
M | RSH | 12486 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Prabhakar, Pavithra | None | ||
N | RSH | 12487 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Robby , - | None | ||
O | RSH | 12488 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Shamir, Lior | None | ||
P | RSH | 12489 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Vasserman , Eugene | None | ||
Q | RSH | 13451 | 1-3 | CNC | Appointment | books | Weese, Josh | None | ||
CIS899Research in Computer Science | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | RSH | 10519 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | Amtoft, Torben | None | ||
B | RSH | 12490 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | Andresen, Daniel A | None | ||
C | RSH | 12491 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | Caragea, Doina | None | ||
D | RSH | 12492 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | Amariucai, George | None | ||
E | RSH | 12493 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | McGinty, Hande | None | ||
F | RSH | 12494 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | Hatcliff , John Mark | None | ||
G | RSH | 12495 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | Hitzler, Pascal | None | ||
H | RSH | 12496 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | Bean , Nathan H | None | ||
I | RSH | 12497 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | Hsu, William Henry | None | ||
J | RSH | 16585 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | McGinty, Hande | None | ||
K | RSH | 12498 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | Neilsen , Mitchell Larry | None | ||
L | RSH | 12499 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | Munir, Arslan | None | ||
M | RSH | 12500 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | Prabhakar, Pavithra | None | ||
N | RSH | 12501 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | Robby , - | None | ||
O | RSH | 12502 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | Shamir, Lior | None | ||
P | RSH | 12503 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | Vasserman , Eugene | None | ||
Q | RSH | 13452 | 1-6 | CNC | Appointment | books | Weese, Josh | None | ||
CIS990Research Topics | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | IND | 10520 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Amariucai, George | None | |||
B | IND | 12504 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Amtoft, Torben | None | |||
C | IND | 12505 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Andresen, Daniel A | None | |||
D | IND | 12506 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Caragea, Doina | None | |||
F | IND | 12508 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Hatcliff , John Mark | None | |||
G | IND | 12509 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Hitzler, Pascal | None | |||
H | IND | 12510 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Bean , Nathan H | None | |||
I | IND | 12511 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Hsu, William Henry | None | |||
J | RSH | 16583 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | McGinty, Hande | None | |||
K | IND | 12512 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Munir, Arslan | None | |||
L | IND | 12513 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Neilsen , Mitchell Larry | None | |||
M | IND | 12514 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Prabhakar, Pavithra | None | |||
N | IND | 12515 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Robby , - | None | |||
O | IND | 12516 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Vasserman , Eugene | None | |||
P | IND | 12517 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Weese, Josh | None | |||
Q | RSH | 13453 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Shamir, Lior | None | |||
Z | RSH | 16592 | 1-3 | Appointment | books | Staff | None | |||
CIS999Research in Computer Science | ||||||||||
Section | Type | Number | Units | Basis | Days | Hours | Facility | Books | Instructor | General Education |
A | RSH | 10521 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Amariucai, George | None | ||
B | RSH | 12518 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Amtoft, Torben | None | ||
C | RSH | 12519 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Andresen, Daniel A | None | ||
D | RSH | 12520 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Caragea, Doina | None | ||
E | RSH | 12521 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | McGinty, Hande | None | ||
F | RSH | 12522 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Hatcliff , John Mark | None | ||
G | RSH | 12523 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Hitzler, Pascal | None | ||
H | RSH | 12524 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Bean , Nathan H | None | ||
I | RSH | 12525 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Hsu, William Henry | None | ||
J | RSH | 16584 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | McGinty, Hande | None | ||
K | RSH | 12526 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Munir, Arslan | None | ||
L | RSH | 12527 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Neilsen , Mitchell Larry | None | ||
M | RSH | 12528 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Prabhakar, Pavithra | None | ||
N | RSH | 12529 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Robby , - | None | ||
O | RSH | 12530 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Vasserman , Eugene | None | ||
P | RSH | 12531 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Weese, Josh | None | ||
Q | RSH | 13454 | 1-18 | CNC | Appointment | books | Shamir, Lior | None | ||
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