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K-State 8 areas

CourseTitleK-State 8
ACCTG331Intermediate Accounting Processes
ACCTG342Taxation 1
ACCTG413Accounting Information Systems
ACCTG432Managerial Reporting
ACCTG433Financial Reporting
ACCTG442Auditing 1
ACCTG641Accounting Theory And History
ACCTG642Accounting Research and Communication
AERO410Aerospace Studies/Regional Studies,Defense Policy
AERO410Aerospace Studies/Regional Studies,Defense Policy
AGCOM590New Media Technology
AGCOM610Crisis Communication
AGEC120Agricultural Economics And Agribusiness
AGEC121Honors Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
AGEC308Farm And Ranch Management
AGEC318Food And Agribusiness Management
AGEC500Production Economics
AGEC505Agricultural Market Structures
AGEC525Natural Resource And Environmental Economics
AGEC598Farm Management Strategy
AGEC610Current Agricultural And Natural Resource Policy Issues
ANTH200Introduction To Cultural Anthropology
ANTH200Introduction To Cultural Anthropology
ANTH204A General Education Introduction To Cultural Anthropology
ANTH204A General Education Introduction To Cultural Anthropology
ANTH210Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Honors
ANTH220Introduction To Linguistic Anthropology
ANTH260Introduction To Archaeology
ANTH260Introduction To Archaeology
ANTH310Environmental Anthropology: Living with Change in the Anthropocene
ANTH314Introduction to the World's Religions
ANTH315Introduction to Medical Anthropology
ANTH501Proficiency Developm - Top/Archaeol Assist
ANTH501Proficiency Developm - Top/Cult Anth Assist
ANTH501Proficiency Developm - Top/Ling Anth Assist
ANTH501Proficiency Developm - Top/Phys Anth Assist
ANTH560Archaeological Fact or Fiction
ANTH560Archaeological Fact or Fiction
AT330Dress and Human Behavior
AT330Dress and Human Behavior
AVT340Human Factors In Aviation
BUS110Introduction To Business
CNRES300Introduction to Conflict Resolution
CNRES529Understanding Trauma and Traumatic Stress
CNRES531Core Conflict Resolution
CNRES532Conflict Resolution Across Cultures & Contexts
COMM320Theories In Human Communication
COMM322Interpersonal Communication
COMM322Interpersonal Communication
COMM325Argumentation And Debate
COMM326Small Group Discussion Methods
COMM332Communication & Technology
COMM434Rhetoric And Social Movements
COMM435Political Communication
ECED310Early Childhood
ECED466Language Development
ECED566Emergent Literacy
ECON110Principles Of Macroeconomics
ECON110Principles Of Macroeconomics
ECON120Principles Of Microeconomics
ECON499Honors Project
ECON510Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON520Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON521Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECON524Sports Economics
ECON530Money And Banking
ECON536Comparative Economics
ECON540Managerial Economics
ECON555Urban And Regional Economics
ECON595Prb/Economics - Top/Vary By Student
ECON605Economic Applications of Game Theory and Strategic Behavior
ECON630Introduction to Econometrics
ECON631Principles Of Transportation
ECON681International Economics
ECON682Development Economics
ECON686Economics Forecasting
EDCEP103Healthful And Safe College Life
EDCEP120Academic And Career Decisions
EDCEP202Career And Life Planning
EDCEP360Peer Health Education and Leadership
EDCEP525Interpersonal Relations In The Schools
EDEL462Teaching Social Studies: K-6
EDSEC528Soc Studies Colloquium
EDSEC544Social Studies Methods for Secondary and Middle Schools
FNDH120Introduction To Athletic Training
FNDH121Introduction To Athletic Training Lab
FNDH560Management In Dietetics
FNDH600Public Health Nutrition
FNDH600Public Health Nutrition
GENAG582Natural Resources/Environmental Sciences Project
GEOG200Human Geography
GEOG300Geography Of Tourism
GEOG508Geographic Information Systems 1
GEOL125Natural Disasters
GERON315Introduction To Gerontology
GERON710Creativity and Aging
GNHE310Human Needs
HDFS110Introduction to Human Development
HDFS110Introduction to Human Development
HDFS301Helping Relationships
HDFS302Introduction to Human Sexuality
HDFS350Family Relationships and Gender Roles
HDFS375Introduction to Research Methods in Human Development and Family Science
HDFS506Middle Childhood and Adolescence
HDFS510Human Development and Aging
HDFS510Human Development and Aging
HDFS550Family Theory & Science
HDFS552Families and Diversity
HDFS580HDFS Internship
HDFS585Professional Seminar in Human Development and Family Science
HDFS590Professional Capstone in Human Development and Family Science
HDFS670Working with Parents
HM621Hospitality Law
HORT791Urban Agriculture
HORT791Urban Agriculture
IAPD435Iapd Design Studio 3
ID210Design And Behavior In The Interior Environment
ID210Design And Behavior In The Interior Environment
KIN345Exercise Behavioral Science
KIN345Exercise Behavioral Science
KIN600Interpersonal Aspects of Physical Activity
KIN602Social Structural Determinants of Physical Activity
KIN610Program Planning and Evaluation
KIN610Program Planning and Evaluation
KIN612Policy, Built Environment and Physical Activity
KIN612Policy, Built Environment and Physical Activity
KIN614Physical Activity Behavior Settings: Youth Sport to Senior Centers
KIN655Individual Physical Activity Promotion
KIN655Individual Physical Activity Promotion
LEAD320Theories of Leadership
LEAD399Internships for Career Development
LEAD450Senior Seminar In Leadership
MANGT390Business Law 1
MANGT420Principles of Mangt
MANGT420Principles of Mangt
MANGT520Organizational Behavior
MANGT530Industrial And Labor Relations
MANGT531Human Resources Management
MANGT560Management Of Diversity In The Workplace
MANGT590International Management
MANGT596Business Ethics and Corporate Citizenship
MANGT596Business Ethics and Corporate Citizenship
MANGT623Compensation And Performance Management
MC120Principles Of Advertising
MC576Mass Communications and Political Campaigns
MKTG400Introduction to Marketing
MKTG400Introduction to Marketing
MKTG450Consumer Behavior
MKTG542Fundamentals of Professional Selling
MKTG543Integrated Marketing Communications
MKTG544International Marketing
MKTG550Business Marketing
MKTG560Sales Force Leadership
MKTG580Marketing Analytics Fundamentals
MKTG581Applications of Marketing Analytics
MKTG630Sports Marketing
MKTG635Digital Marketing
MLANG600Principles Of Linguistics: Language Structure and Language Use
PFP105Introduction To Personal Financial Planning
PFP305Advanced Personal Financial Planning
PFP310Family And Consumer Economics
POLSC110Introduction To Political Science
POLSC115U. S. Politics
POLSC135Introduction To Comparative Politics
POLSC301Introduction To Political Thought
POLSC321Kansas Politics And Government
POLSC333World Politics
POLSC377Introduction To Public Policy
POLSC400Political Inquiry And Analysis
POLSC499Honors Project
POLSC507Introduction To Public Administration
POLSC527Comparative Political Corruption
POLSC540Global Security Threats
POLSC576Mass Communications and Political Campaigns
POLSC601Top/Political Science - Top/Race, Ethnicity & Politics
POLSC601Top/Political Science - Top/U.S. Ener: Path to Sustain
POLSC614Constitutional Law
POLSC620State And Local Government
POLSC647International Law
POLSC663Early Modern Political Thought
POLSC667American Political Thought
PSYCH110General Psychology
PSYCH110General Psychology
PSYCH110General Psychology
PSYCH202Drugs And Behavior
PSYCH280Psychology Of Childhood And Adolescence
PSYCH400Practicum In Teaching Psychology
PSYCH425Judgement & Decision Making
PSYCH430Forensic Psychology
PSYCH450Applications Of Memory
PSYCH460Cognitive Psychology
PSYCH499Honors Project
PSYCH505Abnormal Psychology
PSYCH520Lifespan Personality Development
PSYCH535Social Psychology
PSYCH545Consumer Psychology
PSYCH560Industrial Psychology
PSYCH565Occupational Health Psychology
PSYCH580Psychology Of Sexual Behavior
PSYCH599Prb/Psychology - Top/Cognit Pro
PSYCH599Prb/Psychology - Top/Indust Psy
PSYCH599Prb/Psychology - Top/Perception
PSYCH599Prb/Psychology - Top/Person Soc
PSYCH599Prb/Psychology - Top/Physiol Psych
PSYCH599Prb/Psychology - Top/Psych Ohp
PSYCH599Problems In Psychology
PSYCH620Psychology Of Personality
PSYCH650Psychology Of Language
SOCIO211Introduction To Sociology
SOCIO211Introduction To Sociology
SOCIO360Social Problems
SOCIO363Global Problems
SOCIO423Methods Of Social Research 1
SOCIO431Comparative Social Theories
SOCIO460Youth and Crime
SOCIO463Gangs in American Society
SOCIO500Contemporary Issues - Top/Migration & Development
SOCIO531Urban Sociology
SOCIO533Society, Food, and Agriculture
SOCIO536Environmental Socio
SOCIO545The Sociology Of Women
SOCIO550Technocrime, Security, and Society
SOCIO562Study of Serial Murder
SOCIO665Women And Crime
SOCWK100Social Work: The Helping Profession
SOCWK100Social Work: The Helping Profession
SOCWK315Human Behavior in the Social Environment 1
SOCWK315Human Behavior in the Social Environment 1
SOCWK320Dynamics of Working with Older Adults
SPAN580Introduction to Spanish Linguistics