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K-State 8 areas

CourseTitleK-State 8
ACCTG641Accounting Theory And History
AERO210Aerospace Studies 2a
AERO210Aerospace Studies 2a
AERO211Aerospace Studies 2b
AERO211Aerospace Studies 2b
AGEC410Agricultural Policy
AGEC632Agribusiness Logistics
AMETH160Introduction To American Ethnic Studies
AMETH351African Amer Perspect - Top/Liberation Theology
AMETH351African Amer Perspect - Top/Sex,HIV/AIDS & Black Comm
AMETH352Amer Indian Persp - Top/HipHop-MadNativeBeats
AMETH352Amer Indian Persp - Top/HipHop-MadNativeBeats
ANTH260Introduction To Archaeology
ANTH260Introduction To Archaeology
ANTH280Introduction to Biological Anthropology
ANTH383Plagues: the Co-Evolutionary History of Humans and Pathogens
ARCH301Appreciation Of Architecture
ARCH350History Of The Designed Environment 3
ART102Ceramics for Non-majors
ART195Survey of Western Art History I
ART545Twentieth Century Art History I: Post-Impressionism to Cubism
ART568Alternative Processes in Photography
ART602Twentieth Century Art History III: Abstract Expressionism to Pop Art
ART622Baroque Art History
ASI405Fundamentals Of Milk Processing
AT430History Of Apparel Fashion: Renaissance To Present
AVT100Introduction to Aviation
BME200Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
CLSCS501Classical Literature in Translation
CMST250Hardware and Network Fundamentals
CNS110History of Building And Construction
COMM330Rhetoric In Western Thought
COMM430Freedom Of Speech
COMM435Political Communication
DANCE205Dance As An Art Form
DAS300The Great Conversation: Primary Text Certificate Core Course
ECED410Introduction To Early Childhood Education
EDCI310Foundations of Education
EDEL462Teaching Social Studies: K-6
EDSEC528Soc Studies Colloquium
EDSEC620Principles & Philosophy of Career & Technical Education
ENGL260British Literature
ENGL287Great Books
ENGL297Honors Introduction To The Humanities 1
ENGL350Introduction To Shakespeare
ENGL361British Survey 1
ENGL362British Survey 2
ENGL381American Survey 1
ENGL382American Survey 2
ENGL435Linguistics For Teachers Of English
ENGL625Rdg/18th C Brit Lit - Top/Goths/Monsters
ENVD250History Of The Designed Environment 1
ENVD650Italian, Art, History and Culture
FREN521Introduction to French Literature (Medieval to 18th Century)
FREN530Top/Fren/Fran Lit & Cul - Top/Practicum in FrenTheatre
GEOG100World Regional Geog
GEOG100World Regional Geog
GEOG310Geography of Kansas
GEOL100Earth In Action
GEOL100Earth In Action
GEOL102Earth Through Time
GRMN521Intro Topics In German Literature & Culture 18th/19th Cent
GRMN526Business German
GRMN529Special Studies In German
GWSS325Queer Studies/Concepts, History, and Politics
GWSS405Resistance and Movements for Social Change
HIST101Western Civilization:The Rise Of Europe
HIST102Western Civilization:The Modern Era
HIST111World History To 1450
HIST112World Hist From 1450
HIST200Top/History F & S - Top/US Mil Hist-1775 Present
HIST251Hist Us To 1877
HIST252Hist US Since 1877
HIST297Honors Introduction To The Humanities 1
HIST498Senior Thesis
HIST499Honors Project
HIST507China Since 1644
HIST514World War 2
HIST515History Of Sport
HIST520Death And Dying In History
HIST523A History Of The Occult And Witchcraft
HIST525Colonial America
HIST533Top/Hist Of Americas - Top/Food in America
HIST533Top/Hist Of Americas - Top/Manifest Destiny
HIST533Top/Hist Of Americas - Top/US Culture % Civ Aviation
HIST534Social History Of Medicine
HIST536The American West
HIST556Bill Of Rights In American History
HIST558History Of Kansas
HIST570Europe In The Seventeenth Century
HIST572Nineteenth-Century Europe
HIST578Central Europe, 1500-1914
HIST597Top/European History - Top/Vikings
HIST598Top/Non-Western Hist - Top/History of Islam
HIST650Internship In History
HM120Introduction to the Hospitality Industry
IAPD416History Of Furniture
ID320History Of Interior Design 1
MANGT530Industrial And Labor Relations
MC110Mass Communication In Society
MC466Law of Mass Comm
MUSIC170History of Rock and Roll
MUSIC220Top/In Music - Top/Keyboard
MUSIC220Top/In Music - Top/Music Education
MUSIC220Top/In Music - Top/Strings
MUSIC220Top/In Music - Top/Theory, Hist & Composition
MUSIC220Top/In Music - Top/Voice
MUSIC220Top/In Music - Top/Wind & Percussion
MUSIC245Introduction To American Music
MUSIC250Introduction To Music
MUSIC311Women in Music
MUSIC311Women in Music
MUSIC340Introduction to Film Music
MUSIC405Music For Elementary Teachers
MUSIC405Music For Elementary Teachers
MUSIC420History Of Jazz
MUSIC530Music History 1 Ancient Greece Through 1700
MUSIC532Music History 3 1850 To The Present
PHILO501Perspectives on Science
PLAN315Introduction to City Planning
PLAN315Introduction to City Planning
PLAN640Urban Design and Development
POLSC115U. S. Politics
POLSC321Kansas Politics And Government
POLSC576Mass Communications and Political Campaigns
POLSC614Constitutional Law
POLSC620State And Local Government
SOCIO510Social Welfare As A Social Institution
SOCIO531Urban Sociology
SOCWK100Social Work: The Helping Profession
SOCWK100Social Work: The Helping Profession
SOCWK510Social Welfare As A Social Institution
SPAN302Spanish for Heritage Speakers
SPAN550Introduction To Literature In Spanish
SPAN560Introduction to U.S. Latino/a Literature and Culture in Spanish
SPAN566Span/Amer Civilization
THTRE270Introduction To Theatre
THTRE573History Of Theatre 2
UAS270Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Systems
WOEM570Internship for Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management