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K-State 8 areas

CourseTitleK-State 8
AERO410Aerospace Studies/Regional Studies,Defense Policy
AERO410Aerospace Studies/Regional Studies,Defense Policy
AGEC315Contemporary Issues in Global Food and Agricultural Systems
AGEC420Commodity Futures
AGEC570Food Manufacturing, Distribution, And Retailing Economics
AGEC599Food And Agribusiness Management Strategy
AGEC615Global Agricultural and Economic Development
AGEC623International Agricultural Trade
AGEC632Agribusiness Logistics
ANTH200Introduction To Cultural Anthropology
ANTH200Introduction To Cultural Anthropology
ANTH204A General Education Introduction To Cultural Anthropology
ANTH204A General Education Introduction To Cultural Anthropology
ANTH210Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Honors
ANTH310Environmental Anthropology: Living with Change in the Anthropocene
ANTH314Introduction to the World's Religions
ANTH525Language and Culture
ARAB101Arabic 1
ARAB201Arabic III
ARCH413Environmental Systems In Architecture 1
ASI595Contemporary Issues In Animal Science And Agriculture
AT350Our Sustainable World: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities
AT350Our Sustainable World: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities
BAE231Biological Systems Engineering Project II
BIOL303Ecology of Environmental Problems
BIOL330Public Health Biology
BUS315Supervisory Management
CHINE101Chinese 1
CHINE300Chinese III
CHINE501Chinese 5
CHINE599Special Studies In Chinese
CHM315Environmental Science: A Chemistry Perspective
CNRES532Conflict Resolution Across Cultures & Contexts
COMM480Intercultural Communication
DANCE350West African Styles of Social Dance and Music
DAS151Advanced English Speaking I for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS152Advanced English Writing I
DAS153Advanced English Reading I for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS154Advanced English Listening I for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS162Advanced English Writing II for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS163Advanced English Reading II for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS164Advanced English Listening II for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS166Advanced English Writing III for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS455Violence, Nonviolence and Social Change
DAS507Senior Research In Latin American Studies
DAS525Senior Research In International Studies
ECE590Senior Design Experience I
ECED310Early Childhood
ECED597Home, School, And Community Partnerships
ECON110Principles Of Macroeconomics
ECON110Principles Of Macroeconomics
ECON536Comparative Economics
ECON580Senior Seminar In Economics
ECON681International Economics
ECON682Development Economics
EDEL414Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners
ENTOM312General Entomology
FINAN643International Financial Management
FNDH557Administration Of Athletic Training Programs
FNDH600Public Health Nutrition
FNDH600Public Health Nutrition
FREN101French I
FREN102French II
FREN300French III
FREN301French IV
FREN301French IV
FREN501Readings In French
FREN518French Conversation
FREN519Special Studies In French
GENAG225Fundamentals of Global Food Systems Leadership
GENAG505Comparative Agriculture
GENBA675Internationl Bus Exp
GEOG100World Regional Geog
GEOG100World Regional Geog
GEOG200Human Geography
GEOG300Geography Of Tourism
GEOL115Environmental Geology
GRMN101German I
GRMN102German II
GRMN300German III
GRMN301German IV
GRMN523German Composition
GRMN526Business German
GRMN529Special Studies In German
GRSC101Intro Gr Sci/Indust
GWSS405Resistance and Movements for Social Change
HIST101Western Civilization:The Rise Of Europe
HIST102Western Civilization:The Modern Era
HIST111World History To 1450
HIST112World Hist From 1450
HIST507China Since 1644
HIST514World War 2
HIST520Death And Dying In History
HIST570Europe In The Seventeenth Century
HIST572Nineteenth-Century Europe
HIST578Central Europe, 1500-1914
HIST597Top/European History - Top/Vikings
HIST598Top/Non-Western Hist - Top/History of Islam
HM120Introduction to the Hospitality Industry
HM424Hospitality Sales and Promotion
IAPD307Iapd Design Studio 1
ID350Our Sustainable World: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities
ITAL101Italian I
ITAL300Italian III
JAPAN101Japanese I
JAPAN300Japanese III
JAPAN591Japanese 5
KIN612Policy, Built Environment and Physical Activity
KIN612Policy, Built Environment and Physical Activity
LAR101Introduction to Landscape Architecture
LAR101Introduction to Landscape Architecture
LATIN101Latin I
LATIN301Intermediate Latin-Prose.
LEAD225Fundamentals of Global Food Systems Leadership
LEAD350Culture And Context In Leadership
MANGT590International Management
MANGT660Supp Chain Plan/Control
MANGT662Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Design
MC572Global Mass Communication
MET481Automated Manufacturing Systems 2
MKTG544International Marketing
MLANG280Studs/Wrld Lit/Culture - Top/War & Memory 20thC Europe
MLANG398Studies in Foreign Language
MLANG600Principles Of Linguistics: Language Structure and Language Use
MSCI301Leading Small Military Organizations 1
MSCI306Leaders Development and Assessment Course
MSCI351Military Leadership Studies And Practical Applications
MSCI401Leadership Challenges And Objective-Setting
MSCI501Advanced Transition To Lieutenant 1
MUSIC249Introduction to Music of the World
NE495Elements Nucl Engg
PLAN667Transportation Planning
PMC275Introduction To Natural Resource Management
POLSC110Introduction To Political Science
POLSC135Introduction To Comparative Politics
POLSC333World Politics
POLSC527Comparative Political Corruption
POLSC540Global Security Threats
POLSC647International Law
PSYCH650Psychology Of Language
RUSSN101Russian I
RUSSN300Russian III
SOCIO363Global Problems
SOCIO431Comparative Social Theories
SOCIO507International Development and Social Change
SOCIO618Religion In Culture
SPAN101Spanish I
SPAN102Spanish II
SPAN300Spanish III
SPAN301Spanish IV
SPAN410Spanish Composition And Grammar
SPAN410Spanish Composition And Grammar
SPAN411Spanish for Heritage Speakers: Composition and Grammar
SPAN420Spanish Conversation
SPAN530Prof Spanish/Business - Top/Prof Bus Emphas
SPAN566Span/Amer Civilization