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K-State 8 areas

CourseTitleK-State 8
AERO310Officer Leadership Studies 3a
AGCOM610Crisis Communication
AGEC202Small Business Operations
AMETH160Introduction To American Ethnic Studies
AMETH351African Amer Perspect - Top/Liberation Theology
AMETH351African Amer Perspect - Top/Sex,HIV/AIDS & Black Comm
AMETH352Amer Indian Persp - Top/HipHop-MadNativeBeats
AMETH352Amer Indian Persp - Top/HipHop-MadNativeBeats
AMETH460Independent Reading And Research In American Ethnic Studies
AMETH560Top/Amer Ethnic Stdy - Top/Misrepresented in Media
AMETH560Top/Amer Ethnic Stdy - Top/Pop Culture Mex America
AMETH560Top/Amer Ethnic Stdy - Top/Pop Culture Mex America
AMETH660Independent Reading And Research In American Ethnic Studies
ANTH220Introduction To Linguistic Anthropology
ANTH315Introduction to Medical Anthropology
AVT100Introduction to Aviation
BME200Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
COMM322Interpersonal Communication
COMM322Interpersonal Communication
COMM323Nonverbal Communication
COMM332Communication & Technology
COMM480Intercultural Communication
COMM535Communication And Leadership
COMM537Negotiation and Communication
DAS151Advanced English Speaking I for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS153Advanced English Reading I for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS154Advanced English Listening I for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS162Advanced English Writing II for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS163Advanced English Reading II for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS164Advanced English Listening II for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS166Advanced English Writing III for Non-native Speakers of English
DAS175Business Communications for Non-Native Speakers
ECED597Home, School, And Community Partnerships
EDCI310Foundations of Education
EDEL414Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners
EDSEC455Teaching In A Multicultural Society
EDSP323Exceptional Student In The Secondary School
EDSP324Exceptional Child In The Regular Classroom
ENGL270American Literature
ENGL285Introduction to American Ethnic Literatures
ENGL384Multicultural Children's Literature
ENGL389Latina/o Literatures
ENGL435Linguistics For Teachers Of English
ENGL655Rdg/Ethnic Literatur - Top/African Am Lit
GEOG310Geography of Kansas
GERON315Introduction To Gerontology
GRSC530Management Applications In Grain Processing Industries
GWSS105Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
GWSS300Select Studies of GWSS - Top/Race/Sex/Science
GWSS325Queer Studies/Concepts, History, and Politics
GWSS505IS/GWSS - Top/Vary By Student
GWSS510Research Methods in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
HDFS110Introduction to Human Development
HDFS110Introduction to Human Development
HDFS301Helping Relationships
HDFS510Human Development and Aging
HDFS510Human Development and Aging
HDFS552Families and Diversity
HDFS670Working with Parents
HIST251Hist Us To 1877
HIST252Hist US Since 1877
HIST515History Of Sport
HIST523A History Of The Occult And Witchcraft
HIST525Colonial America
HIST533Top/Hist Of Americas - Top/Food in America
HIST533Top/Hist Of Americas - Top/Manifest Destiny
HIST533Top/Hist Of Americas - Top/US Culture % Civ Aviation
HIST534Social History Of Medicine
HIST536The American West
HIST558History Of Kansas
HM482Human Resource Management in the Hospitality
HORT190Pre-Internship In Horticulture
ID651Designing Supportive Environments
ID651Designing Supportive Environments
IMSE623Industrial Ergonomics
KIN220Biobehavioral Bases Of Physical Activity
KIN220Biobehavioral Bases Of Physical Activity
LEAD212Introduction To Leadership Concepts
LEAD251Honors Leadership I
LEAD350Culture And Context In Leadership
MANGT520Organizational Behavior
MANGT531Human Resources Management
MANGT560Management Of Diversity In The Workplace
MC612Gender, Class, Race, and the Media
MKTG450Consumer Behavior
MSCI206Leaders Training Course
MUSIC245Introduction To American Music
MUSIC420History Of Jazz
PMC110Environmental Education and Leadership
POLSC377Introduction To Public Policy
POLSC507Introduction To Public Administration
PPIL387Crew Resource Management I
PSYCH556Multicultural Psychology
PSYCH565Occupational Health Psychology
PSYCH580Psychology Of Sexual Behavior
PSYCH586Laboratory In Clinical Concepts
PSYCH587Field Placement
SOCIO211Introduction To Sociology
SOCIO211Introduction To Sociology
SOCIO361Criminal Justice System
SOCIO362Police And Society
SOCIO463Gangs in American Society
SOCIO510Social Welfare As A Social Institution
SOCIO545The Sociology Of Women
SOCIO665Women And Crime
SOCWK315Human Behavior in the Social Environment 1
SOCWK315Human Behavior in the Social Environment 1
SOCWK320Dynamics of Working with Older Adults
SOCWK510Social Welfare As A Social Institution
SPAN302Spanish for Heritage Speakers
SPAN560Introduction to U.S. Latino/a Literature and Culture in Spanish
THTRE665Drama Therapy With Special Populations