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If no dates are listed directly under a course, then the course meets Monday, August 21, 2017 through Friday, December 8, 2017.

K-State 8 areas
General Education courseENTOM301Insects And People
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ALEC115113M  W  F10:30 - 11:20 a.m.WA 041booksZolnerowich, Gregory
  • ENTOM 301, Section A: First-year students only. First-Year Seminar.
BLEC148483M  W  F1:30 - 2:20 p.m.S 1019booksRuberson, John R
  • ENTOM 301, Section B: Enrollment open to all grade levels.
ENTOM305Animal Health Entomology
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ALEC115122OPT  T  U11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.S 1019booksZurek, LudekNone
ENTOM306Animal Health Entomology Laboratory
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ALAB115131OPT    W12:30 - 2:20 p.m.WA 124BbooksZurek, LudekNone
ENTOM312General Entomology
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ALEC115143OPTM  W9:30 - 10:20 a.m.WA 328booksMarshall, Jeremy
Phillips, Thomas W
01BLAB15238M12:30 - 2:20 p.m.WA 124AbooksZolnerowich, Gregory
Marshall, Jeremy
Phillips, Thomas W
02BLAB15240  T12:30 - 2:20 p.m.WA 124AbooksZolnerowich, Gregory
Marshall, Jeremy
Phillips, Thomas W
03BLAB15239M2:30 - 4:20 p.m.WA 124AbooksZolnerowich, Gregory
Marshall, Jeremy
Phillips, Thomas W
ENTOM320Horticultural Entomology
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ALEC139763OPT  T  U8:30 - 9:20 a.m.WA 041booksNechols, James R
01BLAB13977      U12:30 - 2:20 p.m.WA 124AbooksNechols, James RNone
02BLAB13978      U2:30 - 4:20 p.m.WA 124AbooksNechols, James RNone
ENTOM499Undergraduate Research Experience
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ARSH167890-3AppointmentbooksMarshall, Jeremy
Ruberson, John R
ENTOM589Turfgrass Insects and Their Management
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ALEC170061M  W9:30 - 10:20 a.m.WA 124AbooksNechols, James RNone
  • Section meets from October 30 through December 8, 2017.
01BLAB17007        F9:30 - 11:20 a.m.WA 124AbooksNechols, James RNone
  • Section meets from October 30 through December 8, 2017.
ENTOM612Insect Pest Diagnosis
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ALEC168572OPT    W11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.TH 1021booksMcCornack, Brian P
01BLAB16859    W12:30 - 2:20 p.m.WA 124AbooksMcCornack, Brian P
02BLAB16858    W2:30 - 4:20 p.m.WA 124AbooksMcCornack, Brian P
ENTOM710Insect Taxonomy
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ALEC168603  T  U9:30 - 10:20 a.m.WA 126booksZolnerowich, GregoryNone
01BLAB16861  T1:30 - 4:20 p.m.WA 124BbooksZolnerowich, GregoryNone
ENTOM799Prb/Entomology - Top/Vary By Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
AIND140751-18AppointmentbooksRuberson, John RNone
BIND183241-18AppointmentbooksRuberson, John RNone
ENTOM849Biology of Disease Vectors of Human and Veterinary Importance
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
   Meets August 21 - December 8, 2017:    W  F10:30 - 11:20 a.m.WA 126Londono, Berlin Luxelly
   Meets August 21 - December 8, 2017:        F3:30 - 5:20 p.m.WA 124ALondono, Berlin Luxelly
ENTOM893Issues In Insect Ecology
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
  • This section has been cancelled.
ENTOM898Report In Entomology
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ARSH115151-18CNCAppointmentbooksRuberson, John RNone
ENTOM899Master's Research In Entomology
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ARSH115161-18CNCAppointmentbooksRuberson, John RNone
ENTOM910Insect Genetics
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ALEC168643OPTM  W  F11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.WA 126booksMarshall, JeremyNone
ENTOM930Top/Env Physiol Ent
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
BLEC162751-18  T  U2:30 - 5:00 p.m.WA 124BbooksPark, YoonseongNone
ENTOM930Top/Env Physiol Ent - Top/Vary By Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ALEC131301-18AppointmentbooksRuberson, John RNone
CLEC183192AppointmentbooksRuberson, John RNone
  • This section is closed.
ENTOM932Top/Gen Sys Entom - Top/Vary By Student
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ALEC131311-18AppointmentbooksRuberson, John RNone
ENTOM995Entomology Seminar
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ASEM115171CNC  T4:00 - 5:00 p.m.WA 231booksRuberson, John RNone
ENTOM999Research In Entomology
SectionTypeNumberUnitsBasisDaysHoursFacilityBooksInstructorK-State 8
ARSH115181-18CNCAppointmentbooksRuberson, John RNone
K-State 8 areas

General Education course indicates the course has been approved for university general education credit.